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Old 04-07-2003, 05:33 PM
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Derek Derek is offline
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[color=#000000:post_uid0]Just playing around with what sax put up. I actually like what we already have, but I wanted to have some fun while I'm on my lunch hour.

By the way, I prefer the M&M thing to the DayQuil, but I put in a DayQuil joke anyway.

[b:post_uid0]Trinity:[/b:post_uid0] We're here. Now, be honest -- he knows more than you can possibly imagine.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Huh. I seem to get that a lot.
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Hello, Neo. I know you have a question that is eating away at you, and now you can ask that question.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Sweet! Then you can tell me where I can get shades like that?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] I'm going to pretend I heard "What is the Matrix?"

[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] It's quite simple. Take the NyQuil and you'll wake up thinking this was a dream. Take the DayQuil, and you can see what the Matrix really is.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] DayQuil?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] It's the kung-fu fighting, high-jumping, bullet-dodging, spoon-denying, agent-killing so you can be The One medicine.

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] mirror's gone all funky....
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Ah, the pill is starting to have its effect.
[b:post_uid0]Trinity:[/b:post_uid0] Actually, he's like this all the time.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Mmmm....shiny....

[b:post_uid0]Robot:[/b:post_uid0] Hey! I can see his head! It's a boy!
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Sigh. As if the birth symbolism wasn't obvious enough.
[b:post_uid0]Robot:[/b:post_uid0] I think you mean [i:post_uid0]rebirth[/i:post_uid0].
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] No, rebirth is done with water.
[b:post_uid0]Robot:[/b:post_uid0] That can be arranged.
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Hey look, everyone! It's a boy!
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Sigh.[/color:post_uid0]

"Please, Aslan," said Lucy, "what do you call soon?"
"I call all times soon," said Aslan; and instantly he vanished away and Lucy was alone with the Magician.