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PointyHairedJedi 06-16-2008 08:19 PM

So here's a thing.
Not quite as exciting as a baby - though doubtless if I announced I was having one it would upstage Derek and Blueberry completely, muwahahaha... ahem, moving on - but still fairly exciting for me. I refer to my first proper employment, which will be with the organisation I'm already at on a voluntary basis.

[Insert Count Jim 'Thighs' Moriarty type ramblings here about oh-ee-oh-ee-oh type-oh the lovely money]

Uh, yes. Quite how I've managed to get to 22 without managing that yet is... well, not that much of a mystery really, depression has had much to do with it, but I have been self-employed for two and a bit years now. In a way it won't be anything new as I'll be doing exactly what I'm doing now, though with a bit more responsibility, but it's still a scary/exciting propect all the same.

So. I guess now I point and laugh at Sa'ar for a while.

Derek 06-16-2008 11:25 PM

Congrats, you upstager.

Sa'ar Chasm 06-17-2008 02:38 AM

So. I guess now I point and laugh at Sa'ar for a while.

Bite my shiny nascent PhD. :P I found out this weekend that a biofuels prof I want to work with does want me in his group. Now I just have to find out if the old alma mater will let me back in (they accepted me the first time, surely they'll accept me a second time).

Plus, I'm writing a test for Health Canada next Saturday for some sort of regulatory position, and I've applied for another job as an evaluator in a department that's hired three of my former lab mates (here's hoping they put in a good word for me).

So, nyah. :P

It's nice when things finally go right for a change.

But congratulations on finding gainful employment. May it bring you much fortune and many pounds (the sterling kind, not the bad kind).

Nate the Great 06-17-2008 02:49 AM

I suppose I could look this up, but I may as well impose on the forum again. The U.S. hasn't been on the gold standard for awhile, but is the U.K. still on some form of "silver standard?" If not, why is it still called "pounds sterling?"

PointyHairedJedi 06-17-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 76650)
Bite my shiny nascent PhD. :P

Mmm, papery.

Congrats Sa'ar, though I'm tempted to say "Get your own thread". :P

Nate, not for a while now.

mudshark 06-17-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 76651)
I suppose I could look this up, but I may as well impose on the forum again. The U.S. hasn't been on the gold standard for awhile, but is the U.K. still on some form of "silver standard?" If not, why is it still called "pounds sterling?"

That's why.

Back on topic: Congratulations on your gainful employment, PHJ! :D

Chancellor Valium 06-17-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 76650)
So. I guess now I point and laugh at Sa'ar for a while.

Bite my shiny nascent PhD. :P


( :p )


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
I found out this weekend that a biofuels prof I want to work with does want me in his group. Now I just have to find out if the old alma mater will let me back in (they accepted me the first time, surely they'll accept me a second time).

Plus, I'm writing a test for Health Canada next Saturday for some sort of regulatory position, and I've applied for another job as an evaluator in a department that's hired three of my former lab mates (here's hoping they put in a good word for me).

So, nyah. :P

It's nice when things finally go right for a change.

A plague on both your houses!

I mean... wait...

You know what I mean.

Seriously, though, congrats to both of you. :)

PointyHairedJedi 06-17-2008 10:35 PM

Hooeay! We're not unemployed bums anymore! We're employed bums instead!

Heh. "Bums".

Sa'ar Chasm 06-19-2008 01:55 AM

Quasi-employed bums. Focus your congrats on Pointy for now, and I'll get my own thread when they're warrented.

*gives spotlight back to Pointy so he can give it back to Derek*

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