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Zeke 05-03-2005 12:03 AM

May 2

The good news: Since two new The OC episodes have aired, I've updated the Five-Second The OC page. Well, one and a bit. You'll see what I mean.

The bad news: Due to circumstances beyond my control, I can't make any updates for the next two weeks. (I will in fact be forbidden to use computers for any non-work purposes. Yeah.) If Kira's up for it, she'll be making the updates during that time; if not, we'll see what happens. See you in fourteen....

Nan 05-03-2005 12:33 AM

*lights candle*

The Zeke Come Back vigil begins now.

"All we are saying... is give Zeke a chance..."

Xeroc 05-03-2005 02:22 AM

*takes out propane keg* Fire! :D :twisted:

By the way, why are you being subjected to such dranconian restrictions?

Ginga 05-03-2005 04:49 AM

*lights a candle, raises it, and sways back and forth*

Zeke Absences make me sad.

danieldoof 05-03-2005 10:20 AM

*lights a torch ....erm candle and tries to cheer up ginga*

well z will be back soo..

Opium 05-03-2005 12:57 PM

*lights up a lighter and starts singing that Chumbawamba song to support Zeke*

Why such restrictive restrictions on computer usage? :(

Chancellor Valium 05-03-2005 05:07 PM

*Lights oversized candle, and processes up and down singing "Lumen Quintorum"*

Shouldn't we have some lessons?
(And no, Sa'ar, I don't mean like physics :P )

Kira 05-03-2005 07:17 PM

Kira here. No new material today, but I do come bearing pimptastic goodness. Rather than linking to a webcomic or some such thing, I've decided to pimp a TV show: specifically, Veronica Mars. It's better than Buffy, it's better than Lost, and it's the best thing you're not watching. The penultimate episode of the season airs tonight; by all accounts it's going to knock the collective viewing audience's socks off and it's one of three episodes being included on the show's Emmy reel (I know!). I can't recommend the show highly enough -- 9 PM Eastern on UPN (I know!), and if you'd like to catch up on the characters and the numerous ongoing mysteries, head on over to Mars Investigations, a site designed for the express purpose of getting newcomers up to speed on the complex plotlines.

Anonymous 05-03-2005 07:31 PM

I've heard good things about this show. Needless to say, no bugger is showing it yet, and even when it does finally get aired it'll doubtless apear on Living TV (*ptooie ptooie*) like Joan of Arcadia did. Still, as my new, larger, hard drive is going to be installed shortly (and if it isn't, then I'm going to get really annoying) this perhaps won't be such an isue anymore,

Hang in there, Zekester.

MaverickZer0 05-07-2005 01:49 AM

Best show I'm not watching? Mmm, nope, already watch it.

:) And it IS the best drama/mystery/show where a girl can kick anyone's ass on TV right now. And will be for the forseeable future.

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