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Zeke 04-13-2003 01:20 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Time for a nice short block. Neo wakes up on Morpheus' hovercraft, the [i:post_uid0]Nebuchadnezzar[/i:post_uid0], and the resistance leader welcomes him aboard. He explains that it's closer to 2197 than 1997 (they "honestly do not know" the exact year). Neo is introduced to those of the crew he hadn't already met. Morpheus then shows him the ship's Core, which is where they upload themselves into the Matrix; he says this is where Neo will find the answer to the "What is the Matrix" question. Trinity helps Neo into one of the chairs, and Morpheus, warning that it will feel a little weird, inserts a nasty-looking cable into the jack on the back Neo's neck (left over from his imprisonment in the fluid chamber -- all the crew have them).

Full transcript is here and the first bit of here. Definitely just one scene for this block.[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 04-13-2003 01:52 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]This is all I can think of at the moment:

Morpheus: Welcome to tonight's meeting of Matrix Anonymous, Neo! Introduce yourself to everyone here and accept our congratulations for your brave attempt to kick the habit!
Neo: Uhh, oookay. Hi, everyone, I'm Neo, um, I'm a hacker, and I stopped having the slightest clue of what was going on about fifteen minutes ago. Will [i:post_uid0]somebody[/i:post_uid0] please fill me in?
Morpheus: Okay, but it'll mean a relapse. Plus we have to do the scene before last all over again.
Neo: Hey, just as long as there isn't a mirror involved...[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 04-13-2003 02:04 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Morpheus: We can rebuild him. We can make him better.
Dozer: Can we improve his acting skills?
Morpheus: I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.

I don't really have a scene, just random lines and snippets:

Neo: I had the strangest dream! And you were in it, and you, and you...and the colour was so much brighter.

((Hmmm...Oz = The Matrix?))

The Core: combination of the Sonic Oscillator from Rocky Horror, Multivac from Asimov's stories, and features a Big Red Button marked PANIC.

Morpheus: This is where we get loaded.

This may be beyond the cutoff:
(Morpheus turns on TV)
Neo: I can see my house from here!

The scene with the battery demands a "keeps on going and going and going" line, even if the prop is Duracell rather than Energiser (this is the same battery we've had since the machines took over).[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 04-13-2003 02:16 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] How am I? Where am I? When am I?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Fine, here, and can't tell you.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Why not?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Temporal Prime Directive.


[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Welcome to the ship. Let me introduce Mouse, Switch, Tank, and Dozer.
[b:post_uid0]Cypher:[/b:post_uid0] And [i:post_uid0]I'm[/i:post_uid0] Cypher.
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Shut up. You're nothing to me.


[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] This is my ship and these are my disciples: Peter, Paul, Mary, and Judas, who will betray me.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] God, you have quite the ego, don't you?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Who told you my real name?[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 04-13-2003 02:38 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]** I think I like everybody else's scenes better.

** Derek, I [i:post_uid0]did[/i:post_uid0] get the Cypher joke. ;)

** In reference to Derek's third scene, poor Neo must be theologically confused no end by now... :lol:[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 04-13-2003 02:53 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I was thinking of using a Bionic Man reference too Sa'ar :) - So I just merged my two favs :)

Morpheus: We can rebuild him. We can make him stronger, faster --
Neo: Wha -- Where am I? When am I? What's with the acupuncture?
Morpheus: Can't tell you.
Neo: Why not?
Morpheus: Temporal Prime Directive.[/color:post_uid0]

Trip 04-13-2003 03:09 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hi, I'm Mark, or "Trip" and I've been reading 5ME and 5MV, but just discovered this. It looks like fun. May I join in?

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Am I dead?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] No.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Am I sleeping?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Yes.

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] What's this stick in my arm about? (pulls it out)
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] You have freed yourself from the hive!
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] What?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Kidding. Seriously, we're in the future. We freed you from the hive mind. The Borg had you and all those others. Got me so far?
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Uhh--
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] Good. Because I failed English class, I don't know enough words to describe the Matrix. Can I show it to you?
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Well--
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] OK, come with me.

[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] This is my cramped and pathetic ship, the Omygoshiforgottogiveitaname. And these are some unimportant characters.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] This is the Matrix? It sure is cramped and pathetic.
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] This isn't the Matrix! Although...

[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] See this hole in your head? We have to plug you in here.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] You mean the hole between my ears?

I know it stinks. I have better stuff in mind for later scenes.

- Trip[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 04-13-2003 03:42 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]I know it stinks. I have better stuff in mind for later scenes.

Oh, I don't know about that. I liked this:

[quote:post_uid0]Morpheus: See this hole in your head? We have to plug you in here.
Neo: You mean the hole between my ears?

NAHTMMM 04-13-2003 03:55 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Morpheus: Hold still now so we can undo all our hard work and plug you back in.
Neo: Hey! No way are you putting that thing anywhere near me! I don't wanna be re-assimilated! Seriously, guys, I'm scared to death of that cable! It's like I can hear it calling to me, "Come back, come back to the Collective, Neo"--no, wait, it's saying a different name...Locker, Location...Hey, anyone here named Locutus?
Cable: YOU are Locutus, Neo. Bwahahahaa!
Neo: Eek!

That was a bit weird. I'm gonna quit for now, to save everyone from a scene where the cable does the whole "I am your father" spiel with Neo. [img:post_uid0][/img:post_uid0][/color:post_uid0]

Nan 04-13-2003 04:05 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Y'know, the Matrix in the movie was tinted green, partly so you could tell that you were in the Matrix.

Maybe there should be some mention of that?


Saxamaphone 04-13-2003 04:18 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]And the real world was tinted blue.[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 04-13-2003 04:29 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Y'know, the Matrix in the movie was tinted green, partly so you could tell that you were in the Matrix.

Maybe there should be some mention of that?

Personally, I'm sitting on a Blue Screen of Death gag for their own personal artificial Matrix.[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 04-13-2003 04:55 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Wow. That's a [i:post_uid0]lot[/i:post_uid0] of responses in three hours. Not to bias the discussion, but my favourite so far is Derek's third, because of how well it ties in with the Trinity stuff earlier (as Nah observed). Oh, and for those who didn't get the "nothing to me" joke, "cypher" is an older word for the digit 0.[/color:post_uid0]

NeoMatrix 04-13-2003 05:00 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]*Neo wakes up*
Neo: Are we there yet?
Morpheus: No, now go back to sleep while we finish rebuilding you.
Neo: I need to go to the rest room.
Morpheus: That's impossible, you havent had anything.
Neo: But I thought you will say that your mind makes it real

Morpheus: I see you are charged up, now let me go show you the ship and crew.
Neo: So what year is this anyway?
Morpheus: I can't say. Its sometime in the distant future.
Neo: So how did this all happen?
Morpheus: Can't tell you. Temporal Prime Directive.

Morpheus: And this is where we plug into the matrix
Neo: Can you play virtual reality games on it?
Morpheus: No, its more like the holodeck with the safety protocals off.
Neo: Where is the plug?
Morpheus: In your head[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 04-13-2003 05:32 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Morpheus: Welcome to the future, Neo. This is my ship, the [i:post_uid0]Neversaynever[/i:post_uid0], and this is it's crew, Mouse, Switch, Tank, and Dozer.
Cypher: And I'm Cypher.
Morpheus: Shut up. You're nothing to me.
Neo: Boy do I feel wierd.
Morpheus: That's your acting skills. You've never used them before.

It could use some trimming, I know.[/color:post_uid0]

Kira 04-13-2003 06:55 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Personally, I like Derek's first scene. I think it fits nicely with what actually is said in the scene.[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 04-13-2003 08:29 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well - If it's between the Derek scenes - I'd prefer the first one to the third one. But, I still like Sa'ar's first one as well, but if there are no other votes for it (or the conglomerate I came up with) then I'm with Kira :)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 04-13-2003 08:59 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]But, I still like Sa'ar's first one as well, but if there are no other votes for it (or the conglomerate I came up with) then I'm with Kira [/quote:post_uid0]

Fairweather friend :P (j/k)

I vote for me, obviously, but Derek's scenes are tough to beat.

Edit: PHJ's conglomerate has potential as well. Sort of a gestalt Borg-like entity distilling several good lines into one somewhat unwieldy...I've run out of synonyms.[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 04-14-2003 02:14 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Oh, you know you'd get it... if I had a comeback to that ;)[/color:post_uid0]

NeoMatrix 04-14-2003 03:08 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I thought mine was good. Nobody likes my fivers :(

I do agree with everyone about Derek's fiver[/color:post_uid0]

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