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Zeke 07-19-2006 04:58 AM

July 18 (T10 #95)
<p>I'm back! For this week, anyway. Next week is another math camp, so I haven't decided yet what I'll do. Maybe I'll let Hejira take over and quote Red vs Blue for a week or something.
<p>Seriously, I'd like to congratulate Scooter on a fine job in the driver's seat. Not only did he follow my instructions perfectly and write some great newsposts, he actually fixed a mistake I made. One of the new author files was missing, and Scooter managed to dope out my PHP code, find the problem, and supply the file. Fantastic work, especially for a first time. I'd say this bodes well for future staff updates.
<p>Now then, this week I hope to finally <i>do</i> some of the stuff I've been doing "thought work" on for months. I won't have a lot of time, but I'll see how much of a start I can get. And as for today, here's a list I came up with on a whim: <a href="../top10/95.html">The Top 10 Tips For Aliens Invading Earth</a>. (Yes, folks, I for one welcome our new insect <a href="">overlords</a>.)

mudshark 07-19-2006 05:38 AM


Is that still cool?
Sure. :)

Whales. Heheh.

Scooter 07-19-2006 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I'd like to congratulate Scooter on a fine job in the driver's seat.

I had a great time with my temporary new toy. As Kiki would say, "Shiny!"


Originally Posted by mudshark
Whales. Heheh.

God, I'll never forget when my friend wrote me a letter in the midst of which he said "apparently the next Star Trek movie is about WHALES." He'd caught one of the earliest rumors and apparently (like not a few Trekkies) saw it as a harbinger of the Last Days.


(this goes double for British prime ministers)
Harriet Jones rocks.

Derek 07-19-2006 12:02 PM


No matter how persuasive he is, if a human says "Get the hell out of our galaxy," don't forget you can just say "No" and shoot him
That would sure screw with Sheridan's strategy.

Sa'ar Chasm 07-19-2006 01:18 PM

Hah! I love it. Skewering cliches always amuses me.


No matter how persuasive he is, if a human says "Get the hell out of our galaxy," don't forget you can just say "No" and shoot him
Or you can say "The sky bodes grimly", which amounts to the same thing. I think.

mudshark 07-19-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
God, I'll never forget when my friend wrote me a letter in the midst of which he said "apparently the next Star Trek movie is about WHALES." He'd caught one of the earliest rumors and apparently (like not a few Trekkies) saw it as a harbinger of the Last Days.

Oh, dear. Le plus ca change...

e of pi 07-19-2006 11:12 PM

Oh! Oh! The Sacred List has been linked to! Must resist memorize...

Also, if you're looking for content, I'd bet the Plan could be dragged out of whatever attic or basement it was consigned to and ressurected. Like the Cylons. Note to self: finish that episode. This is getting ridiculous.

Zeke 07-20-2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
Harriet Jones rocks.

Yes, we know who she is.

(Note to non-Whovians: reference, not rudeness)

PointyHairedJedi 07-21-2006 03:22 PM

Your puns are weak, old man.

Chancellor Valium 07-21-2006 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Your puns are weak, old man.

When weren't they?!


Zeke 07-21-2006 07:09 PM

But... but that wasn't a pun. It was a reference.

PointyHairedJedi 07-23-2006 09:11 AM

It can be both things!

Chancellor Valium 07-23-2006 12:54 PM

Typical U-NIT thinking :P

PointyHairedJedi 07-23-2006 10:18 PM

I'd order the men to have you taken out back and shot, but we've already gone over our allocation of amunition this month. Some of us have a budget to work to, you know!

MaverickZer0 07-23-2006 10:31 PM

Don't use guns. Use swords. You don't need ammunition for them, and they're cooler anyway.

PointyHairedJedi 07-23-2006 10:35 PM

Didn't you ever see Indiana Jones? :P

MaverickZer0 07-23-2006 10:42 PM

Yes. But swords are always cooler anyways. Imagine what Indie could've done if he didn't have to worry about ammo.

Plus there's more blood.

Chancellor Valium 08-03-2006 10:57 PM

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the PVC side :D

MaverickZer0 08-04-2006 03:16 AM

O RLY? I have technobabble. And D&D sourcebooks. And ones from other obscure games. And....

Snakes. Yes, that's right. I have SNAKES.

Scooter 08-04-2006 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
Plus there's more blood.

Unless you're Uruk-hai, evidently.

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