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Zeke 02-23-2005 01:07 PM

Block 28 - My name is Neo
Not noticing the homeless man in the shadows, Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity approach the subway payphone. It rings, and Morpheus goes back. While waiting for the next ring, Trinity starts to tell Neo what the Oracle told her. Her hesitation and the distraction of a passing train give Smith time to transfer himself into the homeless man -- Trinity sees him just barely in time to pick up the ringing phone, and escapes as a bullet from Smith's gun shatters the phone booth. Panicking, she tells Tank he has to send her back, but he can't. All she can do is watch the screen and whisper "Run, Neo. Run." (He should change his name to Lola. And hey, anybody seen Minority Report? Everybody runs? Great movie. Tom Cruise sure beats Keanu Reeves as an action hero. But I digress.)

His exit destroyed, Neo must stand and fight. He and Smith shoot at each other till their bullets are gone, and then go at it hand-to-hand. After several minutes of brutal combat, Smith seems to have the edge -- he's got Neo pinned on the subway tracks, and there's another train coming. (Already?) Naturally it's no loss to Smith if his current body is crushed, but Neo's only got the one. Fortunately, he also is the One. At the last second, he hurls himself upward, smashing Smith into the ceiling. He escapes the train; Smith does not. Unfortunately, in the few moments Neo takes to catch his breath, the Agent takes a host on the train. Neo bolts for the escalator with Smith in hot pursuit.

Two scenes should do for this block, maybe three. Synopsis here.

(I really dig this part of the movie. Does it show?)

Gatac 02-23-2005 03:48 PM

Morpheus: Disconnect.
Trinity: Disconnect.
Smith: BOOM!
Neo: Crud.

Neo: Monkey Steals Lunchbag!
Smith: Elephant Tramples Snake!
Neo: Subway Smashes Agent!
Smith: Pseudo-GAK!
Neo: HA! Neo 1, Smith...
(Smith comes out of subway train.)
Neo: I bid you farewell, good Sir!


NeoMatrix 02-24-2005 12:35 AM

Morpheus: Beam me up Tank! *Disappears*
Trinity: My Turn, but first I need to delay.
Homeless Man: Bill and Ted? Coooo....*He becomes Agent Smith*
Trinity: Oh crap! *Disappears*
Agent Smith: So, where is your big toy now?
Neo: You mean Trinity or that really big gun?

Neo and Agent Smith fight
Agent Smith: You broke my shades!
Neo: Uh Oh!
Agent Smith: That was my best pair too.
Neo: Why don't you just replicate a new pair?
Agent Smith: I will, once this train runs you over, Mr Anderson.
Neo: Dude, My name is Neo!
Agent Smith: Huh? I thought it was Ted.

NeoMatrix 02-24-2005 03:55 AM

Homeless Man: Ted?
Neo: Bill, is that you?
Agent Smith: No, it's Me! Me Me Me!


Homeless Man: Ted?
Neo: Bill, is that you?
Trinity: Old Friend?
Neo: Yep, we go way back
Trinity: Most Excellent


*Neo looks at phone booth*
Trinity: What's wrong Neo?
Neo: Nothing, just a little deja vu


Homeless man: OMG, Ted! Is that you?
Neo: Bill! What brings you here?
Homeless man: The phonebooth
Trinity: Riiiight.

NAHTMMM 02-26-2005 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by NeoMatrix
Homeless Man: Ted?
Neo: Bill, is that you?
Trinity: Old Friend?
Neo: Yep, we go way back
Trinity: Most Excellent


*Neo looks at phone booth*
Trinity: What's wrong Neo?
Neo: Nothing, just a little deja vu

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Trinity: Neo, there's something I've been wanting to tell you...

Standback 03-06-2005 09:34 AM

As always, am busybusybusy - the Gilbert and Sullivan show I'm in (Iolanthe, chorus, first bass) opens a week from Tuesday - yay!

Muchos Gracias to Zeke for opening up all the remaining blocks - ah! we can smell the end approaching!

I hope I'll be tackling more blocks in the next few days, but for the moment:


*** M0rph3us has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Trinity333 has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Neo_Da_1 has--
Agent Smith: Going somewhere, Mister Anderson?

richardson 03-07-2005 01:23 AM

yeah, perfect, it works perfectly.... I want that one! but there's a second part!

Karen's Ziti 03-07-2005 02:57 AM

TRINITY: Neo, there's something we should talk about...
NEO: Ah, heck. Ok, lemmie explain: I've spent my whole life in a computer simulation, and I've never actually "been with a woman". So its kind of hard to communicate my feelings for you. Now, I know the cameras in your shower on the Neb may be a--
TRINITY: Wait, what cameras?!
GUN: Bang!
TRINITY: *teleport*
AGENT SMITH: Surprised to see me?
NEO: Actually, kind of relieved.

KillerGodMan 03-28-2005 04:59 AM

For the fight scene

Smith: You're out of bullets
Neo: You didn't say "Simon says"...

KillerGodMan 03-31-2005 11:59 AM

After Smith comes out of the Subway.

Neo: Hey! That's cheating!
Smith: *ahem* look whose using the phoneline to escape the matrix mid-battle...
Neo: Good point


Neo: Don't you have anything better to do than abuse your powers?
Smith: Actually, no...
Neo: Oh, well, I guess we'll continue fighting then

Gatac 04-28-2005 08:42 AM

Morpheus: Now, to safely...wait a minute. Where's the phone?
Smith: Looking for this?
Trinity: That's a banana.
Neo: Great, now I'm stuck with *that* song again.


Pteryx 05-03-2005 08:40 AM

Ah, it continues. :) I like Gatac's

Morpheus: Disconnect.
Trinity: Disconnect.
Smith: BOOM!
Neo: Crud. I'll only submit an entry for part 2:

Smith: Hah, gotcha! Now I just need a rope, dress, and wig for you.
Neo: No thanks. SPROING!
Train: TOOT! *splat*
Neo: Scratch one Agent!
Smith: Scratch is right.
Neo: Double crud. Exit, stage anywhere but here!

Naturally, edit or lose the "Double crud" part if the one-liners block isn't used. -- Pteryx

Standback 05-31-2005 12:28 PM

Vote time!

I'm for Gatc's first shot on this one.

Gatac's Crud Block:

Morpheus: Disconnect.
Trinity: Disconnect.
Smith: BOOM!
Neo: Crud.
Gatac's Headline Block:

Neo: Monkey Steals Lunchbag!
Smith: Elephant Tramples Snake!
Neo: Subway Smashes Agent!
Smith: Pseudo-GAK!
Neo: HA! Neo 1, Smith...
(Smith comes out of subway train.)
Neo: I bid you farewell, good Sir!

Xeroc 06-01-2005 04:23 AM

I'd say Gatac's "Crud" the best with the "bananaphone" one the second best.

NeoMatrix 06-03-2005 05:29 AM

Since when did Standback decide which entries were put to a vote? None of mine were even considered

Standback 06-03-2005 08:21 AM

I didn't decide anything, Neo... it's been a good four months since the last vote, but a voting round will generally start with somebody listing their favorites. And continue with further people listing their favorites. Any block of yours that was a favorite of yours - quote it and vote for it! That's what we're here for! :D

KillerGodMan 06-03-2005 09:48 PM

I vote for what's voted!

Actually, I vote for the following:

Smith: Time to Die
Neo: Uh-Oh, Tank, I need a subway train to hit him
Tank: Got you covered
Train: Squish!

NAHTMMM 06-05-2005 12:30 AM

I like all the blocks so far, actually, both those mentioned and those not mentioned. Will have to consider this further. :?

PointyHairedJedi 06-07-2005 09:10 PM

For the first block I choose Standback's version:


*** M0rph3us has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Trinity333 has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Neo_Da_1 has--
Agent Smith: Going somewhere, Mister Anderson?
For the second I'ld like to suggest a new block:

Neo: Bring it on!
Smith: Very well, Mr Anderson. 1772 Limehouse Boundary rules it is. I'll open with Euston Square.
Neo: Neasden!
Smith: South Kensington!
Trinity (watching from the ship): Oh no, he's flunting him!
Neo: Ah... uh... Kenton!
Smith: Do you hear that, Mr Anderson? That is the sound of a transverse poly-thaumic Alberquerque Left Turn shuffle. Goodbye, Mr Anderson.
Neo: My move.. is... Mornington Crescent! Now if you don't mind, I have an important phone call to take.
Smith: Come back here! I want a rematch!

Possibly it needs a bit of refinement.

Standback 06-07-2005 10:01 PM

PHJ, it's funny. but that might be a wee bit obscure for everybody outside this forum... and possibly for everyone outside you ;)

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