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Alexia 07-28-2004 01:08 PM

[nutter's thoughts]

NAH's new avatar has had me scratching my head since it changed...then, today at work, in the middle of a silent office i said, "AHA. IT'S A DUCK AND A LITTLE DUCK!"

I got some strange looks... :wink:

I thought it was a dinosaur! Don't ask :mrgreen:

[/nutter's thoughts]

Katy Jane 07-28-2004 01:13 PM

I've come close to doing things like that before, mostly i just laugh out loud which leads members of my family (expecialy my dad :roll: ) to ask whats so funny.

taya17 07-28-2004 01:41 PM

It's a PAIR OF DUCKS?! Where? *scratches head and frowns deeply* This must be like one of those Magic Eye things: I totally can't see it!

Alexia 07-28-2004 01:45 PM

LOL I'm SO glad that someone else didn't know what it was! the little duck is in front of the big duck, they are swimming towards the top left of the pic.

What did you think it was? :lol:

taya17 07-28-2004 01:49 PM

At first I thought it was a butterfly of some sort, but on closer inspection I decided that it was just a Random Out-Of-Focus Blob.

Ginga 07-28-2004 05:14 PM

OHO! It IS a pair of ducks. Thanks, I was wondering what in the heck that was, too. XD

PointyHairedJedi 07-28-2004 06:37 PM

Duck? 'Tis no duck woman! 'Tis the fearsome bestie known as the Loch Ness Monster!

No, I don't know what prompted that either.

Alexia 07-28-2004 08:16 PM

:roll: In that case then I can understand why many people think they have seen ol' Nessie...there must be at least 10 loch ness monsters swimming in my local duck pond :wink:

taya17 07-28-2004 11:35 PM

My good friend was showing me pictures she took while she was visiting Loch Ness... the tour boats there have little black blobs stuck on the windows so you can simulate the wee beastie when you take photos of the lake from inside the boat. :lol:

Nic Corelli 07-29-2004 05:48 AM


I thought it was a crocodile! :shock:

Alexia 07-29-2004 07:06 AM

LMAO nic...i wonder if there are support groups for people who get too attached to certain smilies...

Oh, and crocodile crossed my mind to :wink:

NAHTMMM 07-29-2004 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by taya17
At first I thought it was a butterfly of some sort, but on closer inspection I decided that it was just a Random Out-Of-Focus Blob.

Given that I actually took the picture in question myself, that wouldn't be a bad guess ;)

For whatever reason, my usual butterfly avatar got de-linked in the move, I'd been meaning to change avs again just for kicks just before the move, and this one was already uploaded to the web, so... :)

(Oh, and isn't the baby duckling cuuute? :D)

mudshark 07-29-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by NAHTMMM
(Oh, and isn't the baby duckling cuuute? :D)

Oh, yeah; when they're little, they're just the cutest little balls of fluff.

Then they grow up.

NAHTMMM 07-29-2004 11:30 PM

...And they're still cute :P :mrgreen:

catalina_marina 07-30-2004 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by NAHTMMM
(Oh, and isn't the baby duckling cuuute? :D)

Ah, so they are ducks? :roll:

I still don't see it.

Alexia 07-30-2004 07:06 AM

:roll: LOL, Horray! I was right! :mrgreen:

Did we mention what a good pic it was? :wink: Yes, the wikkle duck is cute. Not nearly as cute as a wikkle lamb though :D

taya17 07-30-2004 09:13 AM

I agree with Nitses, it looks more like a crocodile than a pair of ducks :D

PointyHairedJedi 07-30-2004 10:38 AM

Ducks are tasty. Especially the young ones.

taya17 07-30-2004 02:55 PM

I wouldn't know, I haven't really eaten little ducks before. And mostly I go only for the breast meat anyway.

I prefer chicken.

Alexia 07-30-2004 03:02 PM

PJH you meanie! I have never eaten duck and never will. My reason? They are cute :D Lambs...well, i'm afraid its too late. They are really stupid to taste THAT good. I wouldn't eat them for their cuteness, but, alas, they taste baaaaary good *dodges rotten fruit*

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