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Wowbagger 04-02-2005 04:28 AM

Hey, folks, I'm back, and still 'vangelizing.

TrekUnited just allied themselves with the great people of the Dragon Page podcast and have launched a new podcast, "Slice of Sci Fi." The first show (that aired yesterday), focused very heavily on Trek, TrekUnited, and SaveEnterprise, although they are planning to talk about the rest of sci-fi in future shows.

Their URL is, and it is already a hit on Podcast Alley. Listen to the first episode, and, supporter of TU or Enterprise or other Trek or just sci-fi in general, vote for it here.

TU otherwise forges ahead, complete with secret talks, a continuing and working Congressional campaign, the addition of the word "Incorporated" to our title, the beginning of the Cartography Project, a video interview with Connor Trineer, and the alliance with the good people of Star Trek: New Voyages.

Really, has become ground zero for all Save Enterprise-related projects. Even if you don't intend to donate, help out and throw in your talent to save a great show.

Or don't, if you're that kind of person. Meh.

Wowbagger 04-02-2005 08:49 PM

Hmmm... This was supposed to be the latest reply to the TrekUnited thread (Anyone Following the New blah blah blah...?). How on earth did it end up as a separate topic?

I am angered.

Zeke 04-02-2005 09:21 PM

No worries, it's good to get some more attention on TU. What I'm more curious about is the title.

PointyHairedJedi 04-02-2005 10:05 PM

Nice to hear it's still going strong. More power to you if you can pull it off.

Wowbagger 04-03-2005 08:11 AM

I typed in that subject because I was getting an error message. On another smaller board I belong to, when someone says something strange or utterly out of the blue, they receive this from the mods:

Aren't you glad you asked?

BTW, Zeke, your e-mail address has been giving me endless trouble (12 e-mails sent; no response received during 15 month period, several error messages returned). I'm finally confident enough to ask: am I sending it to the wrong address?

Zeke 04-03-2005 08:21 AM

You didn't get my reply to that last one ("9th Attempt")? Crap. I'll try again.

Wowbagger 04-04-2005 03:01 AM

It made it to you! Score!

Wowbagger 04-10-2005 07:51 AM

Hey, I just checked my e-mail account out. Turns out Comcast--without asking lil' old me--set my spam filter way too hight. I've had about four people this week complain I wasn't getting their e-mails, and now I know why. Best part is, it's not my fault!

Could you be so kind as to send that response again?

Zeke 04-10-2005 07:21 PM

Nope. You had your chance and you blew it. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I'll email you. I'll email you a virus that reproduces by asexual division. Within 20 minutes your computer will be more virus than man, leaving you no choice but to sell it for scrap. The 35 cents the junkyard will pay you for the metal will be all you have to buy a new computer with. Oh, you can get one for that price. You can get a Mac.

How do you like them Apples?

Wowbagger 04-10-2005 11:59 PM

I have a Mac. A G4.

Mwahaha! Your virus hits my rad Mac wall of Virus Death and it mutates into... A MONSTER! It's... it's... a virus that changes your desktop to display A HANDLEBAR MUSTACHE! How do like them... 'staches? (Yes. That works.)

I still haven't gotten anything. Unless, of course, you've changed your name to Plague O. Screwy and are selling Levitra. I hate Comcast. Time to send out the letters switching everything over to my brand-spanking new Gmail account.

Don't all viruses reproduce by asexual division? You math freaks really have to read a bio textbook from time to time.

Sigh... back to homework. Hey... my computer, it looks like it's turning from a computer into a mosquito! There's a wing there, and... it's... it's like a... "compsquito." Hey, Sci-Fi Pictures! I have a--*sounds of chaos erupt, then the line goes dead*

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