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Nic Corelli 12-31-2003 12:03 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]So, Nielsen ratings... Does anyone follow those? I`m interested in what`s happening with Enterprise`s ratings. I know they declined to about 3.5 percent of US households last season, so I`m curious - have they managed to improve... or at least stay the same?[/color:post_uid0]

mudshark 12-31-2003 12:31 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I don't follow them closely, but there are a couple of people who post in the ENT forum at TrekBBS who do. Ratings leveled out this season, so far, and actually seemed to improve slightly with the last four or so new episodes.

TrekToday also has fairly regular updates on the Nielsen ratings.[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 12-31-2003 02:08 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0] would be the best place to go for Enterprise Ratings. They post an artical about every thursday on the ratings for the previous night.[/color:post_uid0]

Nic Corelli 12-31-2003 05:39 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Thanks, guys.

Well, I`m certainly glad the ratings aren`t falling anymore. And a slight improvement is also great! Let`s hope the positive trend continues...[/color:post_uid0]

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