Thread: Hullo
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Old 02-23-2004, 10:25 AM
taya17 taya17 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 3,170

[color=#000000ost_uid0][quoteost_uid0="Nic Corelli"]About the "Khazad-whatever city", it`s where I grew up, actually, Â I have many (Orc) friends there, too, Â :madder:[/quoteost_uid0]
WHoooooops. My bad :dead: Should I start running now?
::glances at the angry smileys in post::
Think the answer's yes.

[quoteost_uid0]Weeeel... I still have no idea why you want to move here in the first place[/quoteost_uid0]

One word: COASTLINE.
My god, have you [iost_uid0]seen[/iost_uid0] pictures of the Adriatic Sea! It makes me want to drop everything and migrate there right away. Where I'll spend the whole day on the beach in a bikini and pink mink coat, freezing my legs off while trying to pick up hot women.

Yeah, dreaaaammmm onnnnn. Who am I kidding, anyway! [/colorost_uid0]
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