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Ginga 07-31-2004 06:34 PM

Share Your Dreams!
Go ahead! Share those really great dreams or those frickin' scary nightmares with us! :3 Just post your dream from last night and we can laugh at yo-... I mean... um...

Yeah, so my dream last night...

Um... 2 of my friends killed another one of my friends. It was disturbing. The end. O.o

Michiel 07-31-2004 06:36 PM

The gerbil ate me. :shock: Actually, I never remember my dreams.

That's a pretty disturbing dream you had.

Vedra 07-31-2004 06:55 PM

One time I had a nightmare that a vampire ate my dad while he was waxing his car,and then my bed caught on fire. In the dream.

Ginga 07-31-2004 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
One time I had a nightmare that a vampire ate my dad while he was waxing his car,and then my bed caught on fire. In the dream.

That reminds me of my dream... no... nightmare where a tiger ate my guinea pigs and my mom. @_@

OHH, and then there was the one about my birthday and a mob coming and killing everyone who was in our house... because my best friend's father joined a mob... and... God, it was horrible. However, at the end, Janeway came and gave me a reset button to fix everything. XD

Nic Corelli 07-31-2004 07:55 PM

Funny story... last night I dreamed I traveled to, of all places, Canada, :mrgreen: And when I arrived, I realized my passport expired. Then I was walking through some corridor with some of my friends (that I never saw before, btw) and suddenly one character from Song of Ice and Fire appeared for no reason. Then I falsified my passport, :twisted: And that`s it. :mrgreen:

taya17 08-02-2004 01:45 AM

I had a dream... a dream where I was empress of the world, and everybody was worshipping me, and I was rich and fabulous and had a whole harem of hot men and women and...

Oh, you mean those other kind of dreams. Geez.

PointyHairedJedi 08-02-2004 02:23 PM

I can never remember the things, so they can't be that interesting really. Either that or my unconcious mind is blocking them out as a protective measure...

catalina_marina 08-02-2004 04:06 PM

I don't know. I know I had some interesting dreams over the years, but I don't remember them anymore. I don't remember any recent dreams, either.

Ginga 08-03-2004 06:08 PM

Last night I had dreams about...

1. School. I was in English with my idiot teacher... and I really don't remember much else.
2. Threshold. It was like, a sequel or something! There were giant lizard looking dinosaurs stomping around everywhere! :o
3. Oreos. I think I ate too many in my dream. It made me queasy. And it makes me queasy thinking about it... T_T

catalina_marina 08-03-2004 06:24 PM

I think I had a "what if" dream. What if we had actually found the meet-up people? :roll:

Gatac 08-03-2004 08:10 PM

I dream in action movies. Further details would probably disturb *your* dreams.


PointyHairedJedi 08-03-2004 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by catalina_marina
I think I had a "what if" dream. What if we had actually found the meet-up people? :roll:

Freaky. I have a vague memory of having one of those too. Except I think we were in Stoke. And my sister was there. It must have been very strange indeed.

Alexia 08-04-2004 12:05 PM

I quite regularly remember my dreams, but they are always so weird I'm not sure you'd want to know! They are usually VERY vivid and realistic. To this day there are some things I am not 100% sure if they happened, or if i dreamt them!

NeoMatrix 08-04-2004 01:37 PM

Have you ever had a dream where you were not yourself, like in a different body. And if so, were you in a body of the opposite sex?

Gatac 08-04-2004 01:58 PM

No. Pretty much always me wearing my leather jacket and going Solid Snake on some bad guys.


Ginga 08-04-2004 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by NeoMatrix
Have you ever had a dream where you were not yourself, like in a different body. And if so, were you in a body of the opposite sex?

I had a dream where I was B'Elanna once... O.o Everyone around me was getting assimilated to boot.

And Janeway got to keep her hair that time. o.O

Vedra 08-05-2004 12:07 AM

Janeway,covered in Borg armor and implants and stuff...but still with a full head of that luscious red hair? I've found my new nightmare!

Ginga 08-05-2004 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
Janeway,covered in Borg armor and implants and stuff...but still with a full head of that luscious red hair? I've found my new nightmare!

*snorts* XD

It was scary, though. O.o But at least I didn't dream about Oreos... :S *feels queasy again*

Nic Corelli 08-05-2004 01:31 AM

I once dreamed I`d gone mad and got locked up in a mental institution... :mrgreen:

Let`s see...

Who`s first with a snappy comment? :twisted:

Alexia 08-05-2004 12:40 PM

This wasn't perhaps actually you remembering last weekend by any chance nic? :wink:

I had a dream where I was at a party in a large house with 4 or 5 floors. My friends were in a room on the bottom floor there were sloped floors between the levels. I kept walking up to the top floor then checking that all the people on the floor were OK at the party, then sliding down to the next floor, and checking on them. Then, when i reached the bottom floor i would start all over again, so i only got to see my friends real quickly before i moved on. (Janeway & Chakotay were on floor 2 having a meal, but i think that was because i read fanfic before bed!)

Then, when i finally finished sliding floors and checking on people and i could be with my friends, they told me they had to go coz it was too late.

Any idea what all that lot means? :wink: (That i'm a psycho is not a sufficiant answer!)

NeoMatrix 08-05-2004 03:07 PM

It means you should not read star trek fanfic before bed, lol.

Sounds like the dream is telling you should not always be in a hurry to get somewhere. To spend more time with your friends, or you might miss out. Your friends will not always be there.

Alexia 08-05-2004 03:13 PM

Yeah, probably! Not sure on the sliding though...!

Of course, it could have been the cheese before bed :wink: :mrgreen:

Zeke 08-05-2004 04:06 PM

Off-topic comments....

Neo: What the--? Now your title makes even less sense! And there's not supposed to be any spoon!

Fuyu: What exactly are the "Zeeky words"?

Alexia: I love that icon linked in your sig. Just sayin'.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-05-2004 07:04 PM

I had a dream once where I was eating guacamole Doritos in a pool.

I had never eaten guacamole Doritos prior to that (and after that dream I never wanted to).

My dreams rarely make sense, and I seldom remember them (which is probably for the best).

Ginga 08-05-2004 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Fuyu: What exactly are the "Zeeky words"?

LOL, ever seen The Demented Cartoon Movie?

If you're going to watch it, you better set aside half an hour. :P

Alexia 08-06-2004 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Off-topic comments....

Alexia: I love that icon linked in your sig. Just sayin'.

LOL, why thank you :mrgreen: See what happens when sunburn forces you to sit in front of your computer all day and play with gif animators and paint :lol: I wouln't be too worried about the content...i love children but I couldn't eat a whole one :wink: Maybe with the help of the sheep :wink:

Sa'ar Chasm 08-07-2004 06:04 AM

I had a dream the other night that my wisdom teeth were falling out - just hanging by threads.

The really weird part is that I had them wrenched from my jaw several years ago.

Opium 08-07-2004 07:08 AM

Hmmm, let me see...well, last night I dreamt my college classes had moved to a small island, where there were also grade 12 theatre classes. There was a small train going around the island. And I was to audition for a play in a ballet studio, but I could not remember the lower notes of the song, and kept singing in a monotone. Also, we had to rollerblade.

It was just a very odd dream.

taya17 08-08-2004 01:56 PM

Last night Bruce Boxleitner appeared in my dream--again.

Bruce Boxleitner happens to be <a href = " _key=Boxleitner,%20Bruce">this</a> guy (together with his wife Melissa Gilbert).

He's got a pretty-boy face, but he's not someone I want to appear in my dreams. Good lord *shudder* WHY?

I am terribly, terribly traumatized.

On the other hand, this isn't as bad as the time I dreamt that I was holding hands with the guy. I'm pretty sure I woke up screaming, or at least I started to when I woke up.

PointyHairedJedi 08-08-2004 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by taya17
Last night Bruce Boxleitner appeared in my dream--again.

Ah, this is interesting. It seems that perhaps Mia Furlan is not the object of your affections after all then, hmm? ;)

Nic Corelli 08-10-2004 07:42 PM

It`s Mira, not Mia. :P :twisted:

catalina_marina 08-10-2004 07:49 PM

And since 17 doesn't seem to be around...


Vedra 08-10-2004 07:51 PM

When did Melissa Gilbert get so sexy?

catalina_marina 08-10-2004 07:55 PM

Melissa Whobert? :roll:

Nic Corelli 08-11-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
When did Melissa Gilbert get so sexy?

I wouldn`t know.



Opium 08-12-2004 07:49 PM

Weird dream: Friend's band turned into Incubus, with posters up everywhere, and apperently I was stage manager or something, but I didn't feel like going to the show.

Erm, just felt like sharing.

Ginga 08-12-2004 09:25 PM

I had a dream that I was in an ER and there were all these doctors around me... none of which looked like any of the cast of ER, unfortunatley... X_x. There was one doctor in front of me getting a needle ready and watching my heart monitor, and all of a sudden her face started to look panicked. I started trying to get up and I was yelling, "What!? What's wrong! What's happening!? Oh my God, am I dying!?" Then all the doctors swarmed on me trying to hold me down and make me feel better, somebody stuck a needle in me, and then I started blacking out because... well... I was dying. X_x

Then I commanded myself to wake up, whereupon I did wake up. I sat in bed for a while very disturbed before going back to sleep for another round of really weird dreams.

I seemed to be on a dreaming high last night. All I did was dream. Dream dream dream dream dream. :?

Somwhere in there I had a dream where Jadzia Dax came back to life... I've never even seen the episode where she dies. :?

MaverickZer0 08-13-2004 04:39 PM

I had a dream where I was a cat-person...and this falls into the 'thinking you are an anime character in a dream' category, because I was Chaud in the dream....worst, I had to live with Lan for some reason...

But that's not the weirdest dream. I usually have a dream where I'm running around a high school with all these big white buildings trying to find my classes and I have no idea where they all are. And there's a huge clock on the front of the school. Which is weird, because my school is very small, and we have about half as many clocks as rooms.

Chaud_Blaze 08-15-2004 05:26 PM

i once had a dream where i was in a chat room and nothing made sense and everyone was talking in a strange language and i couldn't make heads or tails of it oh wait sorry that was when i accidently entered an aol chat room sry nevermind. But Mav from an amatuer psychollogist point of view i would say you're having trouble facing reality but since i'm not an amatuer psychologist i'll go with you're totally loco

NAHTMMM 08-25-2004 02:42 PM

Ick. ...Based on my dreams, one would think that Missouri's entrance ramps are flimsier than a rubber band and weigh about the same... o_O ...and for pity's sake, last night one was actually standing free at the upper end (they ALWAYS go from high to low in my dreams)! I saw it and wished they'd built it two or three feet closer to the local road, then fed myself some nonsense to the effect that it has to be a certain shape at the top and a certain distance from the local road so that the physics work out and the people who drive the high speed limit just go from the road to the ramp without a bump. As if having a gap between road and ramp were normal--I honestly believe my subconscious had completely forgotten that the things are supposed to be connected! :?

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