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stripysox 08-11-2005 01:18 AM

Famous People You Have Met
EDIT: If I didn't already apologise for my spelling I do so now. I know it's crap.

I saw this on another forum and it turned out interesting.

Have you met anyone famouse? Who? What were they like?

I've met a few Trek actors/actresses at conventions but apart from that my only real claim is that I met Princess Diana when I was little.

A lot of famous people live (or just hang out) near where I live though. Danial Radcliff comes from just downt he road and Paul Merton shops in my local supermarket. Oh, and Bob Geldoff once trod on my aunties toe. (Didn't apologise either!)

So.. does anyone have any real stories?

Sa'ar Chasm 08-11-2005 02:09 AM

The Queen of England drove right past me at the Commonwealth Games in 1994.

Robin Williams said hello to me while I was watching him film a scene of that movie where he plays a lifetime film editor or something (he's really short and old in real life).

My dad used to play field hockey with Ian Healy, who went on to be the Test wicketkeeper for Australia in the late 80s-early 90s, and I got to say hello to him for five minutes at the Gabba in Brisbane (I asked a stupid question, too).

I've met or worked with (or waterskiied) with 4 or 5 of the top 1000 most-cited chemists in the world.

I have out-weirded Weird Al in a telephone interview for my undergrad student newspaper (I asked to intervew the hamster instead).

Bill Good and Pamela Martin, respected newscasters in Vancouver, once refused to shake hands with me because I'd just come from the horsebarns.

I've had the privilege of being soundly trounced at pool by our very own Zeke. Multiple times.

Oh, and Dad claims Mick Jagger walked past him at Heathrow Airport, and the Easy Beats (60s band from Brisbane) played at the pub he worked at before they got famous, and that he went to a school dance that the BeeGees played at when they were 15 or so. He also got to be on TV driving the premier of Queensland around Expo 88 in the monorail.

More as I make them u^H^H^H remember them.

Celeste 08-11-2005 02:34 AM

My Friends Friend was supposed to star in the next Pirates of the Carribean movie with Johnny Depp, and met him and hung out with him for a couple weeks. But I think that deal fell through. Anyway, that's only what, three degrees of seperation? Not bad. :P

KillerGodMan 08-11-2005 03:49 AM

My family are long time friends with the Shatner family, I've had the oppuritunity to meet William Shatner (thus confirming my grandmother's claims that he is indeed an asshole)

My father got to meet Robert Duncan McNeill in Vancouver, he (dad) said he (McNaill) was directing an episode of Dead like Me

And once, while visiting Ottawa for reasons I forgot, Biz from Sum 41 said hello to me, he was just walking by, it seemed odd that nobody was following him screaming things like a lunitic.

Finally, I met Gwen Dyre, who was doing a presentation at my school.


Sa'ar Chasm 08-11-2005 04:38 AM

Remembered a few more.

Got to talk to a Canadian children's author that nobody's ever heard of (he wrote something called Plan B Is Total Panic) when he came to my school in Grade 5. I got to hang out with Canadian SF author Robert J. Sawyer for an afternoon in a bookstore for a book signing/reading, and I've corresponded with British author Tom Holt (who nobody's ever heard of) over Fidonet. He thought I was from Florida. Oh, and I've gotten email from Bill Nye and Wil Wheaton in reply to annoying fanemail I sent them.

Dead Like Me is another story...*twitch* I got hit on by the location manager. Creepy older fattish dude.

KillerGodMan 08-11-2005 05:03 AM

Bill Nye? cool!

Katy Jane 08-11-2005 05:31 AM

Bill Nye's cool :D

I've never really met anyone famous. I almost met Gretchen Wilson (a contry singer) but i was on break when she came into the store and she got herself kicked out before i came back :p I sold cigeretts to her manager though 8-}

I've exchanged e-mails with cartoonist Micheal Jantze, and belong to the same google group as cartoonist Bill Halbrook, but that hardly counts.

I've meet the great and misteryous NAHTMMM, does that count? ;)

NAHTMMM 08-11-2005 05:33 AM

I met Brian Jordan at an autograph session...about ten years ago.

Also got to attend a great talk by William Gass about writing within the past year. :)

Hmm, anyone else...

Nan 08-11-2005 08:16 AM

I met Bjo Trimble and hung out with her and her husband for a bit at a con. She's delightful.

I also hung out with Don Pedro Colley. He was super nice! We chatted about stuff for quite a while.

I also met Robin Atkin Downes, AKA Byron. Nicest guy ever. He has a rep for being cool about taking pictures, and it's totally deserved!

All at the same con. Got some autographs and pictures too. Also talked a bit with Natasha Eloi and Rick Wharton. The former used to be on Space when it had a cool low-budge vibe. The latter is The Conspiracy Guy. Both cool.

All in all, an awesome con.

stripysox 08-12-2005 12:41 AM


I've met or worked with (or waterskiied) with 4 or 5 of the top 1000 most-cited chemists in the world.
That one impresses me.

I forgot. I have also met the guy who designed the London Eye, my mum has met Sir Alex Furgusan and I helped the daugher of some chelsea player that I didn't know reach a DVD on a hight shelf once. Wooooooooow.

Actually, my mum has met a lot of famous peolple. That doesn't seem fair.

Ginga 08-12-2005 03:21 AM

Heheheh. Mine is obvious. I mean, I did scream it to everybody, didn't I? :P

But I once saw the back of Willie Nelson's head as he rode on one of the in-airport transport cars at DFW airport...

mudshark 08-12-2005 09:06 AM

In passing, at airports: McLean Stevenson (LAX), Bobby McFerrin & his mother (SFO)

In passing, at panel discussion, UCLA: composer/conductor Pierre Boulez, composer/bandleader Frank Zappa & family, composer/panel discussion moderator David Raksin

At radio station where I used to work: Tommy Lee (21-year-old puppy-dog drunk) and Nikki Sixx (world-class jerk) from Mötley Crüe

At gigs: Dave Swarbrick (Swarb), Dave Pegg (Peggy), Dave Mattacks, Simon Nicol and Richard Thompson of Fairport Convention, also members of Zulu Spear, (the original) Undercover S.K.A., The Minutemen

At restaurants where I worked: Aussie tennis pro John Newcombe, Lee Meriwether, Tony Curtis (nasty drunk), Harry Blackstone III (son of the magician) and the guy who played Dobie Gillis

Nan 08-12-2005 09:17 AM

Zappa is the best surname ever.


PointyHairedJedi 08-12-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
...and I've corresponded with British author Tom Holt (who nobody's ever heard of) over Fidonet. He thought I was from Florida.

The Tom Holt? Cool! His books are variable in terms of quality, but when he's good he's really very good. Seems to have trouble writing a decent ending though.

Myself, I'm very boring. I have a postcard from animator Nick Parks, as a result of my sister writing to him (this was many years ago) - I always thought it was very nice of him to send me a card as well as to her. There was also a footballer of some variety (from Celtic or posibly Rangers, I forget) that came to visit my class waay back when I was in primary school, but I've got no clue who he was. And that's pretty much it, really.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-12-2005 06:19 PM


The Tom Holt? Cool! His books are variable in terms of quality, but when he's good he's really very good. Seems to have trouble writing a decent ending though.
The very same, and I agree with your analysis.

Check the names down the right-hand side.

Hotaru 08-12-2005 07:05 PM

My sister ran into Britney Spears in LAX. I'm so jealous.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-12-2005 07:18 PM


My sister ran into Britney Spears in LAX. I'm so jealous.
She should have been driving faster.

mudshark 08-12-2005 07:46 PM

^ Indeed.

Nan: yes. 8)

Just remembered another: I briefly met (hello/handshake sort of thing) astronaut Jim McDivitt -- he was a vice-president of the company I was working for during the 80s, out inspecting the troops and such. Seemed like a nice guy.

Also add under gigs: a college jazz band I was in played for a campaign rally in John Tunney's (unsuccessful) bid for re-election to U.S. Senate -- this was in 1976, I think -- he came by and shook hands with all of us before he split for the next stop.

NeoMatrix 08-12-2005 08:40 PM

Hmm, the only famous person I have met would be the kid from the movie, "Last Action Hero", while in Washington DC for a conference.

My dad grew up with Trent Lott, and has seen the Big Show (Pro Wrestler) in an airport.

Oh, I've met one of the contestants from one of the Survivor seasons, though I can't remember who it was now.

Had a chance to meet the Subway guy, but there was a change in plans in his schedule and never came.

Asky 08-13-2005 04:35 AM

hmmm, let's see...nope...still haven't met anyone famous

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