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Burt 05-22-2007 09:48 PM

Problems with my Legacy
Ok, bit sad, me having an IT job and all, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get Star Trek Legacy to work on the PC. A stupid error thing comes up. I installed the patches and everything. Anyony else have this game and problem? What you think of the game anyway? I know it's supposed to be a bit crap, but that was said about Shattered Universe too. And I thought that was pretty good! I just can't wait to play as the NX Enterprise!
Deploy the Phase Cannons!

Dragon Frost 05-23-2007 01:27 PM

I had the same problem with Starfleet Command III (yes I have that game... I happen to like it too)

The problem was another Star Trek game (the original Armada) used an older directx driver. Its' protocalls over wrote the others and knackered the whole thing up I had to deleate every game and reinstall that one first with all the drivers running off that setup.

If only PC's were more like LCARS interface consols...

Burt 05-23-2007 05:36 PM

Yes, but then we run the risk of knocking the computer slightly, and it exploding in a lethal yet spectacular shower of sparks.
Hey ho.
I do want to get Starfleet command 3. Any good? What kinda specs it need?

Chancellor Valium 05-23-2007 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dragon Frost (Post 73749)
I had the same problem with Starfleet Command III (yes I have that game... I happen to like it too)

I love that game!

But my copy broke, and I haven't been able to find one for under about £80...

@Burt: It's very good, a couple of years old, extensively modded, and the ultimate PC-format Trek space-sim. The specs required aren't that OTT either, if I recall...But finding a reasonably-priced copy is like trying to buy bio-memetic gel...

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