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voyager0929 08-16-2006 11:16 PM

tng fivers, anyone?
Hey just wanted to ask if all the TNG fivers have been spoken for already or are there still some available? Thanks.

Nate the Great 08-16-2006 11:24 PM

I will preface this response with the proviso "this is according to me and may or may not be true, I am not a member of the staff, please don't yell at me, Zeke."

The Next Generation subsection was under the control of section head Marc Richard. Sometime last year both Marc and Kira decided that the site was distracting them from Real Life (we online addicts have to capitalize that phrase, don't we?) and chose to resign their administrative posts. Ergo, I believe that NextGen fell back to Zeke's purview. His plate is full enough as it is, so be careful.

If I were you I'd wait until Zeke sorted out the administrative mess. Then I'd get in line. (I've been in it for years now. The guy in front of me has this ugly shirt with that old Spock Heineken ad on it. :) Kudos for those who get this joke).

Zeke 08-17-2006 12:44 AM


Actually, Nate's given a detailed and accurate summary of the situation. But I couldn't resist yelling at him anyway. Reverse psychology.

Nate the Great 08-17-2006 10:55 PM

I hope that the next NextGen section head incorporates the remaining episodes into Derek's reservation system. That thing is a wonder. The only bad part is that DS9 has been exploding with new fivers (mostly mine) that are still stuck in revisions (ditto). If we'd had that system at the start, all of Trek up to that point would've been fived within a year, of that I have no doubt.

voyager0929 08-18-2006 01:09 AM

Ah I understand about the problems. So I'm assuming it'll be announced on the forums or somehow when the remaining unfived TNG episodes are available?

Nate the Great 08-18-2006 07:59 AM

I presume that a new section head will be announced in the News area. The new head will then immediately become buried under a deluge of e-mails (pardon the mixed metaphor :)) and immediately quit when he realizes that he won't have time for sleep, much less Real Life. Ha ha!

Sa'ar Chasm 08-18-2006 02:50 PM

From Zeke's addendum to Marc's Big Goodbye:


I'm not going to give anyone else the position of 5MNG section head; I can't even process the idea of someone else running Marc's subsite. I'll continue to update 5MNG, but like 5MA or 5MF, it won't have a head (except me, nominally). And if Marc ever wants the job back, it's his.

Nate the Great 08-18-2006 06:03 PM

That sounds a little too final for something like If there's something we fivists too and do well, it's change the rules.

So what's the procedure? You're going to add onto the fiver reservation system? We're supposed to e-mail for a list of available episodes? You going to shoo us off and lock NextGen down until everything else (like the TOS conclusion) is taken care of?

Nate the Great 08-18-2006 06:07 PM

"do and do well." Seriously, Nate, you're a college graduate, you got a 30 on your ACT, you should be better than this! :)

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