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Zeke 10-05-2006 10:52 PM

Yes, yes, we've got spambots. At least ten phony registrations a day, and some of them are somehow defeating the email confirmation system and managing to post. The reason this is happening -- to such an extent, anyway -- is that ever since the move to vBulletin, the images used by our security test aren't working. I had to disable it entirely to let anyone but spambots get through. (I'm not just flattering myself, by the way -- we've had quite a few real registrations amid all these bots.)

Antony's been working on it, but this particular problem is new territory for him. It may take him a while longer. In the meantime, please don't answer the spam threads. I delete the threads as soon as I see them, but replying won't make me see them any faster.

PointyHairedJedi 10-07-2006 08:54 AM

A forum admin or two would help, you know. You'd need someone completely trustworthy and who is unlikely to grossly abuse their powers though. Someone like me, for instance. :D

Zeke 10-07-2006 05:51 PM

PHJ... with power.

Sorry, nothing about that is sounding safe.

mudshark 10-07-2006 05:54 PM

PHJ, a spambot, a locked room... and a pair of pliers. Hmmm...

PointyHairedJedi 10-07-2006 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 70350)
PHJ... with power.

Sorry, nothing about that is sounding safe.

But wouldn't it be fun to watch though?

MaverickZer0 10-07-2006 09:00 PM

Oh yes, I'm sure. Like a train wreck or something.

e of pi 10-08-2006 06:31 PM

Would it be possible to create a moderation system? Some way so that if, say, three or four people mark an account as a bot within a day, it is deleted? Then, the privielige to "mark" would be given to some of the seniormost members, sush as site staff and major posters. without needing the full powers of the Great Zeke. Just a thought.

whoiam 10-08-2006 11:59 PM

it might be possible to give some of us the authority to delete inappropriate posts/topics, without getting any of the other powers like editing member titles...

Zeke 10-09-2006 05:55 AM

I'll think about it, but really, this forum is tiny. It's the big forums that need to appoint moderators.

Gatac 10-09-2006 09:40 AM

We're big enough to get spammed, anyway...


PointyHairedJedi 10-10-2006 08:51 PM

On a deeply random tangent I have stumbled across what may just be the awesomest thing ever - if Zeke and I were to have offspring, this is what it would look like:

GreenFire1 10-10-2006 11:28 PM

PHJ, you just killed a little of me inside. I hope you're happy.

Nate the Great 10-11-2006 12:41 AM

Define "big forum." Define "we need X members to get moderators."

I hate the idea, but we may need to have a doubled e-mail confirmation system. Register at the site, mod e-mails to confirm address, person e-mails to confirm their desire to be in the forum, mod e-mails a keycode to enter in the forums itself. Would that help?

Zeke 10-11-2006 04:11 AM

Under normal circumstances I'd say "Nah, Antony's working on it; it'll be fixed in a jiff," which is also the other reason I don't see a need for moderators (once the spambot thing is over, they'll have nothing to do).

Under normal circumstances, that is. But PHJ has made his point effectively: I hereby appoint him an unofficial moderator in charge of making sure the forum member "PointyHairedJedi" never, ever posts that link again.

whoiam 10-11-2006 12:54 PM

Are you sure that will be deterrant enough? I mean, one PHJ against PHJ... he might need some backup. Say, a loaded artillery piece pointed straight at his modem...

PointyHairedJedi 10-11-2006 02:09 PM


re you sure that will be deterrant enough? I mean, one PHJ against PHJ...
I outnumber myself by several hundred to one, which as you can imagine is a very confusing situation indeed.

mudshark 10-11-2006 04:03 PM

Hardly a new development, though...

PointyHairedJedi 10-12-2006 05:32 AM

Oh, that PointyHairedJedi. He is sneaky.

danieldoof 10-12-2006 09:21 AM

oh no...he used it as avatar ;)

whoiam 10-17-2006 02:28 AM

I think the correct response is actually...

"Save us! Somebody save us before I wet me keks!"

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