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KillerGodMan 02-03-2005 02:25 AM

I wonder what's next...
Well, ENT has been canceled, so B&B are probably going to make a new series, at least, they BETTER make a new series, or else they're going to have an angry mob on their hands with me near the front holding a large gun...

ANYWAYS, I start this thread to speculate on what the next Star Trek is going to be....

Here's what I first thought; It'll take place after Voyager so It'll have new technology, maybe loosely based on the Q continum series of TNG books where they try to pass the Galatic Barrier...

That's what I think, what do you all think it'll be?

NeoMatrix 02-03-2005 03:31 AM

They could do Voyager: The Next Generation


MaverickZer0 02-03-2005 04:06 AM

Personally, I'm hoping it'll have something to do with Section 31.

Anything other than that will not have a chance of replacing Enterprise, in my book any ways.

Ginga 02-03-2005 06:33 AM

I almost think another series would doom us all. I think Trek needs a tiny break. Just a tiny one. Not enough to drive us all insane. They need time to think up really fresh ideas to impress people again.


richardson 02-03-2005 11:31 PM

Ah, they could use another 5-15 year hiatus, long enough for me to sneak onto the scene, and star as the captain of the next misfit, old-rust-buckety ship.

That would be fun.

NAHTMMM 02-04-2005 02:17 AM

I like the way the Gorkon series has been going so far...

*whistles innocently*

KillerGodMan 02-04-2005 06:25 PM

A year of Hiatus should be enough time for the writers to all get fired and and new writers to make a super-duper amazing character series.

Also, B&B should get fired to, sorry to anyone that like them, but I lost my faith in them after the C/7 scene.

richardson 02-04-2005 08:57 PM

nah, give it more time to cool off, and let better people move onto the scene!

Chancellor Valium 02-04-2005 08:59 PM

I'm afraid I think that ST has exhausted most ideas. Anything new so soon would feel hackneyed or a re-hash. Maybe they could do anoth TOS film first :wink:

KillerGodMan 02-05-2005 01:33 AM

Actually, they COULD make a seires that takes place at the same time as TNG, post- First Contact, where there is more advanced technology because of ENT, just to fix the continuity

Celeste 02-05-2005 03:35 AM

I don't believe that star trek needs a break. The stories are good, and still fresh (to me, anyway. I'm not the kind of person that pours over every episode looking for simularities like other trekkies i know.) But, with the movie doing badly, and now the last show, I truely believe that no network, and no film producers will ever back another Star Trek Show. At least not for a long time. Maybe in 20 years a new breed will come along and revive the series. But I don't think before then.

KillerGodMan 02-05-2005 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Celeste
I don't believe that star trek needs a break. The stories are good, and still fresh (to me, anyway. I'm not the kind of person that pours over every episode looking for simularities like other trekkies i know.) But, with the movie doing badly, and now the last show, I truely believe that no network, and no film producers will ever back another Star Trek Show. At least not for a long time. Maybe in 20 years a new breed will come along and revive the series. But I don't think before then.

Are you NUTS? Nelson ratings! THINK OF THE NELSON RATINGS! Tv stations are FIGHTING over Trek. Why? Because the nelson ratings state than Men aged 16-24 watch it as much as they watch sports, THAT'S why the made the movies, THAT'S why Trek still exists, because advertisers pay the producers carp-loads of money for commercial air time. Trek is going to be back in less than 5-10 years.

Chancellor Valium 02-05-2005 03:55 PM

I personally think ENTVS5 would be fun........but we'd need to work out a rough overall plot (CD etc) first...... :)

Celeste 02-05-2005 03:58 PM


Are you NUTS? Nelson ratings! THINK OF THE NELSON RATINGS! Tv stations are FIGHTING over Trek. Why? Because the nelson ratings state than Men aged 16-24 watch it as much as they watch sports, THAT'S why the made the movies, THAT'S why Trek still exists, because advertisers pay the producers carp-loads of money for commercial air time.
Oh yeah? if that's the case, then why did they cancel it? huh??

Chancellor Valium 02-05-2005 04:18 PM

Unless you two are pretending to be really annoyed, this is starting to sound like the US elections thread :wink:

PointyHairedJedi 02-05-2005 08:50 PM

Well, I can't believe that the Trek franchise is going to sit idle for any great length of time. I don't have any preference for what comes next though - first and formost I want to be surprised, to be given something new. I had hoped to see that with ENT itself, but it didn't really hit the mark,

KillerGodMan 02-06-2005 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Celeste

Are you NUTS? Nelson ratings! THINK OF THE NELSON RATINGS! Tv stations are FIGHTING over Trek. Why? Because the nelson ratings state than Men aged 16-24 watch it as much as they watch sports, THAT'S why the made the movies, THAT'S why Trek still exists, because advertisers pay the producers carp-loads of money for commercial air time.
Oh yeah? if that's the case, then why did they cancel it? huh??

Because Stargate SG-1 is ALSO watched by the same group, only more watch SG than ENT.

Zeke 02-06-2005 07:45 AM

Yeah, that idea was right up there with "Let's put ENT opposite Angel and Smallville!"

On the other hand, if Friday is all "the death slot," how come Stargate is still running?

Nan 02-06-2005 08:51 AM

It's not really that the Golden Demographic watches Stargate more than Enterprise. Stargate's fanbase hasn't had anything to divide it since Shanks returned, and it's had an effective and consistent publicity treatment from the various networks.

Enterprise has opposition from the moment of conception due to iffy or divisive decisions on the part of TPTB. Messing with canon, weird opening credits, not even called "Star Trek" for the first season... The Killer Bs at the helm (everyone is familiar with the sentiment that Voyager became Star Trek: Seven of Nine, for example, poisoning people to the idea of Braga's contribution)... Vulcan in catsuit... decon gel... disorganized writing... Etc. People perceived a lot of these decisions as a lack of respect to the fans on the part of B&B, and decided "I'm not watching it" without giving it a chance.

Angel and Firefly were very much cult shows heavy on arc and characterization which required long viewing to really understand. Stargate is less arc-based, less cult, and has been in a stronger position since the beginning. The network ordered 2 seasons off the bat, and then another two a year (I think) later, thus guaranteeing 4 seasons at the beginning of the series. Enterprise never got that treatment.

To me, it looks like severe mismanagement. ENT needed a WAY better media campaign, for one. B&B would have done well to make some gestures toward the existing fanbase early in the development of the concept to minimize the animosity. 'Course, hindsight is 20/20. And UPN's always sucked with management.


Opium 02-06-2005 09:31 AM

I agree with Trek taking a year off.

[wacky theory] Perhaps Trek fans got turned off due to lack of P/C, so they all decided to boycott Enterprise [/wacky theory]

Because of above [wacky theory] I think a series about Section 31 would be cool. Perhaps bring in Chris Carter. And Joss Whedon...together, they might re-vitalize things.

Section 31, or a show about Starfleet training? Something new, but not too new, which uses the original timeline, and uses tried-and-true stuff, but doesn't rely on it. A show of condtradictions, but not a lot, because then the audience will get confused.

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