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Zeke 12-24-2004 05:36 AM

December 23

Day 5 strikes! Behold the new content....
<ul>[*]Marc kicks off today's update with Five-Minute "Infinite Regress," a T/7er's paradise.[*]Derek hits Season 6 with Five-Minute "Riddles," and from here on, forget what I said yesterday about chronological order. (Among other reasons, Seasons 7 and "8" are done.)[*]Today's Top 10 list is the first of two great guest lists from PointyHairedJedi: The Top 10 Outcomes of the Serenity Crew Being Assimilated by the Borg. That's the ship from Firefly, if you don't know.[*]Finally, today is IJD's turn at the plate of our panel discussion. (Panel of our plate discussion?) A little knowledge of 5MV's structure will serve you well in reading Voyagers, Part 5: "Relative Exosites."[/list]

Nan 12-24-2004 06:43 AM

So many peopel to KEEL, so little time. ;P

Sa'ar Chasm 12-24-2004 06:52 AM

Yeah, that wasn't the Nan I know.

Nobody ended up mangled and screaming in pain.

Amusing, nonetheless, especially the concept of powering the engines with cuteness. I can't think of a better fate for it.

Nan 12-24-2004 07:02 AM

Oh yes:


Torres: Oh, right. Do you seriously imagine anyone would waste their time writing kinky stories about you and me in bed together?

evay 12-24-2004 11:00 AM

pssssst the Top 10 list is dated November 23, not December....

PointyHairedJedi 12-24-2004 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nan
Oh yes:


Torres: Oh, right. Do you seriously imagine anyone would waste their time writing kinky stories about you and me in bed together?

That had me in stitches too. :D

Also, Nan isn't that much the maiming type - that's more 17's forté (as I know all to well).

Chancellor Valium 12-24-2004 11:10 AM

<delurk> Most amusing. I especially liked the Janeway/Seven scene about the Vinculum in Marc's, but whats with the monks in the other one? And why are they chanting "O come, O come Vulcan, and ransome captive Vulcan" - or are they just explaining what they're doing in a seasonal manner? still most amusing......And hasn't richardson had his the officer who suggests that the Five-Minute Voyager be called "FMV" for short :mrgreen::mrgreen:</delurk>
And now.......Hark, a herald cave is calling..............

Alexia 12-24-2004 12:04 PM

:mrgreen: Some quality Voyager fivers this week...the one week in months I have been too busy to read them!

I've been catching up at work this morning (WHAT?! Come on, it's Christmas Eve, you expect me to be working?! :wink: )


Neelix: Tuvok, would you mind if I came back there, so we can talk?
Tuvok: (over the comm) AAAH! THE PAIN, OH GOD, THE PAIN!
Neelix: A simple "no" would've sufficed.

Doctor: Tuvok's in shock.
Janeway: I just knew we shouldn't have left with him alone with Neelix for so long.

Tuvok: Here, Captain. Have some pie.
Janeway: Mmmm... pie. Now about that frequency you saw before you got shot?
Tuvok: Here, let me draw it on this cake.
Janeway: Gasp. It's a sinusoidal cloaking frequency!
Tuvok: With mint frosting.
*snerks* :lol: :mrgreen: Nice one Derek!


Derek: Hey look, a transmission!
Zeke: It better not be that damned Borg queen again.
Kira: Nope. It's coming from the opposite direction of the Derek frontier.
Oooooooooh that's dreadful IJD :wink: But luckily I like dreadful :mrgreen:

Celeste 12-24-2004 01:57 PM

Wow, Kudos to zeke for keeping up with this week long event after two months of .. uhh.. not being able to. :)

Of course now that i've said something it's all going to fall to peices.

richardson 12-24-2004 02:21 PM

Okay, it is offical. You guys are insane....

I'm going to go make myself a bunny drive... *Gets out his anti-energizer bunny gun, and goes bunny hunting.*

Draknek 12-24-2004 04:25 PM

I've finally found the time to read these new fivers - great stuff.


Kira: Um, the Exosite just went to warp.
Zeke: Blast! Pursuit course!
IJD: They're currently moving at Warp 47.
Zeke: That's ludicrous!
IJD: Faster, sir.

Kira 12-24-2004 04:28 PM


Naomi: I want to be the Captain's Bridge Assistant, so I thought I'd train for the job by observing you.
Seven: You are still insufficiently developed. In order to emulate me, you would require Borg implants and several months of accelerated growth in a maturation chamber.

Xeroc 12-24-2004 11:19 PM

Insanely funny stuff all! :D * 1,000


Originally Posted by Voyagers, Part 5
Five-Second Voyager, NCC-4742-Q.

You can't get a starship name with many more references than that!

Zeke 12-25-2004 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by evay
pssssst the Top 10 list is dated November 23, not December....

Thanks, E. I've fixed that.

For those who don't know, T/7 is actually a middling-popular VOY pairing. (Ficcers love to pair up bitter enemies -- that's why Spike/Xander is the most popular Buffy slash 'ship.) T/7ers call their 'ship "The Dark Side" as opposed to the Light Side, J/7. Personally, I think if J/7 looks like a Light Side to you, you've got bigger problems than what 'ship you're into....

Anyway, the home of T/7 online is Perfect Misfits, and when I first discovered it I was quite annoyed that its hitcount was higher than 5MV's. A rivalry ensued, in my mind anyway, and I derive great satisfaction from how badly we've stomped them into the dust since. (Of course, PM hasn't updated since late 2002, which may have something to do with it....)

MaverickZer0 12-25-2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Xeroc
Insanely funny stuff all! :D * 1,000


Originally Posted by Voyagers, Part 5
Five-Second Voyager, NCC-4742-Q.

You can't get a starship name with many more references than that!


NX, 01, Enterprise.
746 Voyager
D Picard's Enterprise.

I would throw the Defiant in there by frankly I can't remember it.

admiral sab 12-26-2004 12:18 AM

T/7? I'm going to say that means Tuvok/7 because P/T is forever and ever... ;)

Zeke 12-26-2004 02:46 AM

The standard symbol for Tuvok is Tu, but I use 2 in my fiver notes. By analogy, I use 2 for T'Pol as well, which frees up T for Trip. And Now You Know.

Of course, you know that, Sab, you're just in willful denial. :) But do you really prefer an adulterous 'ship to one that breaks up P/T? (Most T/7 is set before "Drive.") I think Tu/7 makes more sense than T/7 too, but mainly because neither Torres nor Seven ever showed the least evidence of being attracted to women. That's my problem with most slash on principle, actually. I do make the occasional exception -- there are a couple of common Buffy and Angel slash pairings for which there's reasonable evidence on the shows, even without it being overt. (Buffy/Faith and Angel/Lindsay are the ones I mean; while I don't like them, I admit that they're not necessarily out of character.)

And while I dig P/T, I'm also a closet P/7er. Make of that what you will.

Alexia 12-26-2004 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I think Tu/7 makes more sense than T/7 too, but mainly because neither Torres nor Seven ever showed the least evidence of being attracted to women. That's my problem with most slash on principle, actually

That sounds like lack of imagination to me Zeke :wink: I like to think that it's there, under the surface :wink:

Of course, personally I prefer J/T, but that's another story :wink: And no, the T is not Tuvok...that's just wrong!

admiral sab 12-26-2004 07:17 PM

lol well my husband really thought there was something to those looks between Janeway and Tuvok... ;)

I could see where J/7 would come from, but not T/7. That's just plain wrong. :lol:


Of course, you know that, Sab, you're just in willful denial. But do you really prefer an adulterous 'ship to one that breaks up P/T? (Most T/7 is set before "Drive.")
LOL Zeke. Ok well you got me there, BUT I still say Tu/7 makes more sense than T/7. Of course any ship with 7 makes more sense than C/7! ;)

Although now that I have all seven seasons of Voyager on DVD - :lol: - I must say that C/7 didn't quite come out nowhere as I had originally thought.

Ginga 12-26-2004 07:55 PM

Oh, noooo... I have so many images in my mind now that I REALLY didn't need. T_T


lol well my husband really thought there was something to those looks between Janeway and Tuvok...


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