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Zeke 08-20-2003 05:34 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]And now, FINALLY, [i:post_uid0]This Just In[/i:post_uid0]'s new look is done. Â This is one set of changes I'm not going to talk your ear off about, because they speak for themselves. Â Check out Ki's last article (reload if it doesn't look different) and you'll see what I mean.

These changes are now in place on all the 2001 pages as well; I ran out of time before I could finish the 2002 and 2003 articles, so I'll do those tomorrow, and I'll also publish the new This Just In FAQ. Â Meanwhile, you can browse TJI's reorganized subsite and, if you like, read the "remastered" 2001 articles. Â There are thirteen in total, and the sharp-eyed will notice a little something extra with each one that wasn't in the original pages.

This is my most decisive format change for any part of the site in years, so I'm especially interested in what you think. Â Like the new TJI? Â Hate it? Â Post below and tell me why.

(Acknowledgments: SaRa, formerly of VVS9, did me a tremendous favour on short notice, adjusting the TJI logo to give it the look I wanted for the article pages. Â As you can see, she did a great job. Â I owe ya one, SR. Â Nan of 5MSG beta-tested the new design; she won't read this for a while because she's on her way to California, but I'm grateful to her too.)[/color:post_uid0]

Kristina 08-20-2003 07:06 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Nice touch! - especially the age feature on the 2001 issues. I like the logo, too. Â :) The newspaper look adds a lot to the general impression (I was going to say "look and feel", but how do you turn the pages on a screen?).[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 08-20-2003 12:02 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I really like both the header and the two-column format. The only thing I'm not sure about is the background image. As much as the TJI's still readable, I wonder if maybe just a solid background wouldn't look better. Either way it looks great.[/color:post_uid0]

evay 08-20-2003 01:17 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]gorgeous. I might take the newspaper image down another 10 to 20 percent for readability, but other than that -- a work of art. nice job.[/color:post_uid0]

Marc 08-20-2003 05:08 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Very nice redesign!

>> the sharp-eyed will notice a little something extra with each one that wasn't in the original pages. <<

Heheheh. Nice touch. Also, congratulations on the new incorporated status. :)

Just wondering: Kira's current fiver has a different background (plain grey) than the 2001 TJIs (simulated paper), and has a volume number (whereas the 2001s don't). Is the design used in her fiver some kind of experimental layout?[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 08-20-2003 07:42 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Thanks for the feedback, all. I knew the background would be the iffy part -- you should see the ones I rejected. For some reason, there doesn't seem to be a really good newsprint background anywhere on the Net. I looked for hours yesterday with no luck; if anyone has an idea where I might find a better one, I'd really like to hear it.

[quote:post_uid0]Marc wrote:
Just wondering: Kira's current fiver has a different background (plain grey) than the 2001 TJIs (simulated paper), and has a volume number (whereas the 2001s don't). Â Is the design used in her fiver some kind of experimental layout?[/quote:post_uid0]

It's more of an oops. I worked with hers first and based my template on that, but I did make a couple of small modifications to the template afterwards, and I forgot to apply them back to Ki's. I'll fix that with today's update. (By the way, the background [i:post_uid0]is[/i:post_uid0] there, but it's in a different HTML tag. I moved it when I realized some browsers didn't implement it correctly there.)[/color:post_uid0]

mudshark 08-20-2003 08:05 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I like the new look (very [i:post_uid0]newspaperly[/i:post_uid0]) and the Inc. status, as well. :D
[quote:post_uid0]Thanks for the feedback, all. Â I knew the background would be the iffy part -- you should see the ones I rejected. Â For some reason, there doesn't seem to be a really good newsprint background anywhere on the Net. Â I looked for hours yesterday with no luck; if anyone has an idea where I might find a better one, I'd really like to hear it.[/quote:post_uid0]No idea where to find this, but perhaps a background with the "yellowed around the edges" look that old newsprint gets when it's been sitting around a while? Just a thought -- the background you have works, too. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Gaukit Galdragon 08-22-2003 12:08 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I love the new logis on the sight. It looks way better having everything with the 5 behind it. :D

How come the size keeps changing though? Not that matters at all anyway. :)[/color:post_uid0]

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