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Nic Corelli 08-01-2004 03:35 AM

Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

That is the title of the movie (which comes out in 9 and a half months). What do you folks think?

I personally like it. Not exactly flashing with creativity, but OK. :mrgreen:

NAHTMMM 08-01-2004 04:14 AM

It's all right :)

Sa'ar Chasm 08-01-2004 04:57 AM

It couldn't possibly be worse than "Send In The Clones" or whatever Episode II (starring Chakotay's son and Padme's nipples) was called.

Can we say "nipples" on the board, Zeke?

Nan 08-01-2004 05:39 AM


Return of the Jedi was originally called Revenge of the Jedi, and posters were even printed, until someone realized revenge was not a Jedi thing.

All I can say is RotS better not suck. If Batman 5 sucks as well, I'll have to make good on those various threats of putting hits out on execs and writers.

And the brutal thing about AotC? The clones were the coolest part of that movie. And Kung Fu Yoda. Heheheh, fists of muppet fury. Heheheh.


Can we say "nipples" on the board, Zeke?
I should hope so, since you've already said it twice. :D

Gatac 08-01-2004 12:44 PM

Just say you're doing a Monty Python joke.


Vedra 08-01-2004 05:12 PM

This was my impression of AotC.

Padme and Anakin stare at each other,angst-ridden,from opposite sides of the room.

Battle scene.

More staring.

Movie ends. I wasn't amused.

PointyHairedJedi 08-01-2004 06:21 PM

AOTC was mainly just a CGI orgasm with some plot stuff thrown in for good measure. Honestly I'm not expecting much different from this third film. The title... well, it doesn't suck, and that's good enough for me.

Nic Corelli 08-01-2004 09:02 PM

Ah, but what is the key element that the fourth, fifth and sixth movie had, and were great, and the first and the second movie didn`t have, and sucked?

Darth Vader.

And the third movie WILL have Darth Vader. :twisted: You just can`t have a good SF movie without a great villain.

And this is one helluva villain, :twisted:

admiral sab 08-01-2004 09:17 PM

Return of the Sith? is Jackson getting any Royalties? I mean they are one word of from Lord of the Rings third movie! ;) Return of the not King...Sith! HA!

Nan 08-01-2004 09:34 PM

Can't copyright an existing word, so, no. ;)

Particularly since it's Revenge of the Sith, not Return. ;)

Trivia: The Return of the King was originally titled The War of the Ring. Tolkien thought The Return of the King as a title gave away too much of the story.

Not as much as, say, Frodo Finally Gives In To The Dark Side, but meh.

Trivia #2: Sith is also an existing word. It's an archaic form of "since."

admiral sab 08-01-2004 10:13 PM

see Nic that's what you get when you use Blue font that can barely be read against this black background! But still it's the same abreviation! Rot-Sith ok now I'm reaching and I can't read! ;)

thanks for clarifying, Nan.

Nan 08-01-2004 11:55 PM

Registered member of the Nitpicker's Guild.

I kid you not. ;)

admiral sab 08-02-2004 12:24 AM

somehow, I always knew that about you! ;)

taya17 08-02-2004 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nan
All I can say is RotS better not suck

You say this of a movie whose abbreviation spells "rots"? You're way too optimistic, Nan!

My policy with these kind of movies is to just go in with zero expectations. That way I can't be disappointed, even if the movie sucks monkey ass.

And Sa'ar-- what's wrong with saying "nipples"? :D

PointyHairedJedi 08-02-2004 02:18 PM

I think he's still recovering from the shock of me saying "orgasm", so he might not reply for a while. :D

Kira 08-02-2004 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by admiral sab
Return of the Sith? is Jackson getting any Royalties? I mean they are one word of from Lord of the Rings third movie! ;) Return of the not King...Sith! HA!

As someone already pointed out, it's Revenge of the Sith, so the only thing PJ could claim is "of the". Besides, Return of the Jedi predates Return of the King in movieland. But maybe PJ could sic his Andy Serkis-powered King Kong on Lucas anyways, just to make the world a better place and show him who's boss.

I'm not real enthused about the title -- it fits nicely, I guess, and it's certainly better than Attack of the Clones but it lacks punch. Not that it really matters -- odds are excellent that this film is going to suck. Hard. Just like its two predecessors. (And unlike Batman Begins, Zeke.)

Gatac 08-02-2004 08:15 PM

Batman Begins has Christian Bale. It is theoretically impossible for a film with Christian Bale to suck.

Watch Equilibrium if you don't believe me.


Sa'ar Chasm 08-02-2004 08:39 PM


Not that it really matters -- odds are excellent that this film is going to suck. Hard. Just like its two predecessors.
In my experience with recent trilogies - Matrix and LOTR - the middle installment has dropped in quality, and then the finale has picked up a bit. Hopefully Anakin will get his lungs scorched early on, requiring James Earl Jones to provide his voice and spare us his attempts at acting.

Nan 08-02-2004 09:07 PM

Because as you know, everything's cool if James Earl Jones does the voice. :D

Zeke 08-02-2004 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kira
Not that it really matters -- odds are excellent that this film is going to suck. Hard. Just like its two predecessors. (And unlike Batman Begins, Zeke.)

Hey, I'll be delighted if it doesn't suck -- I'm just saying the recent history isn't promising. But I've been wrong before. I wasn't optimistic about Spider-Man 2, which turned out to be the best thing ever.

Tangent: Why must all movies have sequels? The Matrix was complete in itself and needed no followup; from what I've heard of the sequels, they mostly just diminished the original. It seems every movie that's popular enough, no matter how conclusive the ending is (don't get certain people started on Shrek 2), either has a sequel already or has one being planned. I'm just saying if I start hearing about Majority Report, I'm outta here.

Back on topic, I think Revenge of the Sith kicks all possible titular @$$. It just fits so well. The only question is what the Sith are getting revenge for -- is there some past defeat we as moviegoers should know about? (And why couldn't George Lucas have started thinking along these lines sooner? Episode II could have been called The Republic Strikes Out or something, and the AI research community would have been spared....)

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