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Zeke 06-16-2005 05:29 AM

June 15

Welcome to our long-awaited fifth anniversary, which will be celebrated with an event we call....

(long pause)

Feel that suspense, eh?

(further pause)

....Cliffhanger Week. This will be a week (or more!) of cliffhangers. Drama! Suspense! Shock! It begins as follows....
<ul>[*]First we have a DS9 fiver -- and we shall have at least one DS9 fiver every day till this is over, because that series had so freakin' many multiparters and cliffhangers. To start us off, it's the first part of the Season 2 three-parter, "The Homecoming" by Marc.[*]Also in the "first part of a three-parter" category is a new OC fiver from me: "The Showdown," this season's third-last episode.[*]How 'bout a two-parter? Here's the prolific and unpronounceable Kristina Runyeon-Odeberg with "Birthright I."[*]Finally, what 5MV event would be complete without a panel discussion? Here's Cliffhangers, Part 1, by me.[/list]

However, the most important part of today's update is a big honkin' article: Read it -- it explains a lot of changes.

Enjoy, and be back tomorrow!

(P.S.: Please do not inform me of any errors of any kind. You could probably fill several threads with them, and I'm aware of them all. As the article explains, this is a work in progress.)

mudshark 06-16-2005 06:58 AM

And how did he dig the hole with his eyelids? :D

Off to a booming start. Good fivers, all, the Panel Discussion was hilarious and spiffy new look to the front page! (Let me digest that V4.0 update, Z., and I'll see if I can come up with anything -- sounds as if you've got it pretty thoroughly worked out already, though.)

Scooter 06-16-2005 08:00 AM

Great look, great fivers, and great panel. And yes, I think the eyelid thing will what leaves the most lasting and lingering perplexity of the whole anniversary...


Sandy: That was odd. I wonder if there's alcohol in this drink of hers. Give it a sniff for me, Seth.
Seth: Why can't you do it?
Sandy: I'm part of the legal system. We're no good at judging O.J.

Shrek: Worf, son of Mogh? I'm Shrek.
Worf: Where's the donkey? And should you not be green?
Shrek: Not that Shrek. My name is Shrek, too.
Worf: Ah, the sequel. Then where is Puss in Boots?
Shrek: Are you a Klingon or a Pakled?
hee hee hee

La Forge: What is it with the father fetish of this episode?
Bashir: We go father than no one has gone before....
*whiplash-inducing wince*

Guard: Wow...what a knock-out!
Textual slapstick is the best kind! :)

Go away!
You're not supposed to be here yet.
If you tell anyone you were here, I EAT YOU.

Hotaru 06-16-2005 08:20 AM

All very good, but Zeke, was it your plan to put 3 parts of cliffhangers up? Or was it meant to be a cliffhanger?

Alexia 06-16-2005 08:28 AM

:shock: No more 5MV?

*clings to desk at the thought of change*



*takes deep breaths*

evay 06-16-2005 10:27 AM

It's gorgeous! 8) Wow, I love it. Excellent and sensible reorganization. Way pretty graphics. (I confess I'll miss all the little pictures, but this does look cleaner.)

Chancellor Valium 06-16-2005 11:23 AM

And now for the ridiculous exclamation of the moment:


Derek 06-16-2005 01:19 PM


Jaro: (applauding) Brilliant! Thank you! Now before beginning my own speech, I'd like to make a few opening remarks....
Just like a politician.

Great fiver, Marc. I probably told you that before, but it's from time out of mind now.


Seth: I'd help, but I have to commit myself to the war effort. It's ON, you see. The onness of it has been maximized. it.getOn() returns true. By the way, have you got any nylons?
The programming conventions in Java dictate that if you are fetching a boolean value, the method should be named isOn(), so it would be it.isOn() returns true. Of course that assumes you were talking about Java.

Nice use of programming humor though. :)


Marissa: Experience. There hasn't been an unobserved conversation in this town for two years.
Yep, Smallville is like that too. Rather implausibly like that actually.


Bashir: We go father than no one has gone before....
Groan. That's really really aw(ful/esome).

And great new look, Zeke, but the banners all seem like their from Babylon 5 now.

PointyHairedJedi 06-16-2005 07:07 PM

5M - it's just like 3M, only less well known.

Also, wasn't I supposed to be writing something for this? I forget. Curse my hidious slowness!

(Although I did manage to complete a fiver today that was previously only a quarter done - I musta been on some kind of roll there.)

I like the new layout, Zeke. And of course it goes without saying that today's update has been terribly amusing too. :D

Chancellor Valium 06-16-2005 07:21 PM

Jinkies - I didn't even notice! It's Wizard!
5M does not roll off the tongue! It needs another letter! Just one! Three is the magic number! THE END IS NIGH!

evay 06-16-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
5M does not roll off the tongue! It needs another letter! Just one! Three is the magic number! THE END IS NIGH!

Marc 06-16-2005 09:12 PM


Three is the magic number!
"" could perhaps be abbreviated to "5MN", which fills the requirement for three characters.

PointyHairedJedi 06-16-2005 09:43 PM

How about 5MX? As in "Five-Minute x".

Of course, for fivers featuring Phlox in some form that could be amended to 5MXXX.

Anonymous 06-16-2005 10:50 PM

Or, if you are really attached to the 5MV abbreviation, maybe "Five Minute Versions?"

FatMatDuhRat 06-17-2005 12:15 AM

This is a comment about "Cliffhangers, Part 1"

Marc: (calling after Zeke) Say hi to Cassini-Huygens for me!

Actually, I think it can only be called "Cassini" right now since the Huygens probe landed on Saturn's moon Titan back in the middle of January. Unless I consider the fact that Zeke got so scared he flew past both of the spacecraft at the same time on his way out to Sirius.

Just my small little astronomical observation for you all to ponder briefly.
8) :lol:

MmeBlueberry 06-17-2005 12:51 AM

Perhaps 5M* would work.

I like the new layout, Zeke. Looks good.

Opium 06-17-2005 01:04 AM

So words to describe...should have sent poet...

It looks great :) Wonderful work! :D

*claps hands*

Xeroc 06-17-2005 01:09 AM

Yay! :D Great new site design!

Must ... resist ... urge ... to ... point ... out ... mistakes! ... Gah!


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
How about 5MX? As in "Five-Minute x".

Ahem. That's already taken on my site! It will be here ... soon! ;) :D

Asky 06-17-2005 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Marc
"" could perhaps be abbreviated to "5MN", which fills the requirement for three characters.

Hmm, I like it. I can't stand the thought of only having a two character acronym. *shudder*

Zeke 06-17-2005 02:52 AM

Well, I'm calling it 5M. I did think about 5MN, but that's just not "right" the way 5M is -- mathematicians and programmers will understand what I mean. (5M* makes sense that way too, but it's harder to say.) If 5MN really catches on with you guys, however, I'll think about adopting it.

Scooter: Yeah, that was a substitute front page I put there to keep you guys from finding the new OC fivers. I have two Five-Minute OC audiences elsewhere (at TWoP and LJ), and I've written a number of fivers that those guys got to see first because they were being saved for Cliffhanger Week.

Hotaru: That was an accident. Several parts of Cliffhangers have been written since last year (which is also the reason for the Cassini-Huygens glitch Mat pointed out), and Kira processed them long ago. I've removed the later parts now.

evay: I should emphasize again that the current graphics situation is temporary. There will be images for the subsites by the time we're done; our main banner and the category banners will be different too.

Derek: They do? Do you mean the category banners on the front page? Yeah, they do look sort of B5ish... but again, those are temporary ones I whipped together. Note that they're .bmps, for example. My crappy image program won't save .pngs properly.

cmdrxizor: Welcome to the forums! We did consider "Versions" (or "Voyages" or another V-word), but decided this was just simpler all round.

PHJ: What's a 3M?

Derek 06-17-2005 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Derek: They do? Do you mean the category banners on the front page? Yeah, they do look sort of B5ish... but again, those are temporary ones I whipped together. Note that they're .bmps, for example. My crappy image program won't save .pngs properly.

Yeah, the category banners are what I meant. But if they're temporary, never mind. And besides, I have no problem with them as they currently are, they just reminded me of B5.

MaverickZer0 06-17-2005 03:33 AM

*pokes layout*

It is futury. Me likes.

5M...It's catchy. Like 'NG'.

...and what is with 7:57?

Alexia 06-17-2005 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Well, I'm calling it 5M. I did think about 5MN, but that's just not "right" the way 5M is -- mathematicians and programmers will understand what I mean. (5M* makes sense that way too, but it's harder to say.) If 5MN really catches on with you guys, however, I'll think about adopting it.


Hotaru: That was an accident. Several parts of Cliffhangers have been written since last year (which is also the reason for the Cassini-Huygens glitch Mat pointed out), and Kira processed them long ago. I've removed the later parts now.

I'm not liking the 5M yet but I agree with Z that nothing else would work. If were not using 5MV then I don't see that anything else would make sense. 5MN also isn't right. Where is the "."? is five minute dot net. I would make that 5MDN...but that's probably just me :wink: And 5M*? How would you even say that? Five minute asterix? :wink:

And the other parts of Cliffhangers weren't meant to be up? xD Good job I read up to part 7 yesterday then :wink: Alhough 4 was missing, but I kinda figured that was meant to be a cliffhanger or something :roll: :wink:

PointyHairedJedi 06-17-2005 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
PHJ: What's a 3M?


They make sticky tape (and some other stuff too, probably).

Derek 06-17-2005 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia
And 5M*? How would you even say that? Five minute asterix? :wink:

How about Five-Minute Star? That sounds kinda scifi-y.

Marc 06-17-2005 01:55 PM

>> They make sticky tape (and some other stuff too, probably). <<

3M invented the Post-it Note, which has become so useful that, without it, modern civilization would collapse.

Nan 06-17-2005 02:41 PM

I can never seem to find a sticky note when I need one! Why, 3M, why?

Draknek 06-17-2005 03:24 PM

I agree that 5M looks weird as an acronym, although we'd probably get used to it over time.

But 5MN works for me. It can either stand for, or the Five Minute Network. Which is pretty much what it is - a network of five minute series.

PointyHairedJedi 06-17-2005 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Marc
3M invented the Post-it Note, which has become so useful that, without it, modern civilization would collapse.

I believe you'll find that I do actually mention that, as you'll see below:


(and some other stuff too, probably)


Marc 06-17-2005 04:22 PM


5MN [...] the Five Minute Network
I like that formulation. It seems to have worked well enough for CNN.

Chancellor Valium 06-17-2005 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Marc

5MN [...] the Five Minute Network
I like that formulation. It seems to have worked well enough for CNN.

Provided we don't get the endless waffling, that'll be good, don't you think? I do, but I would like to ask you now for your opinion......

evay 06-17-2005 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Marc

5MN [...] the Five Minute Network
I like that formulation. It seems to have worked well enough for CNN.

Oooh! Can we get James Earl Jones to do a voice bug for us which plays every time you load the front page?

" 5MN."

Zeke 06-17-2005 04:57 PM

Oh, that 3M.


Originally Posted by Marc
3M invented the Post-it Note, which has become so useful that, without it, modern civilization would collapse.

Or at least fall off the wall.

Scooter 06-17-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by evay

Originally Posted by Marc

5MN [...] the Five Minute Network
I like that formulation. It seems to have worked well enough for CNN.

Oooh! Can we get James Earl Jones to do a voice bug for us which plays every time you load the front page?

" 5MN."

I dunno. I have to wonder whether someone who saw it and knew that the construction here is always "5M (something)," and the 5MV was really 5 Minute [Star Trek:] Voyager in addition to [Zeke's] 5 Minute Voyager, might wonder what parody target the N stood for. 5 Minute ... Nutmeg? Nightwing? Numenor? Neelix?

Sa'ar Chasm 06-18-2005 05:24 PM

First off, the new design looks quite spiffy. I was wondering how you were going to cram two new subsites onto that front page.


How about Five-Minute Star?
Five Minute Sa'ar. All Sa'ar, all the time.



Marc's comment about delayed action punchlines, which is beyond the limit of the little thread-quoty window.
This explains much. That punchline at the end of Duet had me baffled until I read...well, actually it had me baffled until Marc explained it personally. Then I got back to a computer and actually read it.


Kira: Oooh, you naughty boy. Let me take off my jacket and come a little closer so you can frisk me.
Guard: Wow...what a knock-out!
I don't know why people keep hiring guards from the shallow end of the gene pool...although some of them seem to have limited precognitive powers.


Sisko: Welcome back, Major. Listen to this.
Dukat: (on viewscreen) As I was saying, we were shocked by your discovery that that Bajorans were being held in such appalling conditions by a rogue Cardassian prefect.
Kira: Shocked by their illegal detention or shocked that we found out about it?
Dukat: Major, please don't get sarcastic with me while I'm in the middle of scapegoating a junior officer.
Somehow I managed to completely miss this scene during the first read-through. In my defense, it was 1AM at the time (not 7:57).


Odo: Interesting choice of words. You wouldn't happen to be a Circle sympathizer, would you?
Quark: Pfft. At least my name doesn't have a suspiciously high O-to-consonant ratio, like some people I could mention.
I'm constantly amazed at the mileage you people get out of one joke.


Marc: You couldn't be more wrong. Birds are deadly.

Derek: You're only saying that because they see bald people's heads as bullseyes.
*wince* That was low.

*bites tongue*


Marc: (calling after Zeke) Say hi to Cassini-Huygens for me!
*distant clang*
Marc: NASA's not gonna like that.


Derek: Space. Hmm. What about huge space battles?

Kira: Yeah, it's not like somebody's subsite has that market cornered.

Derek: Okay. Religious issues?

Marc: Amen. I mean, ahem.

Derek: Fine -- political intrigue?

IJD: I think I'm detecting a pattern here.
You could do it about jail-related episodes and make it a penal discussion.

...I think I need to go five something while I'm in the right frame of mind.


IJD: Don't forget "For the Turkey is Hollow, and I Have Burnt the Stuffing."
This amuses me greatly.


Data: Worf, I have a personal question.
Worf: Data, the answer is no. Par'mach is not for androids.
But I thought he was fully fun...never mind. My brain just rebelled.

Next! More! I demand more!

NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 06:03 PM


Bashir: Quark's going to be all right, sir. Some masked men attacked him in his bar and branded him with an "O".
Odo: They also stuck these leaflets all over the walls.
Sisko: (reading) "Patriots, join together to overthrow Sisko!"
Kira: Sounds like they're getting serious. They used a word with two "O"s this time.

Jaro: All existing designations were inadequate, so we created a new one. It means "He Who Answers Directly to the Prophets."
Sisko: Congratulations. It's a title that must give you considerable latitude of action.
Li: Yes, but it's going to make it awfully tricky to submit my first annual report.
Heeheehee :D


Trey: Yeah, well, you were also the one who told me I wanted her in the first place. Come to think of it --
Jess: (slap) Bad Trey! No thinking! Let's get you some crack and casual sex before this gets out of hand.


Kirsten: Carter? I shouldn't be calling, but --
Carter's Answering Machine: Hi, you've reached Carter Buckley. Since you're calling me, you must care that I exist, so that makes you Kirsten. Please leave Sandy for me, Kirsten. Please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE --
Kirsten: I really shouldn't be calling.


Kirsten: Sandy, I'm so sorry! I was wrong all along! Starting now, in the middle of this intersection, I'm going to turn things around!
Car: (whizzes past)
Kirsten: I said, starting now I'm going to turn things around.
Another Car: (whizzes past)
Kirsten: And, um, I'm pregnant?


Dr Soong: You're showing promise. Try taking a walk on the wild side.
Data: Does this mean I will be able to fall in love soon?
Dr Soong: Dream on.

Good stuff! :)


Derek: You're right -- it's about 7:57 PM. And there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing.

Zeke: That's not what I --

Derek: Do you have a problem with 7:57 PM?

Zeke: No! I'm just --

Derek: Good. Because there's nothing wrong with it.


Kira: Hey, weren't there going to be 5MV T-shirts?
Zeke: Look! Up in the sky! It's an abrupt change of subject!

Kira: (getting an evil grin) To fight them, wouldn't we have to... come out of their TV sets?
Zeke: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (digs a hole in the floor and hides in it)
Derek: And why did he dig the hole with his eyelids?
Marc: I think he was too scared to move any other body parts.
Derek: And how did he dig the hole with his eyelids?
:lol: :lol:


Zeke: Is it... is it safe to....
Kira: (pulls hair in front of face, turns to Zeke, and opens one eye)
IJD: Whoa! I think he hit escape velocity!
Marc: (calling after Zeke) Say hi to Cassini-Huygens for me!


IJD: Don't forget "For the Turkey is Hollow, and I Have Burnt the Stuffing."

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