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Zeke 06-14-2005 04:17 AM

June 13

The 5MDW launch continues today, and since we're going in Doctoral order (medical order?), today it's Doctors 4 to 6. We have....
<ul>[*]Fourth Doctor: "The Hand of Fear," an Elvis-fest by first-time guest writer Curt Rozeboom.[*]Fourth Doctor: "Full Circle," the first part of the E-Space trilogy and the first fiver in a while from SCMoll.[*]Fourth Doctor: "Logopolis," the cliffhanger between Doctors 4 and 5, by Scooter.[*]Fifth Doctor: Um, we have one, but I checked too late and found I couldn't get at the file. That'll have to come tomorrow.[*]Sixth Doctor: "Vengeance on Varos," by Scooter.[/list]Be here tomorrow for the big wrap-up, where we'll finally start on the current DW series. And Thursday is the start of our huge fifth-anniversary bash, so start telling friends now!

SCMoll 06-14-2005 04:33 AM

First fiver in a while from me? Goodness me; it's been almost two years since "Five Docs" was published!

Good parts abound, of course.

Doctor: What a gaggle of ninnies I've saddled myself with. I swear, if one more clueless, greenhorn companion shows up I'll snuff *myself* out.
Nyssa: Guess what, everybody! They made me a regular!

Master: I've been waiting for you, Doctor. We've come full circle. When last I met you I was in a state of decay. Now, I am the Master.
Doctor: Only a master of evil, Master.
Oh, and the forward fiver continuity is genius. I don't remember there being so much of it.

Arak: Hey, we saw this one last week, didn't we?
Etta: What, the bald guy? No, he just had to look at the lights and count 'em.

Scooter 06-14-2005 06:56 AM

Great stuff! I love seeing everyone's different takes on DW...


Sarah: You know, it's odd how every planet looks just like a quarry on Earth. Where have we landed?
Doctor: In a quarry... on Earth.
And the safe vote would've been Skaro... :)


Guard: Who goes there?
Sarah: Tupperware salesgirl! Would you like to see our wonderful selection?
Guard: Well, all-- ACK!
Sarah: Idiot.
hee hee


Hand: Knock, knock!
Tech: Who's there?
Hand: Elvis.
Tech: Elvis who?
Driscol: Elvis-drad must live!
"Eldrad must live" is said so many times in "Hand of Fear," it would've made a great drinking game. It's right up there with "The quest is the quest"...


Doctor: Lawdy Miss Clawdy, that's not Elvis!
Sarah: No, she's A Long-Legged Woman With A Short Dress On.
Loved the Elvis references! I had no idea there were so many!


Varsh: Aha! I have stolen riverfruits from the market! I am a criminal mastermind!
Adric: I want to join your group.
Varsh: No, my wooden young brother. I despise your Medal for Mathematical Excellence! What use is math?
Adric: How many riverfruits did you get?
Varsh: Um... several.
Adric: Varsh, when you only have one, the answer is probably not plural.
lol :D


Marshmen: Wesa come full circle! Full Circle!
The Doctor: Oh no! It's the Gungans!

First Marshman: Oh no! Dis is very bombad! Dey is flooding the corridor with oxygen.
Second Marshman: Usen the booba!
First Marshman: But mesa no haven a booba!
Second Marshman: Taken dis one.
First Marshmen: No, mesa run away!
Second Marshmen: Wesa all run away!
Hilarious! Marshmen = Gungans is pure genius


Dexeter's Laboratory!
hee hee


Adric: Little do they know that I have stowed away... and that I, the most wooden actor in all E-Space, am actually... the Son of Chakotay!
Of course! Why didn't I see it before? :D

Great fivers, guys.

Scooter 06-14-2005 07:06 AM


Oh, and the forward fiver continuity is genius. I don't remember there being so much of it.
Plus a little backward continuity--I stole "Rassilon's Bedpan" from you ;)

PointyHairedJedi 06-14-2005 09:36 AM

"Dexeter's Lab" - oh, you're a bad bad man, Scooter. :P

Hilarious stuff, all. I cannae wait until tomorrow!

KillerGodMan 06-14-2005 11:13 AM

neither can I

I love the fivers, I've missed most of the series, but I love the fivers

Scooter 06-14-2005 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
"Dexeter's Lab" - oh, you're a bad bad man, Scooter. :P

Aye, that I am, but SCMoll gets credit for that particular ref...

Chancellor Valium 06-14-2005 12:42 PM

Heheheh. These are good.....
And now, I intend to play the Nimon on a long get your earplugs......

PointyHairedJedi 06-14-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
Aye, that I am, but SCMoll gets credit for that particular ref...

Don't interrupt me when I'm being wrong! :D

Anonymous 06-14-2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
"Dexeter's Lab" - oh, you're a bad bad man, Scooter. :P !

Indeed I am! :twisted:

SCMoll 06-14-2005 09:59 PM

That was me....

Scooter 06-16-2005 07:58 AM

Someone was going to do a parody and make the line something like "Tell Dexatrim we've come full girdle!" So we lucked out, groan-factor-wise... :)

NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 04:54 PM


Alien: We must obliterate the obliteration-module at the correct obliteration time!
Roton: Meh... I'm bored, do it now.

Sarah: You know, it's odd how every planet looks just like a quarry on Earth. Where have we landed?
Doctor: In a quarry... on Earth.


Sarah: Can we stop the Elvis song-title references, now?
Doctor: Oh no, we're just getting started!

Good stuff! :)


The Doctor: Not now, K-9, we're in grave danger.
Romana: What is it, Doctor?
The Doctor: I've lost my perm. My curls have fallen out!


Varsh: Aha! I have stolen riverfruits from the market! I am a criminal mastermind!

Decider Garif: Login, we will make you the new Decider. Oh no!
Decider Nefred: What is it?
Decider Garif: I just made a Decision. I've never done that before!
:D :D


Varsh: Ha, Romana, we are taking over your TARDIS with... riverfruits!
Romana: That's a riverfruit, actually.
Adric: Only if you take the absolute value of the coordinates.


Auntie Vanessa: Are you sure you're smart enough, dear? Your last job didn't go so well.
Tegan: Honestly. You batter-fry one customer and you never hear the end of it.


Monitor: But you don't understand. Long ago the universe passed the point where it could live without focus groups.
Doctor: *Passed* the point? You mean -- if Logopolis is destroyed --
Monitor: Yes, Doctor -- there'll be nothing left to dumb down quality entertainment programming! Half the universe will die of brain cramp!
*:idea: finally goes on* Heehee :twisted:


Tegan: You heard about "Three's Company" in E-Space?
Adric: Of course, everyone has. It was my first impression of Earth.
Tegan: That must be why alien races keep trying to destroy us.


Mirage Peri: Here's a nice glass of water, Doctor. By the way, I've been working with Fran Drescher on my obnoxious fake American accent.
Doctor: No... please...
Mirage Peri: My a's are way up in my nose now, listen: *aaa*... *aaaaaaaaaa*...
Doctor: (rasp) Kill me now.

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