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Derek 05-20-2006 03:08 PM

Question for Who fans -- Another Who Thread
I've been watching the Doctor Who run on SciFi, and I'm enjoying it. I also wasted an incredible amount of time reading the Monitor Duty site Zeke linked to and so I at least have some vague idea of what happened to previous Doctors.

But there's one thing I don't understand: Are there any other timelords still around? The Doctor has made comments that he's the only one left. I think in the episode "Dalek" he said he's the only one. So is that true? Are the time lords wiped out? Is the Doctor the only one left standing? What about the Master?

I just watched "Boom Town," so I'd appreciate it if anyone answering can curb any major spoilers past that point (other than to say, "yes, there are more timelords").


Lostoyannaya 05-20-2006 08:08 PM

I was new to Who that series too, and when I asked my parents (long time Whoers) they said there was some kind of intergalactic war that wiped out all of the TimeLords, so it does look like they're all gone. I don't know what series this occurred in, though...

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Burt 05-20-2006 10:04 PM

The War was never seen, in any of the Who shows. The last time who was around, the movie, they said nothing about a war between the time lords and Daleks. In fact, the Daleks were seen in the first part of the movie (Or heard). I'm guessing the war happened between the Doctors 8th (Paul McGann) and 9th (Eccleston) lives. He even talks about being in a new body in the first episode, so the war might have been why he regenerated.
The Master was supposed to have been killed in the doctor who movie. But I'm guessing he'll still be back.
There was another evil Time Lord(Or lady) called 'The Rani'. Bit of an evil old cow she was too.
Also one of the Doctors old companions Romana (another Time lady) left to stay in a another part of space called 'E-space' with the first K-9. I guessing she would still be alive, but the show hasn't spoken about her.
I'm certain the show will have other Time lords in it sooner or later.
Well, I mean I hope!

Scooter 05-21-2006 07:01 AM

The short answer is, not at the moment.

So -- as you noted, according to "Dalek" and a later episode, there was a Time War between the Daleks and the Time Lords which is supposed to have destroyed both races. The implication is that the Doctor was deeply involved in these events and the Ninth Doctor feels responsible for the slaughter. This occurred off screen, between the events of the movie and "Rose," and *may* have caused his regeneration into the Ninth Doctor (nothing canonical is known about this regeneration). Anyway there is a loooot of stuff that has not yet been revealed about the Time War, I'm thinking, especially the precise nature of the Doctor's role and how all the Time Lords got killed. (Maybe the Doctor just thinks they were!)

The Time War had vast repurcussions across space and time (marooning the Gelth, for example). In a new series two episode the Doctor says he "could stop the war" if he had the power being offered him, which leads some to think the Time War is still ongoing. I think it's a lot more likely that the Doctor means he would try to reverse the annihilation of the Time Lords if he could.

However, considering we have Daleks surviving the Time War after all, both isolated escapees ("Dalek") and ... other things, it seems likely as Burt said that random Time Lords will resurface, perhaps even a government in exile. Will this happen? Probably not for a long time. The producers of the new series are getting a lot of mileage out of the Doctor being alone and unique in the universe, the last Time Lord. They're not stupid enough to muck that up anytime soon.

There *are* three Time Lords other than the Doctor from the classic series that are certain to have been off of Gallifrey at the time of the Time War: Romana (last seen wandering around E-Space), the Master (last seen in the movie), and the Rani (last seen in "Time and the Rani," assuming you don't count the charity special "Dimensions in Time"). And yeah, the Master "died" in the movie, but then he "died" in "Planet of Fire" too. Actually he's more likely to have survived what we see in the movie -- he's just sucked into the Eye of Harmony, so maybe the Eye just sort of put him on ice. There's some speculation that the Master is the classic villain to be resurrected in series three, after the Daleks and the Cybermen. But that's just speculation.

I think a lot of fans feel that the Gallifrey stuff was great but it also took away a lot of the mystery about the character of the Doctor, starting from when it first came up at the end of the Second Doctor's time. I think Russell Davies and the others are in sync with that feeling -- that's probably why they killed off Gallifrey in the first place.

Hejira 05-21-2006 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Scooter
The producers of the new series are getting a lot of mileage out of the Doctor being alone and unique in the universe, the last Time Lord. They're not stupid enough to muck that up anytime soon.

I'm just quoting this part for historical purposes. You know, just in case the producers turn out to be human after all.

Zeke 05-21-2006 08:45 AM

I was gonna leave this to the more qualified people, but to my surprise, they didn't bring up what I read about the other day. There's reason to believe someone else is out there, if not necessarily a Time Lord. Why? In the 2006 Doctor Who Annual, there was an article by Russell Davies himself called "Meet the Doctor," which gave a little information about the Great Time War. The final paragraph was this: "And far away, across the universe, on the planet Crafe Tec Heydra, one side of a mountain carries carvings and hieroglyphs, crude representations of an invisible War. The artwork shows two races clashing, one metal, one flesh; a fearsome explosion; and a solitary survivor walking from the wreckage. Solitary? Perhaps not. Under this figure, a phrase has been scratched in the stone, which translates as: you are not alone..."

Scooter 05-21-2006 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Hejira
You know, just in case the producers turn out to be human after all.

lol. It's true I tend to be unduly optimistic when it comes to the producers' ability to resist temptation. After all, the new series had only gotten 13 episodes in before they had a Rose/Doctor kiss... Then another one two episodes later... (Of course, that one wasn't really Rose, so it's okay.)


Originally Posted by Zeke
Under this figure, a phrase has been scratched in the stone, which translates as: you are not alone..."

Wow, I did not see this. Fascinating and cryptic. Reminds me of the Ezekiel storyline from Amazing Spider-Man. Not necessarily a Time Lord, though -- could even be a reference to Rose, who is really being made a partner in the Doctor's labors in the new series -- but it definitely opens the door to something else.

Burt 05-21-2006 06:21 PM

Yeah, I saw that too. I was surprised to see a juicy piece of info like that in an Childrens Annual. I was kinda of wary to trust it. But then, in that case, why would they put it in there in the first place if it wasn't for a reason? And as you said, it was written by Russell Davies too.
Weird. Time will tell I guess.
(Pun not intended)

Lostoyannaya 05-21-2006 07:49 PM

According to reliable sources of the people around me, Billie Piper said in an interview that she'd like to be the next Dr. Who. But whether-or-not she said this as just a humorous thing or whether she meant it I couldn't determine. And it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon - David Tennant has already signed up for another series.

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

PointyHairedJedi 05-22-2006 12:54 PM

The last of the eighth Doctor BBC novels (which I've bought but not read), The Gallifrey Chronicles, covers the destruction of the Time Lords, but I don't know how well it fits in with the new series.

Scooter 05-23-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
The last of the eighth Doctor BBC novels (which I've bought but not read), The Gallifrey Chronicles, covers the destruction of the Time Lords, but I don't know how well it fits in with the new series.

True and I haven;t forgotten that, but I am under the impression that the mythology of the Time War is very different between the novels and the new series. I haven't read them either, though, so if you do, let us know.

Hejira 05-24-2006 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lostoyannaya
According to reliable sources of the people around me, Billie Piper said in an interview that she'd like to be the next Dr. Who. But whether-or-not she said this as just a humorous thing or whether she meant it I couldn't determine.

But that means the Doctor kissed...

...the Doctor. :shock:

I'm not sure if it's more disgusting than pathetic or the other way around.

Zeke 05-24-2006 02:10 AM

Could have been worse. He could have kissed Rose -- wait.

Okay, he could have kissed J-- no.

Intimate show these days, isn't it?

Scooter 05-24-2006 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Could have been worse. He could have kissed Rose -- wait.

Okay, he could have kissed J-- no.

Intimate show these days, isn't it?

At least the Doctor didn't kiss Sarah Jane. That would have been weird. The kissing continuity between new and classic series has been maintained!

Burt 05-24-2006 01:51 PM

I'm just glad he didn't kiss K-9. He's a dog. It's just not right, folks.

On that subject, I just brough a bunch of Doctor Who crap! A huge remote control Dalek, that talks and moves and everything! So far it's not tried to kill me and take over the house (though it's only a matter of time).
But it it does, I'll have my 'Huge remote controled K-9' to protect me!

Yes ladies and gentlemen...I am 22.

PointyHairedJedi 05-26-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Burt
I'm just glad he didn't kiss K-9. He's a dog. It's just not right, folks.

I'm having odd urges to go and see if there's any fanfic out there now.

Damn you. Damn you.


Yes ladies and gentlemen...I am 22.
I'm twenty... and very jealous indeed. :P

e of pi 05-27-2006 12:32 AM

I'm jealous. You two are old enough to get your pilot licenses! I can't even fly solo for another year.

Burt 05-27-2006 12:33 AM


Chancellor Valium 06-01-2006 04:28 PM

Stop making me feel old! And help me out of this legs aren't what they used to be!

Official answer: Unknown.

Actually, we know next to nothing about the Last Great Time War, but the facts as they stand revealed are:

1) The first act of the War (According to RTD) was the sending of the Doctor back in time to avert or alter the creation of the Daleks. (See "Genesis of the Daleks").

2) Some time later, the Daleks declared war.

3) The Doctor destroyed Skaro as part of the War (according to RTD, again).

4) The war ravaged causality.

5) Much of what happened in the Doctor's prime universe seems to have been undone (it can be surmised, anyway - Ravalox and so forth).

6) Other races were drawn in, but

7) The War was primarily between the Time Lords of Gallifrey and the Daleks.

8) The Autons were also involved.

9) The War was ended by the Doctor destroying both Gallifrey, the entire of the Time Lord race, and the entire Dalek race and fleet (drawn together from various sources).

10)The Doctor believes himself to be the last of his kind, and the TARDIS likewise.

11) The end of the Time War has meant that causality is much more immutable than it used to be.

At least, that's all I can think of. Russell T. Davies has also implied that the Last Great Time War is not related to the War In Heaven against the Unknown Enemy (and Faction Paradox).

Where and if Faction Paradox are involved is unknown, but due to the temporal nature of the war, the involvement of the inhabitants of the Eleven Day Empire seems likely.

Scooter 06-01-2006 07:50 PM

Thanks, CV. This is a helpful rundown.


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
3) The Doctor destroyed Skaro as part of the War (according to RTD, again).

Does this not refer to the events in "Remembrance of the Daleks"?

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