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Zeke 06-10-2005 04:54 AM

June 9

Lo, there shall be an ending! The most successful season in 5MV history -- and the one I'm proudest of -- concludes today with Five-Minute "Zero Hour".

And now I'm wiped out, so the bonus feature and announcement will have to come later. But not tomorrow -- that's another subsite's day. Be here.

Xeroc 06-10-2005 06:32 AM

Yay! :D Awesome Fiver, Zeke! :D Can't wait for the next one (and the special events! :mrgreen:)

evay 06-10-2005 10:25 AM

There are two "otc" notations which escaped, one Shran and one Mayweather.


Tucker: Know what else I'll miss if Earth is gone? Norway. The landscape is so --
T'Pol: Stop pining for the fjords.
hee hee hee


Sato: Daisy, Daisy... gib mir deine Antwort wahr....
Since her previous line was backwards, I started reading that backwards first. Which got me less than nowhwere but made it twice as funny.


Archer: Look, you're not changing my mind. I'm saving Earth whether I get killed first or not. Trip will have to give the speech for me.
Daniels: ....Uh, yeah, about that... BYE!
Reed: Daniels, huh?
Archer: Geez. I didn't even get to hear the speech.
very funny, even though that piece of scheiss is pure holodeck crap and didn't happen.


T'Pol's Log, Temperamental:
I think either Coto or Sussman admitted that was a faulty overdub.

Gatac 06-10-2005 10:34 AM


Archer: Hi, Hoshi. How are you feeling?
Sato: ".may eht raeW" teg uoy ",rehtaewyaM" fo srettel eht egnarraer uoy fI
Archer: Uh... huh. Look, I'm really sorry you were tortured, but you've got to decode these blueprints, so recover faster.
Sato: Daisy, Daisy... gib mir deine Antwort wahr....
Archer: No! Nicht wahr! Focus, woman!


Reptile Xindi: May I ask what purpose it serves to terrify people we're about to kill anyway?
Dolim: Go ahead. Ask. See what I do.


Reed: Daniels, huh?
Archer: Geez. I didn't even get to hear the speech.
This one made me laugh out loud. I wonder why...


Archer: I demoted Mary back down to Crewman.
Sato: (GASP) Life is worth living again!
The rank of Commander didn't Sue-t her, hm?


Archer: No! That's just the Yosemite III! It wouldn't hurt a bunny!
Archer: Reed, take a note: the crew of that station died with honour and should be remembered as true heroes of Earth.
Reed: Aye, sir. "Sucks... to be... that station."
Kirk must've been reading those logs.


Unnamed Human Xindi: Uh oh. Dolim's seen --
Archer: Us, right?
Unnamed Human Xindi: No, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Of COURSE us!
Who did watch that, anyway?


Unnamed Human Xindi: Let me guess -- your weak-kneed dinghy of suckitude?
Shran: Try my huge engine of antenna-kicking.
I didn't know you could kick an antenna.


Reptile Xindi: It's that Andorian ship from before!
Dolim: So the man from A.N.K.L.E. is back, is he? Follow him! We'll find his Achilles' heel!
Reptile Xindi: Whatever.


Tucker: Okay, Phlox, I've done my part. Now how 'bout you explain why we're all standin' here after lethal exposure?
Phlox: What am I, a doctor?
That's a can of retcon worms if I ever saw one.


T'Pol's Log, Temperamental: The Expanse is gone. It is an ex-panse.
*dies again*


Archer: Where... where am...
Alien Nazi: (steps into the light)
Archer: --!
Nurse: Aren't you going to say "Oh boy"?
Archer: Please. That hasn't been funny for about two seasons.



Zeke 06-10-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by evay
There are two "otc" notations which escaped, one Shran and one Mayweather.

And the moment I spotted them last night was also the moment I had to leave to get my train. Fixed 'em now.



T'Pol's Log, Temperamental:
I think either Coto or Sussman admitted that was a faulty overdub.
Heheh. Um, unless that's not a joke and there was actually something odd in "Zero Hour" -- oh yeah! The 2152 thing. That wasn't actually what I meant; I was just continuing the "T'Pol's a psycho" theme. But it works either way.

evay 06-10-2005 03:22 PM

Wow, you make a joke and didn't even know it! Truly, you are a master. :D

Draknek 06-10-2005 04:52 PM


Dolim: The human world is within our grasp! Let us toast to its destruction!
Mouse: Wait! You don't want me for your toast, Mr. Reptile Xindi. I'm all skin and bones. My brother is coming soon, and he's -- AAA!
Dolim: (gulp) I happen to be rather fond of bones.

The TWOP links for all the new fivers all go to the "Hatchery" recap.

Zeke 06-10-2005 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Draknek
The TWOP links for all the new fivers all go to the "Hatchery" recap.

Boy, you people check me on everything, don't you?

Sa'ar Chasm 06-10-2005 05:55 PM

They nitpick because they care. *g*

Scooter 06-11-2005 01:36 AM


Reed: We saved Earth... but at a terrible cost. The captain....
T'Pol and Tucker: (GASP) He's dead?
Reed: No, he wouldn't let me blow up the bloody weapon myself!
T'Pol and Tucker: Whew.
Reed: Oh, AND he's dead.
Reed is the best fiver character. hee hee

mudshark 06-13-2005 06:40 PM


Reptile Xindi 2: Ho-hum. Just another boring day aboard the weapon.
Archer: Hi, we're here to staple your scales to the hull.
Reptile Xindi 2: At last! A change of pace!
'Bout time we had a good stapling. :D

Tucker: Know what else I'll miss if Earth is gone? Norway. The landscape is so --
T'Pol: Stop pining for the fjords.
Double *snerk*

Marvelous job.

NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 04:13 PM


Mouse: Wait! You don't want me for your toast, Mr. Reptile Xindi. I'm all skin and bones. My brother is coming soon, and he's -- AAA!
This is a reference. I'm sure of it. But to what? vote is for a fable but...


Evil Transdimensional Being 1: So the humans think they can destroy our spheres? HA! HA HA HA!
Evil Transdimensional Being 2: Can they?
Evil Transdimensional Being 1: Beats me. I just think it's funny.
:lol: :lol:


Archer: Hi, Hoshi. How are you feeling?
Sato: ".may eht raeW" teg uoy ",rehtaewyaM" fo srettel eht egnarraer uoy fI


Archer: I think not. See, I have right here in my pocket your one weakness! Behold -- a Persian mouse!
Dolim: (CHOMP)
Archer: Hmm. I seem to be the victim of faulty intelligence.
Persian Mouse: (from inside Dolim's stomach) Oh, sure. You're the victim.
ROFLOL! :lol:

I love the long scene between Tucker and T'Pol too ;)

persianmouse 06-22-2005 06:04 AM


Dolim: YOU! Prepare to die, human!
Archer: I think not. See, I have right here in my pocket your one weakness! Behold -- a Persian mouse!
Dolim: (CHOMP)
Archer: Hmm. I seem to be the victim of faulty intelligence.
Persian Mouse: (from inside Dolim's stomach) Oh, sure. You're the victim.

I had actually so gotten out of the habit of looking for new ENT fivers, that I didn't even notice until now, but...

DUDE!! You totally just killed me in a fiver!

FUCKING awesome!

That was so worth fighting with the bitchy postal worker with the lazy eye, who had trouble understanding the concept of Canada.

Too bad about all those poor, poor Bothans.

And Archer was the cause!

There is no death more befitting a TnTer.

Heheeh-OH, damn! Now I'm sad again.

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