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Zeke 11-02-2004 02:43 PM

Election 2004: The 5MV District
As the start of today's election event, and just for interest's sake, let's pretend the 5MV community is a district in the election. Whom do you vote for? Yes, that means YOU. And YOU. And -- no, not you, you're a convicted felon.

You can post your reasons if you want to, but it's not required. For once, no one will be jumped on for talking politics -- just don't belittle those who disagree with your views, because whatever they are, that will include some forumgoers.

Finally, I hope I don't have to tell you guys not to cheat. Enough of that will be going on in the eTrektion....

(I cast the first vote, and anyone who knows me well enough can guess where it went. I may make a reasons post later.)

Scooter 11-02-2004 03:00 PM

Are there really a lot of Americans here? It's great that 5MV is all over the world, but suddenly I feel lonely... :)

Gatac 11-02-2004 04:10 PM

I'm not pro-Kerry, but anti-Bush.


Zeke 11-02-2004 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
Are there really a lot of Americans here?

Surprisingly few, you're right. I've often wondered why 5MV seems more popular in places like Canada and Europe than in the States. The surplus of Canadians is particularly interesting since I've never made a big deal on the site about being Canadian myself.

The poll is open to everybody, though. I hope the phrasing makes that clear enough.

Vedra 11-02-2004 07:14 PM

I voted for Kerry in this poll,and I'm about to go vote for him in the real election. (I'm 18 and an American citizen,so nyah-nyah!)

ijdgaf 11-02-2004 07:19 PM

I voted for Kerry absentee several days ago.

So I'm wondering -- if we're a district, what state are we in? Are we more like the District of Columbia then? How many electoral votes do we have? Can we swing the election results one way or another?


Zeke 11-02-2004 07:25 PM

We're in Connecticut. Fifth state to join the Union.

Derek 11-02-2004 07:37 PM

I voted for Bush this morning.

Guess my vote and IJD's cancel out. But we knew Florida was going to be a close state anyway. :)

Scooter 11-02-2004 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
The poll is open to everybody, though. I hope the phrasing makes that clear enough.


If you were/are registered as a U. S. voter, who would/did you choose?
Got it. I read it as "If you were" = "If you used to be," but you actually correctly used the subjunctive, = "Supposing that you were." Excellent. So everyone around the world, read it subjunctively and vote for Kerry--I mean, vote for whoever you think ought to be president. :)

Hotaru 11-02-2004 07:39 PM

I voted Kerry, I just don't like Bush. That's not so surprising though, I haven't met many Bush supporters here in Alberta.

Sa'ar Chasm 11-02-2004 07:39 PM

I did my real voting back in June. Nice to finally back a winner (sorry, wrong election).

Indecision 2004: American Flips A Coin (and then sues the crap out of the results of the coin flip).

For those keeping track, I threw my vote away. The GOP may be trying hard to rig the election through various shenanigans, but the Dems aren't exactly a paragon of virtue (see: trying to get Nader kicked off the ballot in Florida). Those interested might Google Tammany Hall.

From a perspective north of the 49th, the US needs more parties and an impartial system. The electoral machinery is in the hands of the Dems and Reps, and both sides spend most of their time ensuring that it never gets out of their hands.

Just my 1.6 cents worth (woo! The loonie went up!)

Chancellor Valium 11-02-2004 07:59 PM

I would vote for Zaphod Beeblebrox...apparently he's running:[/url]

Nan 11-02-2004 08:24 PM

I'm all for voting according to one's conscience. And voting. For the love of god, VOTE.

Like, say, NOT for that creepy eugenics guy.

Good times.

Celeste 11-02-2004 08:30 PM

My friend told me to write him in. :P But I don't like what's happend in America the past four years, mainly the war, and gas prices. Let's see if Kerry can do any better. If he can't, Bush can run again in four more years.

MaverickZer0 11-02-2004 08:54 PM

Let's see...I exercise the right to not vote.


Zeke says:
And -- no, not you, you're a convicted felon.
Nutbunnies. I can't vote anyways. ;)

ijdgaf 11-02-2004 09:35 PM

Wow, this is remarkably apolitical. It's like freeing caged animals. They get scared, and want the cage back :lol:

For me, voting for Kerry was merely a matter of convincing myself that I liked him enough to give the okay. I've spent the last four years or so grumbling about Bush, but when the time came for the Democrats to show an alternative, I wasn't too impressed with Kerry either.

Finally, I decided I'd watch the debates, and if Kerry couldn't convince me that he'd do the job, then I wasn't going to vote.

Now I still don't like Kerry's positions on a few issues (the Iraq War, Gay marriage -- IMO both the candidates suck on these). Kerry's comments on picking supreme court justices during the second debate probably convinced me more than anything.

When one candidate talks about the mark of a good judge being somebody who "by reading their statements, you can't tell whether they're male or female, liberal or conservative, etc.", and the other said more or less that this position didn't make any sense to him, I think the former hits the nail on the head there.

America is way too partisan these days, and it seems to me that Kerry is making the better effort on bringing us back together.

In my opinion of course.

NAHTMMM 11-02-2004 10:08 PM

Voted for Bush because he annoys me less than Kerry. Something like that.

Chancellor Valium 11-02-2004 10:17 PM

-he has some views and isn't an American John Major MP?
-he doesn't pretend that we can pretend that terrorism will go away if we all shut our eyes and put our fingers in our ears and shout "LA LA LA NOT LISTENING!"?
-he doesn't support gay marriage and other crazy stuff and still claim to have morals?
-he at least appears to have some morals?
- he seems to follow his conscience, not vote-winning?
-he's not as annoying?
-he doesn't claim to have the sparkling war record that Kerry tried to make out he had?
-He's not John Kerry?
If this is your ideal candidate, then vote me in!
or try Bush....either works for me.....:D

stripysox 11-02-2004 11:28 PM

I voted for Kerry (in 5MV land). I don't think it will actually make much diffrence who wins but I'd like to show bush that "Its just not good enough, dammit!" IMO if you don't vote you lose the right to complain. Complaining is fun. So I vote for the lesser of two evils.

That made no sence, meh I'm sleepy.

Draknek 11-02-2004 11:31 PM

I don't know enough about American politics to make a decision, so my vote goes straight to the trash compactor.

One thing I have noticed, though, is that a great number of people are just voting against Bush.

And I think that applies even more so outside of the US - I seem to remember that polls in Europe showed that something like 80% of people would vote for Kerry if they could vote.

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