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Old 08-14-2003, 01:13 PM
CNash CNash is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: South-East London, England
Posts: 5

[color=#000000ost_uid0]I'll vote for the drinking-fountain martial arts scene - and also for the *distant splat*.

But how about:

Neo: Missed...dang.
Morpheus: C'mon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!
Neo: Damn, missed again!
Morpheus: C'mon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!
Neo: Why can't I touch you?!
Morpheus: C'mon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!
Neo: ... ok, this is freaky now.
Morpheus: C'mon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!
Tank: Oh no, Neo made Morpheus crash...
Trinity: Again? How many times is that now?
Tank: I stopped keeping track a while ago. Ctrl-Alt-Delete...

It needs work, though, and I can't think of a good ending to the block.[/colorost_uid0]
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