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Opium 12-14-2004 06:52 AM

SigKitty Kidnapped!
Seko The SigKitty Kidnapped!

Jack Sparrow: So why I am here?
Opium: Didn’t I tell you?
Jack Sparrow: Yes, but I won’t use that knowledge until you befit my namesake with the proper respect.
Opium: You mean…*types* this?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Yes.
Opium: So you know that TopHatMan and John want to kidnap Seko for taking so much time away from them?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Yes, and this is not very smooth exposition.
Opium: But I’m typing it.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: You’re insane.
Opium: Back to the topic…TopHatMan and John want Seko. You have to stop them.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Aren’t they rather limited themselves?
Opium: Well…you could play along.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: But Ginga’s signature will not change, as you lack the power to hack into her computer.
Opium: But…
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: and therefore, TopHatMan and John lack the power. So basically, your plan is dead in the water.
Opium: But…
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: And shouldn’t it be Jake who is typing this on his typewriter?
Opium: But…
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Just let people look at my picture, okay?
Opium: Fine then.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: You do realize this is the reason you do not get much fanfic typing done…you need to start pushing your characters around more. Stand up for yourself, woman!
Opium: Okay, I will. Now here, everyone look your picture:[/img]

Ginga 12-14-2004 07:18 AM


So... Seko's not getting kidnapped because it can't be done?

Aww, but I wanted to be able to put in my sig... :(

Opium 12-14-2004 07:43 AM

Well, ...
Chapter 2: Jake's Story

Opium: What if Ginga wants to have Seko kidnapped?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: That’s one nutter short of a whirled hot rum.
Opium: Right…

In a dark place, probably a basement suite,

John: Maybe I will get a personality!
Jake: No. I am writing this. I have the typewriter. I will not give you a personality.
John: Please?
TopHatMan: I found this strange sigkitty while I was wandering around the mall dazed and confused. I have brought sigkitty home, as she has now gotten too much attention. She was in MY mall.
John: Sweet! We can…like…get attention with this somehow!
Jake: You realize that this will also give attention to…
John: Shut up typewriter boy!
Jake: Um…sure. I’ll go buy some sigkitty food.
SigKitty: meow.
TopHatMan: I can’t be sure, but that meow may have meant something else than meow!
SigKitty: Mao.

What will happen to Seko the SigKitty? Will John and TopHatMan get attention? Will Jake come back with Iams or Purina sigkitty food?

Opium: Nah! I made it work, I made it work.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Here, have some rum. Perhaps, since being sober makes you crazy, rum will make you sober.
To be continued

Ginga 12-14-2004 07:51 AM


*goes to change sig*

*steals some of that rum*

Opium 12-14-2004 08:26 AM

Stay tuned for more!

PointyHairedJedi 12-14-2004 05:57 PM

Oooh! Can I have a cameo where sigkitty mauls me horribly? Oh, did I say sigkitty? I meant of course "hamster thing". :P

Ginga 12-14-2004 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Oooh! Can I have a cameo where sigkitty mauls me horribly? Oh, did I say sigkitty? I meant of course "hamster thing". :P

*Seko tries to claw his way out of his little cage*

*meows pitifully*

Opium 12-16-2004 03:55 AM

Chapter 3: The Sorrow of Sparrow

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: I’m back again, am I?
Opium: Yes, I need someone to give exposition.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Is this a well-made play or a melodrama?
Opium: Well, I haven’t had enough music for a melo-drama, have I?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me *takes swig of kahlua*
Forumgoers: Kahlua?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: It’s all I could *hic* find in this sea shanty!

John: Hehe, look, Seko, sigkittynip! You don’t get any!
Seko: MEOW!
TopHatMan: She can’t say much, can she?
PointyHairedJedi: Hi, here’s your pizza. Why, what’s this, a tiny sigkitty in a cage? Here sigkittykitty! Aren’t you just a cute little weak useless thing*opens cage* AAAAAAHH! GET THIS THING OFF ME!
Seko: MEOW! I’m not weak!
PointyHairedJedi: Will this be the GAK of PHJ?

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Shouldn’t you be studying sociology?
Opium: Shhhh, either have an idea or not.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Well, you could…

Jake: Hey guys, I couldn’t decide which Sigkitty food to get, so I got Iams and Purina both.
PointyHairedJedi: HELP ME!
Jake: Okay. *puts PHJ in cage, away from SigKitty*
PointyHairedJedi: That’s not what I meant…
Seko: Meow. *sticks tongue out at PHJ*

richardson 12-18-2004 03:03 AM

Can I be a co-conspirator in this, the shunned one?

Opium 12-19-2004 07:36 PM

The Cage Of Days

CAPTIAN Jack Sparrow: For the sake of Rum…it’s 11 am on a Sunday! Go to sleep.
Opium: Can’t, have rehearsal. Now…what’s your newest idea?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Can’t I go home now while you continue your odd little tale?
Opium: No, as this is my fanfic, and I say no.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Fine, fine. Try having a shunned co-conspirator with PHJ who is shunned,

PHJ: Why am I still stuck in this Days Of Our Lives-esq cage?
Jake: This is the BEST writing I’ve done since DS9 finished *continues typewriting*
TopHatMan: Seko has joined our side! Although we don’t actually trust her and her shifty eyes.
Seko: Meow.
richardson:*bursts in door* I am here, to save the day! Oo! Cute kitty…hello kitty…
Seko: MEOOOOOOOW!*epic battle scene between richardson and Seko*
richardson: Eep! Now I’m stuck in the cage too!
John: Yes, yes you are.
PHJ: Could this be the end?
richardson: I’m not going to disagree with you.
TopHatMan: With what? You two this met?

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Was that good for you, dear?
Opium: Jack, why are you talking to the claymation deer on tv?
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: I have a serious drinking problem, and I suffer from heat stroke.
Opium: That’s very…OOO, I’ve got to get ready now! Bye Jack!

richardson 12-19-2004 07:56 PM

Hmm... that wasn't quite what I ment.. I wonder if I can get my pocket phaser out of my pocket. Nah, then seko would be after me again. maybe a something with a giant wooden version of me, and a tunnel and... *Rambles on* or maybe I should just whip out my communicator and call for rescue from my clone army... then have them beaten up like stormtroopers or redshirts... dagnabit.. that sig-kitty has me beat.

PointyHairedJedi 12-19-2004 11:34 PM


Mercy! I'm begging you! Please! Let me out the cage! Put me in another cage, I don't care! As long as it's not the same one as him!

Though, thinking about it, that plan with the ten thousand pocket watches, a dozen tins of green paint and the three old men sounds quite good...

Opium 12-20-2004 09:22 PM

Chapter 5: Prison of DOOOOM!

CAPTIAN Jack Sparrow: Oh, goody, more insanity.
Opium: We’ve gotten resquests.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: People are yet to realize that Seko is out of the cage.
Opium: It’s better than…
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Tut tut, PG only.

richardson: I know what I can do! *takes out flashlight from back pocket*
PHJ: Bash that light over my head? Please?
Seko: MEOW!
TopHatMan: Seko, why are you still here? You’re free!
John: Yes…unless…we’re ALL in a prison?
Mayweather: That’s right, you are all in my Prison of Doom! I do not get many lines, so…
richardson: *unlocking cage* Hey, we’re free! We’re…who are you?
Mayweather: I’m Mayweather, from Enterprise!
PHJ: You’re on Enterprise? Do you play a redshirt? A Klingon?
Mayweather: See? SEE? THIS IS WHY I HAVE KIDNAPPED YOU ALL! * breaks down crying*
John: So, richardson, you used that flashlight to short out the cage’s lock?
richardson: Yes.
John: So while Mayweather is having his breakdown, how about you do the same on the lock of the prison door.
Jake: Not so fast! I want another line!
TopHatMan: You got it. Open the door already!
richardson: *opens door*
Seko: MEOW! Look at me! I’m the centre of the story! I…
PHJ: Yay, we are free!

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Right, that was interesting.
Opium: Oh, sure, like you always make total sense.

PointyHairedJedi 12-20-2004 10:36 PM

This is strange, but I like it all the same. :D

Ginga 12-21-2004 02:23 AM

If Mayweather gets a cameo, I think Janeway needs a cameo...


KillerGodMan 12-21-2004 02:54 AM

WHAT? A kidnapping type thing without ME?

Er, yeah, could I maybe, save 'em all? If it helps, Mayweather is my favourite character...

Janeway is too

So is Data

and Spock

and Sisko

and Worf

and Geordi

and Picard

and McCoy

and Kirk

My Better Half: STOP IT!


Mj 12-21-2004 04:14 AM

May I be included? :?:

Zeke 12-21-2004 04:46 AM

SigKitty Kidnapped is the new eTrektion.

Sa'ar Chasm 12-21-2004 04:53 AM

You're all nuts.


Ginga 12-21-2004 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
SigKitty Kidnapped is the new eTrektion.

Haha! XD This is great. :twisted:

Sa'ar - As if we didn't know that before. :wink:

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