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Chancellor Valium 08-17-2006 10:23 PM

Yorkshiremen: The Game
You can probably guess the rules - it's basically the Four Yorkshiremen sketch from Monty Python.

TV isn't what it was back when I were a lad. We had *proper* programmes back then, that ye could really sink yer teeth into.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-17-2006 10:56 PM

Ay up. Thar's nobbut t'doi what can give summat loik...*trails off into stream of unintelligible gibberish*

Burt 08-17-2006 11:56 PM

TV? When I was a lad there was no TV. All we had was a brick. And that have no other channels.

PointyHairedJedi 08-19-2006 09:13 PM

A brick? You had a brick? Where I lived, if you had a brick, you got treated like royalty! Why, there were only two houses on our whole street that had bricks - everyone else had to make do with watching paint dry on the walls. And that was if you had walls!

Tate 08-21-2006 05:34 AM

Street? You lived on a street? In my town, we didn't 'ave any streets. We 'ad a path, an' I'm bein' generous calling it that. Thing was so rough you'd wear through a pair o' shoes ev'ry two weeks, an' that was if you even 'ad shoes. An' most o' th' 'ouses in town weren't near the path. If you wanted to visit someone, you 'ad to take a knife and 'ack your way through the bushes for a couple o' hours. I won't even say 'ow long it took me to get to school ev'ry day.

Celeste 08-22-2006 01:51 AM

You had a knife!? When I was your age we didn't have knives. We were lucky if we had a spork! We had to carve our way out of the plants and jungles with a spoon.

e of pi 08-22-2006 03:33 AM

A spoon? Back in my day, there was no spoon! Or jungle! We just had to crawl across a desolate desert wasteland until we died of dehydration.

Chancellor Valium 08-22-2006 01:50 PM

Desert? Desert? In my day there weren't even a desert! All we 'ad to crawl through were t' lava flows and toxic gasses. We 'ad to carve our way through the cooling rock wi' our teeth, we did.

Burt 08-22-2006 02:32 PM

Teeth? Teeth?? In my day we had no teeth! They were for the rich. We were lucky if we had a rock to grind the food down into a paste. Teeth. Young 'ens today don't know how good they've got it.

NeoMatrix 08-22-2006 07:37 PM

Rocks? Rocks?? What are those? Back in my day, we didn't have rocks. We were lucky to have air to breathe. We just floated around in space until some alien with a weird hairpiece picked us up.

Chancellor Valium 08-22-2006 08:57 PM

Space? You were lucky. Back in my day there were only time! We 'ad to merely exist!

Sa'ar Chasm 08-22-2006 09:00 PM

Ooo, listen to 'im, with 'is lah-di-dah existing. We 'ad nowt but potential existance. I were twelve before I knew if I were real 'r nobbut!

(Apologies to any legitimate Yorkshiremen for mangling the dialect)

Chancellor Valium 08-22-2006 09:11 PM

potential?! We didn't even exist! We were just a wisp o' thought on't ethereal planes!

Burt 08-22-2006 11:52 PM

Ethereal planes? You don't know your born laddie! We only had Hypothetical Ethereal planes. And a trip to a Material Plane once a year if we were lucky! Most the time we didn't even exist!

Chancellor Valium 08-23-2006 08:48 PM

You 'ad trips to the Material Plane?! In my day, our Dad would thrash oos fer even *considerin'* going to the Material Plane!

PointyHairedJedi 08-23-2006 10:13 PM

You had a Dad? :(

Chancellor Valium 08-23-2006 10:19 PM

Well, by a Dad, I mean an asexual blob o' course, not like the Dad's of today...

PointyHairedJedi 08-23-2006 10:25 PM

At least you had parents that responded to stimulus. Until the age of nine I was convinced that everyone was brought up by a small lump of quartz like I was. Sure, I could stay up as late as I liked, but did I once recieve a word of praise or encouragement?

Chancellor Valium 08-23-2006 10:42 PM

Well, when I say blob, I mean 'e were only a pile 'o doost...

Burt 08-24-2006 12:22 AM

Hark' at you! Well, not all of us had fancy Quartz fathers! I lost 4 dad's before I was even 15. 3 were made from paper and blew away. The other from wood. He got used one year at bonfire night. In my day, we didn't hav' money to spend on fathers...!

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