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Zeke 12-22-2004 12:21 PM

December 20 and 21

I've decided to catch up by doing Days 2 and 3 of Voyager Week together. But first, the reason this took so long: the Voyager subsite is now fully converted to the PHP system! That's the last Trek subsite to get the upgrade, so we're making significant progress towards v4.0.

The Day 2 content is as follows....
<ul>[*]First up is IJD GAF's first VOY fiver in two years: Five-Minute "Jetrel."[*]Next we have Five-Minute "Initiations" by a first-time guest writer, Katy Jane, who's had a very long wait to see this published.[*]Our Top 10 list for the day is an offbeat one: the The Top 10 Super Friends Roles for Voyager Characters, a joint effort by Nan and Sa'ar Chasm (making this the first co-authored Top 10 list).[*]Finally, the panel discussion continues with Voyagers, part 2: "Alkalliances," by Kira.[/list]

And the Day 3 content....
<ul>[*]First Kira brings us a new VOY fiver (arguably her specialty), Five-Minute "The Chute."[*]Next is Marc Richard's long-awaited return to this subsite, Five-Minute "Remember" (Marc hasn't done a VOY fiver since the six he started out with).[*]IJD brings us The Top 10 Things Kirk Would Do With the Delta Flyer.[*]And rounding out the update, we have Voyagers, part 3: "Before 'The Gift' and After 'Worst Case Scenario'," by Derek Dean (note that you've now seen something from each staff member, and we're not even halfway in!).[/list]

Finally, two notes. First, I'm heading back to Ottawa for Christmas now, so for the next couple of weeks I won't be online as much (but I shouldn't have any problem making the remaining Voyager Week updates). Second, over at TripHammered -- which I'm starting to think of as 5MV's sister site -- evay has posted a rebuttal to my Top 10 list from Day 1. Check it out.

evay 12-22-2004 02:03 PM

I figured if I posted the list on my site with a link to yours, I'd get more traffic for both of us. :mrgreen:


Liria: Upon scanning them, we found large quantities of dihydrogen monoxide.
hee hee hee


Kim: That's not helping. It's this stupid clamp; I can't think straight.
Paris: We'd better fantasize about the Delaney sisters too.
O, the episode that launched a thousand 'shippers! 8)


Neelix: The Enarans have the final solution to that little problem. Here...rub these metal balls between your palms. They release a hydrocarbon-based disinfectant.
Chakotay: These people have some pretty impressive technology. What do they call this germicide?
Neelix: "Ethylic cleansing."


Brel: That's impossible. We have a strict ethical code of niceness which forbids such mental violations. At most, she is simply picking up random thoughts from our group.
Torres: I don't buy that. The dreams are structured into a coherent and utterly gripping narrative.
Brel: Perhaps you just have a subconscious talent for storytelling. Have you ever considered becoming a romance novelist?
Ooh, double B'Elanna ep reference! very nice.

Wade, The Sane Commodore 12-22-2004 04:43 PM


8. Install a jacuzzi
7. Install a yeoman
Yes! Go Kirk!

NeoMatrix 12-23-2004 12:42 AM


4 new Voyager fivers! Woooo hoooo!

Lots of good material to read

Ginga 12-23-2004 12:52 AM

*squee* Voyager fivers! *cue string of "OMG's"* And more Voyagers stuff! Yay! :D

This is the best 3 days before Christmas ever! :wink:

Xeroc 12-23-2004 05:58 AM

Wooo! Great Stuff Zeke, Kira, Marc Richard, IJD GAF, Derek Dean, Katy Jane, Nan, and Sa'ar Chasm! :D

Awesomely funny material which the quotes would not fit within the constrains of this post.

NAHTMMM 12-23-2004 06:42 PM


Jetrel: Your transporters are awesome. I've just spent the last hour or so transporting from one circle on the pad to another.
Heh. Come to think of it, I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone react that way to the transporters before now. ;)


Captain's Log: A logbook entry is a great way to dismiss long, heated discussions. In this case, the one where Kes convinced Neelix to stay in sickbay with Jetrel for an extended period of time.

Neelix: You know the worst thing about the Metryon Cascade? It killed everybody on an entire moon.
Jetrel: That's the only thing about the Metryon Cascade.
Neelix: Also, the little girl I found on the surface who could only cry out "Braaaiiins!"
Jetrel: That's from a scene in "Night of the Talaxian Zombies".
Neelix: You're a monster. And I hope you die tomorrow.
Heheheh. :mrgreen:


Neelix's Dream: I am allegorical.
Al Gore: And I am Al Gore.
I spent a few seconds with the first "allegorical" passage trying to make that play on words fit into the dialogue there. :oops:

Great fiver there! :D


Kazon 1: Well, will you look at that -- a Federation shuttle.
Kazon 2: Stupid Federation. I'll go blow them up.
Kazon 2: Why are you laughing evilly?
Kazon 1: I have no idea.


Neelex: I'm feeling underappreciated.
Janeway: That's nonsense. Your meals are almost edible.
Neelix: Awww... you really think so?


Kahr: What are you doing?
Chakotay: I'm trying to help you.
Kahr: Well, I wish you'd stop.
Starfleeters get that an AWFUL lot, don't they?


Kazon 2: We should go this way.
Tuvok: We should go this way.
Kazon 1: The Vulcan's right.
Tuvok: The Kazon was right.
Kazon 1: Ha ha ha! Suckers!

Kahr: Change of plans.
Kazon 1: GAK!
Chakotay: I like this way even better.
Heehee :mrgreen:

Great work there too :)

My favorites from the list:

Harry Kim: Zan ("Form of... a Wet Blanket!")
Torres: Wonder Woman ("Truth, Justice, and Bashing Your Skull In With My Bare Hands.")
Janeway: Batman ("Prepare to eat phasers, old chum.")


Culluh: (over the comm) We have hoarded all the hair care products in the Delta Quadrant. Mwahahaha!
Kira: @$#%&!
Heeheehee :mrgreen:


Kazon Ships: ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!
Computer: Secondary plot devices have been damaged.
Zeke: I'm sure it's not important. Maintain course.

IJD: We're being boarded!
Zeke: Computer, set auto-destruct sequence, authorization code "Ka-blam!"
Computer: Unable to process request. Secondary plot devices are offline.
Zeke: Shazbot.


Marc: I'm not programmed to lie.
Second Kazon: See?
Marc: Unless, of course, I'm programmed to lie, and say I'm not programmed to lie.
First Kazon: Uh....
Second Kazon: My head hurts.
Marc: Heh heh heh.

Zeke: Hm. You're right, that's a good idea. It might help the morale situation.
Kira: Then I hereby christen this stupid planet "The Forlorn Planet of Doom."
Zeke: How will that raise morale?
Kira: Oh, you wanted to raise it?

I'm getting a big kick out of this Voyagers series. Looking forward to the next parts!

NAHTMMM 12-23-2004 07:06 PM


Tuvok: We are approaching another ship. Since we require time to gather information on the whereabouts of Mr. Paris and Mr. Kim, as well as engineer a rescue operation, I have concluded that these are the perpetrators we are searching for.
Janeway: Good work, Tuvok. You're quite the detective.
Tuvok: Call me "Shervok."
Smart guy, all right :mrgreen:


Kim: (singing) ....You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one; I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one... OW! OW! OW! Those rocks are sharp, you tool!


Tuvok: (emerging from the chute) ...Wheeeeeeee!
Tuvok: What? I don't get out much.
:lol: I guess not!


Torres: WHAT? Who's B'Elanna, you two-timing... (opens an eye) ...oh. Uh, sorry about that, Chakotay. Did I just sleep past the start of my duty shift?
Chakotay: I'm not sure "sleep" is quite the right word, but it'll be less of a blot in your reprimand file than some of the alternatives.
Heheh. He's probably right.


Neelix: The Enarans have the final solution to that little problem. Here...rub these metal balls between your palms. They release a hydrocarbon-based disinfectant.
Chakotay: These people have some pretty impressive technology. What do they call this germicide?
Neelix: "Ethylic cleansing."

I rather liked these items from the list:

Install a jacuzzi
Install a yeoman


Derek: You know, I lose more Borg ships that way.
Borg Collective: It's "We", you idiot. Can't you even keep your pronouns straight?
Derek: Shouldn't that be "our pronouns straight"?
Bwahahahaaa! :lol:


Zeke: I've got a plan!
Kira: Marc, Hammer.
Zeke: Wait! Aren't you going to at least hear it first?
Kira: Does it have anything to do with our current situation?
Zeke: Yes.
Kira: Oh. I figured it would be about pie.

Zeke: We trap Species 8472 in a giant pie.
Marc: Here, Kira.

Zeke: Or we trap the Borg in a giant pie.
Zeke: Or we make a deal with the Borg.
Marc: Wait. I think that actually was a good idea.
Kira: Did you say something, Marc?
:lol: :lol:


Marc: So what do we call you? Five? Or five?
Derek: Call me Derek. It seems to be my speaker credits.
Kira: Was that your human name?
Derek: I hope so. I was worried it might be Annika.
Heheheh, and yes, that is scary ;)

PointyHairedJedi 12-24-2004 11:05 AM

I am suitably amused. :D

mudshark 12-29-2004 05:15 AM

Playing catch-up here, after being out of town for several days visiting the folks for the holiday. Good stuff, all! (and very good first outing, KJ. :D )

Kira: Then I hereby christen this stupid planet "The Forlorn Planet of Doom."
Zeke: How will that raise morale?
Kira: Oh, you wanted to raise it?

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