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Lostoyannaya 04-15-2006 06:46 PM

New New Who
I just want to be the first to say that the New New Doctor Who is totally awesome! *Embarassed pause* I missed the BBC Christmas Special, okay? :wink:

~~Lostoyannaya :D

Chancellor Valium 04-16-2006 05:17 PM

I thought it was rubbish, myself.

Lostoyannaya 04-16-2006 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
I thought it was rubbish, myself.

You did? Well, everyone has to have a differing opinion or the world would be boring ^^ :wink:

~~Lostoyannaya :D

Chancellor Valium 04-16-2006 08:48 PM

Very true :)

Scooter 04-17-2006 09:33 AM

I saw it this afternoon and thought it was a lot of fun, if a bit silly.

Chancellor Valium 04-17-2006 01:22 PM

I suppose that's one description. Personally I felt RTD had misused 45 minutes, though. It would've been fine for a Part One of an old series story, but as a single entity in itself it felt a bit...lacking, IMO.

Lostoyannaya 04-17-2006 02:46 PM

I have to admit that the crises was resolved a little quickly - however according to the Radio Times there are going to be about four or five double-part episodes and sometimes more than that can be a little too much for one series.

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Chancellor Valium 04-18-2006 04:29 PM

Mmm...But IMO, the 45 minutes was misused - too much time was spent rushing up and down corridors. VOY, DS9 et al all use every second of their time in the advancement and development of the plot...And this new Doctor Who seems to be overpadded, IMO... :?

Lostoyannaya 04-24-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
Mmm...But IMO, the 45 minutes was misused - too much time was spent rushing up and down corridors. VOY, DS9 et al all use every second of their time in the advancement and development of the plot...And this new Doctor Who seems to be overpadded, IMO... :?

I do agree with that - you seen one corridor, you seen 'em all. It seems to be a trait in modern science fiction - the whole running thing I mean.

If you are a fan of running, perhaps you would like to see such things as Enterprise or The Island. Looots of running. :D


Chancellor Valium 04-29-2006 04:49 PM

Oh, running is fine. Just five-to-ten minutes of it is a bit much for me...

Burt 04-29-2006 09:02 PM

Totally agree that everyone has their own opinion etc, thats cool, but I'm guessing Chancellor, you've not seen many other Doctor Who's....? Lots of running! I think the whole 'Running up and down endless corridors' was made by Doctor Who. They even make a kinda joke of it, in the Comic Relief Doctor Who, 'Curse of the Fatal Death'
Plus, I think a lot of people are expecting the new Doctor Who to be something it's not.
If you want hidden plots and super clever storylines? Go watch Lost.
You want sex? Battlestar is your Guy.
Stupid storylines, with silly endings and dodgy props? Ding! You've reached Doctor Who!!
Sidebar: I loved the newest episode with Sarah-Jane-Smith! And If K-9 isn't the greatest I don't know what is!!
And Cybermen, in TWO weeks time.
I no longer need a life.
Only joking.

Scooter 04-30-2006 01:18 AM

The point, I guess, is that the New Series was supposed to leave some of that stuff behind. Instead we now have them running up and down expensive, CGI corridors!

But I love it. Love Old Series, love New Series, love Doctor Who.

Chancellor Valium 04-30-2006 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Burt
Totally agree that everyone has their own opinion etc, thats cool, but I'm guessing Chancellor, you've not seen many other Doctor Who's....? Lots of running! I think the whole 'Running up and down endless corridors' was made by Doctor Who. They even make a kinda joke of it, in the Comic Relief Doctor Who, 'Curse of the Fatal Death'

Actually I've been a fan for over twenty years. The new series is supposed to be junking the bad bits from the old DW. The old DW used corridor running for padding, because four episodes is difficult to fill entirely. But one 45-minute episode does not need 5-10 minutes of extra padding! It's really not that hard, but no, RTD can't even do that.


Plus, I think a lot of people are expecting the new Doctor Who to be something it's not.
You mean good? Damn right.


If you want hidden plots and super clever storylines? Go watch Lost.
Try Genesis of the Daleks, City of Death, The Daleks, The Keys Of Marinus, Ressurection of the Daleks etc/


You want sex? Battlestar is your Guy.
Never said anything about sex. IMO, there's too much relationship-stuff in the new series.


Stupid storylines, with silly endings and dodgy props? Ding! You've reached Doctor Who!!
Wrong. You have bad Doctor Who. You have what John Nathan-Turner did to a once-brilliant show. All right, *some* stories in his reign weren't bad, but they were few and far between.


Sidebar: I loved the newest episode with Sarah-Jane-Smith! And If K-9 isn't the greatest I don't know what is!!
And Cybermen, in TWO weeks time.
I no longer need a life.
Only joking.
Yeah, the last ep was actually halfway-decent. Has someone started RTD on something? If so, keep up the dosage!

Lostoyannaya 05-01-2006 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium


You want sex? Battlestar is your Guy.
Never said anything about sex. IMO, there's too much relationship-stuff in the new series.

Mm, I agree with that one. According to my parents, there was never really anything between Sarah and the Doctor in their series (although I myself have never seen that one and so therefore cannot comment...). I thought it did pad the episode a little, although it did go a little way into explaining why the Doctor always seemed to dump his assistants after each regeneration...(again, don't quote me!)

But I liked the overall storyline :D And I do want to know if the society Queen Victoria mentioned in Tooth and Claw is going to show up later on in the series.

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Chancellor Valium 05-01-2006 10:01 PM


Burt 05-02-2006 04:43 AM

I guess it really is, to each their own. I like a bit of a dodgy Doctor Who. Hammy acting, Monsters which go from very scary, to, laughable.
I mean, Genesis of the Daleks. Yeah, I loved that, but the monster that attacked the Doctor at the end of one of the episodes? What was it? A giant Omelette? But it works for Doctor Who! God help us, if it starts taking itself seriously!
Not liking the Doctor and Rose will they/Won't they(?) stuff, though!

Burt 05-02-2006 04:48 AM

Oh and the thing that old queen Vic mentioned is gonna show up.
From Wikki
"Following the success of the 2005 series, the BBC commissioned Davies to produce a 13-part spin-off series titled Torchwood (an anagram of "Doctor Who"), set in modern-day Britain and investigating alien activities and crime. The series will star John Barrowman, playing his Doctor Who character of Jack Harkness, and will begin shooting in Summer 2006."
Torchwood was also mentioned in 'The Christmas Invasion' They were the people who built/invented that huge Laser thing that kicked the crap outta that alien ship.

Scooter 05-02-2006 06:07 AM

In fact Torchwood, somewhat tiresomely, is being mentioned in every episode (just as "Bad Dog" -- I mean "Bad Wolf" was last year). The odd thing is that this means that Torchwood is an institute founded by Victoria in order to prepare for alien attack with the Doctor specifically marked out as a reference and potential antagonist. But if it's existed since the 19th century, what was it up to all those times Earth was being invaded in the 70s (Cybermen and Yeti both cleaned out contemporary London, for example). And to what extent does their portfolio conflict with/duplicate UNIT? (The indication in "Christmas Invasion" is that UNIT is a secret but official organization which coordinates government crisis response to an invasion, but Torchwood is secret and unofficial -- though taking orders from the PM! -- that can engage the aliens. The Torchwood weaponry in "CI" is said to be recent -- I wonder what they had before?)

Must be weird having big piles of continuity loose ends to tie up before your show even gets on the air!

Outpost Gallifrey has an update page for the spin-off series here.

P.S. For those who don't know, "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who". RTD loves pseudoclever stuff like that...

Chancellor Valium 05-02-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Burt
I guess it really is, to each their own. I like a bit of a dodgy Doctor Who. Hammy acting, Monsters which go from very scary, to, laughable.
I mean, Genesis of the Daleks. Yeah, I loved that, but the monster that attacked the Doctor at the end of one of the episodes? What was it? A giant Omelette? But it works for Doctor Who! God help us, if it starts taking itself seriously!
Not liking the Doctor and Rose will they/Won't they(?) stuff, though!

All right, O nitpick, Pyramids of Mars :P

I think the answer is that Rose/Ten is going to happen.

Oh, and by 'giant laser thingy', I assume you mean the cheap Death Star ripoff? :P

Lostoyannaya 05-02-2006 05:49 PM


I did see on the episode preview for the next one that The Doctor had one hand either side of a woman's head and was reading her mind...hmm...what does that remind me of? :D

But I still like the New Who! ;o) Rose kicks @$$ and David Tennant is...well, perky.

~~Lostoyannaya :oops:

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