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Zeke 06-13-2005 05:10 AM

June 12

Welcome to the launch of Five-Minute Doctor Who as a formal subsite! This move was indicated by two things: great enthusiasm on the part of Scooter, our new section head, and the need to broaden 5MV's range to include more current shows now that Enterprise is no more. I have high hopes for this subsite -- we've already got two strong contributors (Scooter and SCMoll), several interested guest writers, and a pretty decent supply of Whovians in the audience, judging by a popular thread at the forums.

To launch 5MDW ("when there's trouble you call DW"... sorry), we're doing a three-day event, each day covering three Doctors. Since we're going in Doctoral order, the first three are covered today, as follows:
<ul>[*]First Doctor: "The Ark"[*]Second Doctor: "The Power of the Daleks"[*]Third Doctor: "Spearhead From Space"[/list]All of these are by Scooter, but before this event is over you'll hear from other fivists, including yours truly. See you tomorrow!

(Note: The marvelous SaRa, who's currently redesigning our LiveJournal, made us the 5MDW subsite banner on short notice. Thanks a million, SR!)

(Note 2: In the About section, you'll find new FAQs for 5MDW and Scooter.)

SCMoll 06-13-2005 05:39 AM


I enjoyed that "Spearhead from Space" fiver in a sort of masochistic
way. :lol:

Gatac 06-13-2005 05:43 AM

The sad part is, I not only got the Magic joke, but I understood perfectly how it's supposed to work.

Also, nice job with the Bond movie titles, I was groaning all the way. :)


Scooter 06-13-2005 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gatac
Also, nice job with the Bond movie titles, I was groaning all the way. :)

The funny thing is they really do call them "thunderballs" in the episode. Between that and Jon Pertwee being pretty much the Bizarro James Bond, I realized it was one Bond movie down, 23 to go...

Chancellor Valium 06-13-2005 10:23 AM

Woo! Next stop, bumblebees!

Those were fantabulous! Scooter, I salute and applaud you.Or alternatively I Sapplaud, and Allute you. Or something

PointyHairedJedi 06-13-2005 10:24 AM


Fivers = good
Doctor Who = even better
Fivers + Doctor Who = my brain has exploded with delight


Derek 06-13-2005 12:43 PM

Never having watched any Doctor Who, I can't really comment on the fivers, but I love the question in your FAQ:


Q: Oh, sorry. (yawn) That's powerful stuff. So where do you live, Canada or Florida?

Marc 06-13-2005 04:08 PM

Congratulations on the subsite launch!

Standback 06-14-2005 03:59 PM

Congrats to Scooter and the rest of the DW fans hereabouts... great to see the new subsite!

Unfortunately my familiarity with DW is precisely nil, so for the forseeable future the subsite will be among the 70% of the site that I don't actually touch... but, now I've got more incentive to find some episodes to watch!

Scooter 06-14-2005 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Standback
Unfortunately my familiarity with DW is precisely nil, so for the forseeable future the subsite will be among the 70% of the site that I don't actually touch... but, now I've got more incentive to find some episodes to watch!

I dunno where everyone is anymore (where are those flag icons, anyway?), but folks in the UK and Canada can still catch the end of the current season. The last episode airs Saturday in the UK, and if you can run, walk or crawl to a set you have no excuse not to see it...

Chancellor Valium 06-14-2005 06:48 PM

Otherwise, d/l, or get the dvds, which should be out by december......

Standback 06-14-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
I dunno where everyone is anymore (where are those flag icons, anyway?), but folks in the UK and Canada can still catch the end of the current season.

No such luck. Not only do I live in Israel, which is neither the UK nor Canada and is not known for quality SF programming, but furthermore I'm a uni student. This means (at least in my case) that my computer access is limited to the computer lab, and my TV access is a flat zero.
Hopefully this means I'm excused until circumstances are somewhat improved. :)

Scooter 06-16-2005 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Standback
Hopefully this means I'm excused until circumstances are somewhat improved. :)

We Americans always forgive the Israelis anything :)

Anyway, sorry you can't get a good look. Since there are so many folks who've had limited access to Doctor Who, maybe I should copy Derek's idea and do a few comic book adaptations!

NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 04:32 PM


Steven: What about that hairy, one-eyed humanoid with the early-Beatles mop-top?
Dodo: Well, maybe they caught a Sasquatch.
Steven: With one eye?
Dodo: Okay, a pirate Sasquatch.


designated Narrow-Minded Authority Moron for this story
Doncha hate those? ;)


Steven: Why has this never come up before? I mean, even if you're an alien, we're human and we're crawling with germs. Why have we never wiped out whole civilizations before now?
Doctor: Actually we do, every week. I just don't stick around to watch.
Steven: You're sick.
Doctor: No, Dodo's sick. I'm just morally reprehensible.
Steven: (sigh) I wonder if it's too late to go into real estate.


Doctor: I see you've also been cured of your cockney accent.
Dodo: Yes, although what the weather in Spain has to do with anything --


Steven: Security! Are you kidding? If a bunch of Boy Scouts wanted to set me on fire just to toast marshmallows, the Doctor would lend them the matches. And the marshmallows.


Doctor: Ah, but only if I had changed my form, would I now not be able to wear the ring. So my not being able to wear the Doctor's ring proves that I am the Doctor. QED!
Ben: That's the most convoluted rubbish I've ever heard. Maybe you really are the Doctor.

Polly: Now we'll get some clues about what the new Doctor's personality will be. What do you think, Ben? Cautious and dignified, or reckless and irreverent?
Doctor: We've just landed in a poisonous swamp full of hissing pools of toxic mercury.
Ben: And?
Doctor: Sounds like fun! Who's up for a swim?
Ben: I'm guessing it's not the "cautious and dignified" one.


Lesterson: What are you doing?
Doctor: Well, I'm certainly not trying to force this Dalek to eat a banana.


Ben: These Daleks getting the run of the place creeps me out. There's one around every-- GAH!
Doctor: No thank you. Keep walking, Ben. The important thing to remember is --
Another Dalek: CRAB PUFF?
Doctor: No, thanks! -- is that even though they're pretending to be nice, they're really --
Doctor: Go away! -- really evil killing machines who want to --
Fourth Dalek: MINT?
Doctor: For the fourth time, no! Wait -- fourth time? Weren't there only three before? Ben?
Ben: Mmm, this chicken satay is delicious.


Brigadier: Nonsense. Everyone knows you only live twice.
Heheheh, I see what the theme is going to be ;)

Brilliant work with that one!

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