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Kira 05-09-2005 09:40 PM

May 9
Kira again. Apologies for the blackout; it's been a crazy week. To make up for it, here's the first in a series of Smallville fivers by Derek Dean: Five-Minute "Unsafe," which Derek assures me is one of the worst episodes of Smallville, ever. Let's enjoy!

Derek 05-09-2005 10:58 PM

As fair warning to everyone, this and the others aren't like the fivers I normally write.

Zeke 05-09-2005 11:28 PM

Yeah, Derek's Smallville fivers compare with his usual stuff the way my Voyager fivers from, say, 2001 compare with the stuff I do now. They're shorter, punchier, and less careful to cover every aspect of the plot. There's something to be said for that style -- it's what made this site popular, after all -- and when I half-called Buffy S3 from Kelonzi, the idea was that when I had time I would do the episodes with this sort of back-to-basics approach. (It's harder than it sounds. My one attempt so far, Five-Minute "The Wish," isn't short or punchy at all.)

Great fiver, Derek. I think I told you that like 90 years ago when you first sent it....

Alexia 05-11-2005 07:51 AM


I don't even watch the show and that was really funny xD

Clark: Now we're married and we can have the S-word!
Alicia: What do swords have to do with anything?

Alicia: Notice how I was shot on the right side? That means I'm still alive.
Clark: So you'll be a recurring character?
Alicia: As long as I can fit into my sexy, sexy lingerie.
:lol: Nice one Derek :mrgreen:

NAHTMMM 05-23-2005 12:11 AM


Evil Mwahaha-Psychiatrist Villain: You're cured! Just don't go back and see Clark or you'll regress.
Alicia: Yay! I'm cured! Where's Clark?

Another favorite was the second passage Alexia quoted :)

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