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Chancellor Valium 03-19-2008 01:11 AM

Arthur C. Clarke dies

Sa'ar Chasm 03-19-2008 02:58 AM

The world is a less interesting place.

Good night, fontofinformation man.

*starts campaign to name the first space elevator the Clarke Memorial Tower*

mudshark 03-19-2008 03:56 AM

Not any kind of a surprise, but still... :(

PointyHairedJedi 03-19-2008 11:52 AM

Sapristi indelible, I don't wish to know that. :(

That now just leaves one of my favourite sci-fi authors sill living. Darn.

Nate the Great 03-19-2008 11:44 PM

Okay, this is bizarre. At the library today I checked out a book (The Writer's Guide to Creating a Science Fiction Universe, George Ochoa and Jeffrey Osier, Writer's Digest Books, 1993, page 1) and what do I find as the pre-Introduction quote?

Arthur C. Clarke: It should never be forgotten that without some foundation of reality, science fiction would be impossible, and that therefore exact knowledge is the friend, not the enemy, of imagination and fantasy.

Cool, huh? This also ties neatly (speaking of the Asimov/Clarke Treaty) with a quote that I greatly enjoy (The Solar System and Back, Isaac Asimov, Doubleday & Company, 1970, page 124).

Isaac Asimov (following a treatise on the absurdity of the "a giant insect could carry a huge load and jump huge distances" theory): You will find such nonsense nowhere in the S.F. magazines of today. Movies and television, however (with some notable and honorable exceptions such as "Star Trek") are still in the infantile stage as far as science fiction is concerned.

Yay! Trek isn't infantile! ;)

Sa'ar Chasm 03-20-2008 12:15 AM


Yay! Trek isn't infantile!
It still makes my degree hurt from time to time.

Nate the Great 03-20-2008 12:18 AM

But in the end it's still worthwhile, right?

Sa'ar Chasm 03-20-2008 09:23 PM

I dunno. For me Star Trek ends with a long pullback from Jake and Kira looking out the window on DS9.

Clarke > Star Trek writing staff

Zeke 03-21-2008 01:18 AM

I'm afraid the shock is rather blunted for me because I, um, thought he was already dead. I was probably confusing him with Isaac Asimov; I do that sometimes.

In any case, he'll be missed. A true pioneer, not only of science fiction but of science fact.

PointyHairedJedi 03-21-2008 10:02 AM

^ Say a dozen I'm afraid I can't do that Dave's and you will be forgiven.

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