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Nate the Great 02-12-2007 09:34 AM

Shoulda Been a Two-Parter
This thread is to talk about what Trek episodes were shortchanged by being crammed into only forty-something minutes when there was room for much more.

The City on the Edge of Forever.
No question. More time should've been spent on the discovery of the Guardian of Forever. Part One could've ended on McCoy waking up at Edith's. Part Two could've had more of the Kirk/Edith courtship, maybe the formation of a love triangle. Edith would've still loved Kirk, but McCoy would have more time to try wooing her.

The Inner Light
So I'm biased toward this one. I'd've like two parts to actually give the E-D time to GO to Kataan (having Picard under for like twelve hours) and find the ruins of the probe launcher, a few more artifacts. More time for Picard to recover, maybe a glance from Crusher when she hears that he had a family, that sort of thing. They even had the perfect cliffhanger with the termination of the beam and Picard going into shock.

Yesterday's Enterprise
With two parts we could've met a Worf that was working for the Klingons but still wanted peace. He probably would've never met with anyone from the Enterprise except maybe Guinan, but tying in more of the Narendra Three/Worf backstory together would've been fun. Heck, we could've had a Michael Dorn cameo as his own father at the outpost.

Distant Origon
Oh yeah, this is up there. More backstory on Galen, more observation of the Voyager crew, had Chakotay kidnapped at the end of Part One.


We could even go the other way, with two-parters that shoulda been only one. None come to mind, except maybe turning the Circle trilogy of DS9 into a two-parter.

Burt 02-12-2007 10:03 AM

Funny enough, I was thinking about this subject the other day. I did have a friend that moaned about 'Living Witness'. He said it had to have a another part. I thought about it but to be honest, I think that would destroy the mystery about the episode. I've looked at other voyager eps, but I can't really find any I think should be 2 parters.
However, there is a few on TNG...
-Q-Who - Come on, this would be perfect. A nice long set up....and more of a Borg/Enterprise chase/fight, to show the utter desperateness (is that a word?) of the crew against the cube..
- Yesterdays Enterprise - Yep it's been said before, and I'm saying it again! This would be perfect too. I like the idea of Wolf being the leader of one of the attacking Klingon Birds of Prey...

Nate the Great 02-12-2007 05:27 PM

Okay, I don't know how the topic got duplicated, except to say that my computer hiccuping while online is hardly a new experience.

Q Who would've worked only if they got the new BoBW Borg in there. The old-fashioned Q Who Borg were a little boring. I would've liked a scene between just Guinan and Q, with a few more hints as to the true nature of Guinan's powers and how they met in the past. For that matter, I wonder if Guinan and the Traveler have met. In the Q Continuum books it's mentioned that he's met Q (the race, not necessarily John Delancie) before.

For the sheer fun factor, A Piece of the Action. No real need for dramatic or storytelling reasons, but getting more of the crew onto Sigma Iota would be fun.

mudshark 02-12-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability (Post 72181)
Okay, I don't know how the topic got duplicated...

Um, it's a two-parter?

Nate the Great 02-12-2007 07:33 PM

Okay, I don't know if that's really witty or really lame. Not that there can't be an overlap, but still...

JVTruman 02-12-2007 10:48 PM

Wasn't Worf on the outpost that got attacked at Narendra III? And doesn't it get destroyed in the 'Yesterday's Enterprise' timeline? If that's so, wouldn't he be dead? If I'm missing something, please tell me what it is.

Nate the Great 02-12-2007 11:07 PM

Well, "destroyed" might be an exaggeration. Totally decimated, maybe. There could be rubble left behind for kids to hide under. Besides, what's a little retcon between friends?

Burt 02-12-2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by JVTruman (Post 72187)
Wasn't Worf on the outpost that got attacked at Narendra III? And doesn't it get destroyed in the 'Yesterday's Enterprise' timeline? If that's so, wouldn't he be dead? If I'm missing something, please tell me what it is.

No, Worf was at Khitomer. The place from the Movie. Thats the other one that got attacked....
You know I'm thinking...Klingon Outposts? Not safe places to be...

Nate the Great 02-27-2007 08:21 PM

This reminds me of an old comment by somebody along the lines of "Klingon civilians? Huh?" I know, I know, not every citizen of the Empire can serve on kickbutt-class Birds of Prey, but still...

However, I suppose that every Empire/Federation/Alliance/Collective/Continuum has to have border outposts, just to make sure that no one abuses the imaginary boundarys (too much... :))

Nate the Great 07-27-2009 06:14 AM

Thread, arise!

Jim Wright of Delta Blues said in his review of Tuvix that he wouldn't have minded if that episode had been a two-parter. Ditto for The '37s.

Mention should also be made of the confusion some have over why Birthright wasn't two separate episodes. The two plots were almost completely disjointed, so why did they have to overlap over two episodes?

evay 07-27-2009 08:31 PM

ENT's "Home" really should have been two parts. Let's see a frightened Earth recovering from the Xindi attack, let's see all of Archer's debriefing by the Vulcans and Starfleet, let's have Trip return to his parents' house (they're not dead, and he has two more siblings!) and grieve and be comforted.

And speaking of families, why didn't anyone besides T'Pol, whose planet was <i>not</i> attacked by the Xindi, go to visit theirs? Even if Malcolm and his parents weren't speaking, he still has a sister. Hoshi's parents are still around. Or even, gods forbid, some of the lower-decks folks (Rostov, Hess, Kelso).

But no, it's more important to waste time on Evil Gargoyle Alien Nazis and time-travel. Or Orion slave girls. Or a spectacularly improbable group of xenophobes trying to take over the world, or something.

Zeke 07-30-2009 03:08 AM

Hey, I loved "Storm Front". And the Terra Prime two-parter had the Mayor from Buffy. "Bound" I'll grant you.

I must have missed this topic the first time. It's an interesting question, and not an easy one to answer. When I like a one-part episode, one of the reasons is usually how effectively it tells its story. But nobody wants a bad episode turned into a two-parter.

That said, there's one that springs to mind immediately: the BSG S4 midseason cliffhanger, "Revelations". I talked about this in the review thread, but basically it tried to cover way too much ground in one hour, and wound up glossing over some very important details. The same is true of the followup, "Sometimes a Great Notion," though to a lesser extent. I could also name any number of Farscape episodes. You have to see how fast-paced that show is to believe it.

But as a rule, I'm with comic writer Marc Guggenheim, who said this about his great run on the short-lived Bart Allen FLASH title:

It is fun to think about what might have been - honestly, I would've loved to have spent a whole issue on what I did on those final three pages of #13. That's where the real drama is. But I made a very specific decision when I started writing comics - I always wanted to be criticized for trying to do too much in any given issue than trying to do too little. I always write with all the complaints of the reader in mind - like a lot of them, I hate decompression. My goal is always to pack as much story as I can into as few pages as possible.
("Decompression" means <s>anything by Brian Michael Bendis</s> <s>anything by Warren Ellis except Nextwave</s> this.)

Wowbagger 07-30-2009 02:59 PM

Generally, I prefer one-parters by far, particularly as we get later into Trek and the cliffhangers seem more and more artificial. So, counter-posting: Shoulda Been A One-Parter:

Species 8472 would have been a lot scarier if they'd only been seen for a second or two, discussed only in the vaguest terms, and never infected Kim with the Martian Death Flu. All we need to establish is: the Borg are losing; Voyager can help; let's have an alliance. Do that early and then focus like a laser on the J/C conflict, which is the heart and soul of the episode and - in case you missed it - is wonderful. Oh, and Seven, too, but she's already at the center of the J/C fight, so she'll get screentime in any event.

Flesh and Blood
The argument against doing this in one part is that only in the first, slower-paced hour does Iden get fleshed out enough for the audience to understand and sympathize with him. The counter-argument is that Iden goes completely messianic crazy for no convincing reason in the second hour, so why bother with all the development in the first?

Two disconnected stories already live here. Easily the most pointless two-parter ever.

Dark Frontier
Seven didn't even end up back with the Borg until the seventh act, did she? Interweave a slimmed-down final four acts with those (canonically preposterous but storytellingly compelling) flashback scenes on the S.S. Raven, and you've got yourself a much stronger episode.

I usually remember this as a one-part episode, until I see an episode list.

Cut all of part one except the Picard/Sarek scene. Bam. So much better with more Nimoy by percentage.

Image in the Sand/Shadows and Symbols
The shorter this episode is, the less opportunity for the series to reveal that Ben Sisko is part-Prophet. But... maybe this isn't a fair entry on my list. Not because it's a good two-parter (it juggles too much, including that bizarre and sadly unfulfilled Benny Russell flashback), but because it may not be a two-parter at all. One could easily argue that every episode in DS9's seventh season forms a single enormous storyline that should really be taken as one contiguous multi-parter.

Cut Part II. Yeah, you heard me.

Storm Front
More Enterprise blowing stuff up in the sky over Manhattan. Less alien Nazis. More human Nazis. Less Daniels/Silik. (More Daniels/Silik Foe Yay.) Or, if you insist on doing it as a two-parter, please do try to make the end of the Temporal Cold War make some kind of sense, and have some kind of revelation and/or characterization that allows us to sympathize with Silik when he dies. I wanted to care; I really did!

Incidentally, on what possible grounds could anyone claim to have liked "Storm Front"? As you know, I am the opposite of an ENT-basher, and I am a huge fan of Season 4. But "Storm Front" was tremendous, boring fluff. I admit, looking back, I smile widely at the memory of Enterprise battling it out over Manhattan, but the rest of that episode just really dragged for me. So, Zeke... what gives? I'd love to love that ep if I can.

Nate the Great 04-28-2021 03:34 AM

Either Redemption shoulda been a three-parter, or Sela should've been saved for a different, more Romulan-focused two-parter later. Like SF Debris said, for the purposes of this episode it may as well have been Tomalak in charge of the Romulans.

Of course, for that matter the Duras sisters should've had their introductory episode earlier. They just crammed too much into Redemption.

Flying Gremlin 09-06-2021 03:16 AM

Redemption should have been stretched along to an entire season.

voyager0929 03-06-2022 03:20 AM

DRAGON'S FREAKING TEETH..What could've been one of the BEST VOYAGER AND ALL TIKE TREK Episodes got fizzled out at the end wuth potentially also two nof the best original aliens. VOYAGER came up with--Turei and Vaadwaar --andbthe cool concept of yhe subspace corridors..weren't they supposed to dona follow up episode anyway but never djd?? That wouldve beeen theleast tbey could do..

Also Night and Inbthe Flesh and Nothing Human from Voyager should've been two parts and Night maybe even three parts..and TNG maybe Pen Pals and the Nth Degree

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