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Zeke 07-14-2006 12:49 AM

With enemies like this....
If there's one thing that satisfies me more than how many people like, it's how many of the people who don't are idiots. Read the second post here.

That's right -- we at are copying script text. Who can forget that classic TOS moment when Kirk said "Raichu is a cutey," or the time Captain Janeway said "crap" seven times in a row?


mudshark 07-14-2006 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
... many of the people who don't are idiots.


KillerGodMan 07-14-2006 02:03 AM

MAN! What a moron!

e of pi 07-14-2006 02:24 AM

just as i was thinking how utterly unfulfilled my life is right now,
i click on zeke's link ...
and realise that my life is more fulfilled than the ones that have nothing better to do than mock people who think we are trying to copy script text for other people to read

That's all I have to say. Well, that and that I hope that Leslie gets a line in the "This side of paradise" fiver, but that's a different thread...

Sa'ar Chasm 07-14-2006 05:53 AM

I like how the title of the thread is "SciFi Recaps." Reading comprehension is obviously not a strongpoint in that forum.

Saxamaphone 07-14-2006 09:02 AM

God forbid we give this person a copy of "A Modest Proposal." They'll get up in arms about all the baby-eaters in the world.

Not that I advocate baby-eating.

Nate the Great 07-14-2006 11:40 AM

We do anything but copy, at least from the episode we're fiving. Okay, maybe we copy one line, but then we make it setup line for a joke. Basically anytime we copy scenes, it's from other episodes, so it doesn't really count, in my opinion at least.

Oh, and by the way, although there are better things than fiving, there aren't too many of them. I've derived more joy from this site than almost any other, classics like Bob and George and Delta Blues aside.

Ginga 07-14-2006 05:28 PM

All I can do is giggle here. There's nothing I could say that could possibly add more humor to this situation.

MaverickZer0 07-14-2006 07:11 PM

Do they...have no clue what the site is about?
*waves at all the little puppets who have no clue*
I call them puppets, because it's obvious they have stuffing for brains. Don't they know the meaning of the word 'parody'?

PointyHairedJedi 07-14-2006 09:21 PM

I see stupid people!

(Yeah, okay, that was blatantly plagaristic really. But still.)

Burt 07-14-2006 10:21 PM

Reminds me of when a friend came round to my house as I was reading a fiver (Terra Nova). I left the room for a minute and when I came back he nodded at the screen and said "Oh you're not reading the Star Trek Scripts now, are you!?" I looked at him, then at the screen and read out the first lines:

'Reed: Hmm...looks like nobody's home. We should probably blow up the planet just to be on the safe side.
Archer: Okay, you'll be on the away team. I don't want you at that weapons console unsupervised.'

He kinda got the idea. Not a Script.

mark726 07-15-2006 01:44 AM

I like how the guy who posted it agreed with our moronic friend, then said it was still 'humorous'. I'd still rather be in this forum than that one...

e of pi 07-15-2006 02:04 AM

It appears that more gifted heads are beginning to prevail. Read the later posts.

Hejira 07-15-2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by morrigan, on the skiffy board
just as i was thinking how utterly unfulfilled my life is right now,
i click on the above link ...
and realise that my life is more fulfilled than the ones that have nothing better to do than copy script text for other people to read.

Someone didn't read the internet. :(

Chancellor Valium 07-15-2006 03:08 PM

There's nothing more stupid than...err...a very stupid person.

Who doesn't like 5MV, of course ;)

Zeke 07-18-2006 06:54 AM

Looks like it was just the one doofus. As e noted, the other two posters don't share his mistaken idea of what we do here.


Originally Posted by Hejira
Someone didn't read the internet. :(

Probably hasn't managed to beat the end guy yet.

Hejira 07-18-2006 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Probably hasn't managed to beat the end guy yet.

Oh, it's not that. I've just seen so many people not read the internet lately, it's worth starting a campaign to get people to read the internet. It started out as text, and that seems to be the one thing people skip over these days, even on forums. It's the forum non-reading that makes me twitch.

I've got a blog almost set up dedicated to such a campaign.

Zeke 07-18-2006 09:27 AM

No no no, we need fewer people on the internet. When I watched X3 the other day, almost everyone in the theatre stayed through the credits because they'd heard about the extra scene. That's no fun. The more people are on the internet, the less advantage you and I have.

Hejira 07-18-2006 09:54 AM

...maybe I didn't phrase it so it could be understood correctly. HOPEFULLY I misphrased it.

I'm talking about the current web citizens not reading the internet. Just chasing link after link, download after download, and replying to forum posts without reading beforehand what they're getting into.

Here's an example. I even had a little lack-of-reading dummy spit, and irony reared its deliciously humourous head.

Zeke 07-18-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Hejira
...maybe I didn't phrase it so it could be understood correctly. HOPEFULLY I misphrased it.

You phrased it fine, I took it the wrong way as a joke. The morons who are already on the net are unlikely to leave, so by all means, let's get 'em reading more carefully. I once read a post where someone talked about trying to read my <a href="../thisjustin/w1.html">Enterprise Cancellation Spectacular</a>, getting as far as "It's well-written and well-acted," and giving up because I was so full of crap. Never mind that the quoted line was spoken by my ridiculous parody of Les Moonves and began with "Like WWE Smackdown"....

(Of course, I would call ENT well-written and well-acted, but it's the principle.)

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