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Celeste 09-27-2005 02:18 AM

Goblet of Fire pictures, probably spoilers
I just saw the newest Trailer for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and its resparked my hyperness for November 18th. Dan Radcliffe has some new pictures up of screenshots. Including some of the very chilling scenes towards the end.. if you catch my drift.

One of Harry and Cedric after you know who does you know what. And when Harry Returns from the farm house. ::Shudder:: Gave me the shivers. These are going to be some powerful scenes if they did them right. Always said book 4 was the best book. So far things are looking like the movies might be the same way.

PointyHairedJedi 09-27-2005 09:50 AM

It will be interesting to see how it's handled.

As far as the books are concerned though I think Azkabhan was the best - starting with Goblet Rowling seems to have abandoned any attempt at conciseness (though I have't actually read the latest one yet, to be sure).

Opium 09-27-2005 10:54 AM

HPness! Yay!

I'm wondering how they are going to handle the longer book. Hopefully they'll cut away the non-essentials carefully, while still keeping the fan favorites and important bits.

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