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Old 04-05-2003, 02:27 AM
Wonko The Sane Wonko The Sane is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 169
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[color=#000000ost_uid0] goes:

Trinity: Alright, we're here. Now don't fib, because if you do you won't be getting any cookies later.
Neo: aww...

Morpheus: Hey
Neo: Hey
Morpheus: I'm here to tell you the truth about your world.
Neo: I'm confused
Morpheus: You ever played Everquest?
Neo: Ummmm....
Morpheus: Here, take a pill, you'll understand later.

Neo: mirror's gone all funky...
Morpheus: Ah, the pill is starting to have it's effect.
Trinity: Actually, he's like this all the time.
Neo: mmmm....shiny....

Neo: ACK! I'm covered in slime! What the spluck happened last night?
Robot: Hiya
Neo: Was it something I ate?
(Neo gets flushed)
Neo: This is the best waterslide EVER!

Morpheus: Welcome to the real world
Neo: Can I go down the slide again?
Morpheus: Oh god, what have I done?

EDIT: This is my [iost_uid0]very[/iost_uid0] first attempt at the fiver style, so any kind of imput on this is welcome![/colorost_uid0]

Godfather of the wifflebat mafia.

Bears are crazy, they\'ll bite your head off if you\'re wearing steak on it.