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Zeke 01-15-2007 01:50 PM

January 15 (TJILC #3)
<p>Let's face it, we're all upset about someone who's been in the news a lot lately. The things he's said, the things he's done... I for one am really outraged. But I can say one thing for him at least: he's a big enough man to take responsibility. Courtesy of <i>This Just In</i>, here's live coverage of <a href="../thisjustin/lc2.php">Ambassador Shran's public apology</a>.

Kristina 01-15-2007 02:25 PM

Hey, thanks, Shran - you made my day! At least someone's taking responsibility for their statements. (In Sweden, apologizing in Shran's fashion is known as 'doing a poodle', which leads me to entirely different conclusions.) Also: thanks, Zeke, for conveying Shran's apologetic address!

mudshark 01-15-2007 04:20 PM


Now if the ballet-dancing Horta will please get out of my way, I'll begin.
I apologize for never updating my webs-- wait, I don't have a website. How did that get in here?
I apologize for introducing the Federation to the people of Betazed. It was a mean thing to do and I knew it.
& c....



Originally Posted by Kristina (Post 71916)
(In Sweden, apologizing in Shran's fashion is known as 'doing a poodle', which leads me to entirely different conclusions.)

'Twould be interesting to learn the origin of that phrase.

Gatac 01-15-2007 04:25 PM

Aw, that goes well with me being 23.


Kristina 01-15-2007 06:59 PM

Hey, congrats, Gatac! I guess your age would make me feel... ancient, but I can't get myself into that state of mind.

Mudshark: 'Doing a poodle' probably originated with a Swedish politician three years ago. He is best known for withdrawing double salaries and replacing our murdered Minister of Foreign Affairs. He behaved much like a subdued poodle - sprawled on his back and admitted his wrongs. Nowadays, there are full and partial poodles. Don't ask me what the partial ones look like.

Derek 01-15-2007 08:34 PM

My mind is so depraved. I'll never be able to look at an IDIC again.

Zeke 01-16-2007 05:14 PM

It's funny, I actually had the opposite problem. I read a Trek novel early on (one of Peter David's Academy books, I think) where a Vulcan said IDIC was roughly pronounced "ee-deek," and it stuck, so for me the joke is kinda forced.

These political ENT-verse TJIs are fun to do. I've had this one in the works for ages now. (Let me put it this way: when I first got the idea, the Britney reference wasn't just topical, it hadn't even made the late-night hosts' monologues yet.) There's a whole story behind the "zombie-hunting excursion" which I'm hoping to tell in an upcoming event.

mudshark 01-16-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kristina (Post 71919)
Mudshark: 'Doing a poodle' probably originated with a Swedish politician three years ago. He is best known for withdrawing double salaries and replacing our murdered Minister of Foreign Affairs. He behaved much like a subdued poodle - sprawled on his back and admitted his wrongs.

Thanks, Kristina. :) I'd heard the phrase used before and had an idea what it meant, based on context, but I'd never seen it properly explained. Actually, I didn't have any idea its origin was so recent, and it never really occured to me that it was a specifically Swedish expression. Heh, you learn something new every day.

Nowadays, there are full and partial poodles. Don't ask me what the partial ones look like.
Could make an interesting topic for an essay, couldn't it?


More on "poodles", for anyone else who wondered:

Nate the Great 01-17-2007 06:24 AM

Uh, yeah, as much as I respect Peter David, and as much as I enjoy the Academy books, I've sort of always put those things at tertiary canon, if not lower.

I suppose that like other people I say "ih-dik." "Ee-deek" is too close to "edict" in my book, but I suppose you could argue that IDIC is an edict. :)

Zeke 01-17-2007 07:21 PM

Ah, but I was a wee bairn when I read this, mercifully unaware of the concept of canon. In my head, stuff that said Star Trek on it was Star Trek. (This is why I was confused for some time about "Nikolai" Rozhenko appearing on the show when his name was Simon in Worf's First Adventure.) It wasn't till I read books with more blatant contradictions, like Vendetta and Federation, that I realized they couldn't be on the same footing as the shows.

Those Academy books are undeservedly overlooked, by the way. Not only were they fun and memorable, but those of us who read Peter David's initial Worf trilogy got a bonus years later when he started New Frontier. Soleta, McHenry, and Zak Kebron all first appeared in the Academy books.

Nate the Great 01-17-2007 07:45 PM

Well, Simon could be his middle name, or a weird nickname totally unrelated. Or (why not) the phonetic pronounciation of a acronym that stands for a position or rank that he held. He did use to be a noncomm engineer, right?

Zeke 01-17-2007 08:25 PM

Nope. I don't remember about Nikolai, but Simon washed out of the Academy in book one. (Anyway, how would he get a rank-based nickname before he had a rank?)

Commodore Zuke 01-17-2007 08:27 PM

How indeed?

Nate the Great 01-17-2007 08:38 PM

Ranks don't have to come from Starfleet, you know. He could moonlight as a member of Section 31, there could be a form of Earth military that isn't connected with Starfleet, there could be an equivalent of the National Guard, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

evay 01-18-2007 01:07 AM

nicely done! Very funny and excellent continuation of in-jokes. I'm delighted to see the promotions, although "General" Reed has apparently switched branches of the service?

Zeke 01-18-2007 04:08 AM

You're alive! I was a little worried -- ENT updates always draw a response from you quickly. Good to see you. I'm sorry to see TripHammered cease regular updates, though I can relate to your reasons; more on that in the next update.

General just feels like the perfect title for Malcolm. Let's say he's become head of the MACO organization or Section 31 or something. He's Nick Fury now.

Gatac 01-18-2007 05:32 AM

I think he looks rather more like Dirk Anger...and if he sticks to Archer, he'll be just as deranged.


Nate the Great 01-18-2007 06:23 AM

Malcolm Reed in an eyepatch...nah, can't see it.

Oh, and I'm not sure that I care for paralleling Section 31 and SHIELD. Totally different objectives.

Zeke 01-18-2007 06:33 AM

Yeah, if anything, I'd parallel SHIELD with the MACOs. And now, because I have to do this....


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability (Post 71952)
Malcolm Reed in an eyepatch...nah, can't see it.

Not with both eyes, anyway. (ba-dum pssh)

Gatac: The second I finished posting about Nick Fury, I realized you would reply with a Dirk Anger reference. The only question was when.

Nate the Great 01-18-2007 07:01 AM

Okay, I had to wiki Dirk, but it's totally worth it. What sort of "good" spy organization calls itself HATE? That's just nuts.

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