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Flying Gremlin 06-05-2017 09:21 AM

The Orville
Because Nate didn't create this thread, I am.

The trailer is here.

Very obvious Star Trek parallels, considering it's by self-confessed Star Trek superfan Seth MacFarlane (and someone whom I am surprised someone hasn't gotten around to posting the Fiver for the episodes he was in too). Will be interesting if this goes the way of sci-fi on Fox or succeeds.

Nate the Great 06-05-2017 11:22 AM

With this one I'm taking a "wait and see" approach. I'm in the minority that's not particularly fond of Galaxy Quest, so I've learned to do so.

Not that I don't like parodies of Trek. I admit that there's plenty to riff on. Steam Trek, Robot Chicken, the Voyager Coronary, that time the Voyager cast was replaced with the Frasier cast, all well and good. But those are one offs (or a string of one offs where "continuity" is always understood to take a back seat). But it sounds like Orville will attempt to tell a story, and that means a continuing plotline, and that means backfilling details that were skipped earlier. And from my coverage of TOS's first season you know how much I HATE backfilling!

Flying Gremlin 07-08-2017 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 80826)
And from my coverage of TOS's first season you know how much I HATE backfilling!

You have very strong opinions on it, I will give you that.

Nate the Great 07-08-2017 10:04 PM

Well, there's backfilling, and there's backfilling. You know what I mean. The former might require reinterpretation of a line of dialogue or ignoring a computer readout, the latter is a fundamental change. Like uniform or starship design for a time period that we know what their appearances were. Yeah, yeah, dead horses...

Flying Gremlin 07-09-2017 03:23 AM

Some of those horses are so dead you're turning the bones to dust.

The Orville looks like it has most of the big stuff worked out, at least.

Flying Gremlin 09-05-2017 02:46 AM

It's interesting to see how much Star Trek dedicated blogs are covering The Orville. even has an entire section dedicated to it.

Not surprising, given that Mr. Seven of Nine is one of the showrunners along with Seth MacFarlane.

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