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Nate the Great 04-10-2006 02:17 AM

What kind of keychain would you want to buy?
It has been suggested that keychains would be a cool item of merchandise, but a friendly discussion regarding the design has arisen. What's your opinion?

The appearance would be basically the same for all. A circular keychain. One side is the black clock with a red five-minute wedge.
The other side has the phrase "Got five?" and the web address

e of pi 04-10-2006 03:15 AM

I thought that the design would just be the clock with a white wedge, just like in my avatar if it had no text.

Nate the Great 04-10-2006 03:36 AM

Red wedges are cooler! I'm not gonna create another poll, so this is just a general discussion topic.

You other guys agree, right? Red wedges forever!

Lostoyannaya 04-10-2006 06:49 AM

I think we should have a black wedge :wink:

Where it says "Got Five?" will it have the web address on the bottom? We could subliminally induce people to go to the site just by sticking the keyring in their face! </obscure Dilbert reference>

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Chancellor Valium 04-10-2006 12:11 PM

I vote for soft, rubber-esque material, because the design would rub off the metal, and the cardboard one sounds... :?

Also, I motion we keep the clock just like the official site one ;)

Nate the Great 04-10-2006 01:19 PM

The paint eventually would chip off of metal, I've seen it, but with rubber-esque (come on, a real name, please! Soft plastic?) the paint gets rubbed off. With hard plastic the casing just chips off a bit, but the design is still okay.

And what's so weird about cardboard in a hard case? I have a bunch of them, and they look fine! My only real problem with them is that if you abuse them too much they tend to break off at the loop end. Maybe other people don't abuse keychains like I do. :wink:

Wandering around the site, I start to wonder where I ever saw a logo with a red wedge. Is that like a really old logo, or something? As long as the red rim is preserved I guess white's fine, too.

Lostoyannaya 04-10-2006 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
Also, I motion we keep the clock just like the official site one ;)

I second that.


Originally Posted by Infinite Probability
Maybe other people don't abuse keychains like I do. :wink:

I don't abuse them at all...mine get stolen :oops:


Chancellor Valium 04-10-2006 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
The paint eventually would chip off of metal, I've seen it, but with rubber-esque (come on, a real name, please! Soft plastic?) the paint gets rubbed off. With hard plastic the casing just chips off a bit, but the design is still okay.

It'll rub off metal too.


And what's so weird about cardboard in a hard case? I have a bunch of them, and they look fine! My only real problem with them is that if you
abuse them too much they tend to break off at the loop end. Maybe other people don't abuse keychains like I do. :wink:
Meh. I just think they look a bit cheap, personally...

Zeke 04-10-2006 08:05 PM

Note to people who haven't read this post: read that post.

Funny this subject should come up, because the only thing I've ever seriously collected is keychains. And headphones, but that's more a function of how quickly I break them.

Chancellor Valium 04-11-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
And headphones, but that's more a function of how quickly I break them.

Do you break them, or do they just break? I swear they don't make things to last any more...

catalina_marina 04-16-2006 10:55 PM

If you make things that last, you get out of a job eventually.

Chancellor Valium 04-17-2006 01:17 PM


Lostoyannaya 04-17-2006 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium

Originally Posted by Zeke
And headphones, but that's more a function of how quickly I break them.

Do you break them, or do they just break? I swear they don't make things to last any more...

My in-ear headphones last an average of a month a pair...listening to around eight to nine hours of music a day. :roll:

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Nate the Great 04-17-2006 03:49 PM

Sheesh, there should be an avatar for "I derailed the true topic of a discussion thread and I don't care!"

Okay, so are you saying that you don't want any keychains whatsoever? What do you guys put your keys on? Those chains and blocks of wood like the bathroom keys in gas stations? Are they chained to your wrists? Are you all secretly members of the Q Continuum so you can just telekinetially open your doors?

Gatac 04-17-2006 04:02 PM

I have a Tomb Raider keychain.


danieldoof 04-17-2006 04:50 PM

Well, I don't know if you have it over there but we here in Germany have to put coins into the supermarket-purchase-cars (if you know what I mean)...there is a complete industry that makes little coin-like round metal plates that fit into the you don't have to use a coin for it....

I would vote that we do that

I have an image of a plastic one

we could do a metal one with the clock logo as detatchable coin-like plate
would look nice I guess...and it will be useful too :wink:

Zeke 04-17-2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
Sheesh, there should be an avatar for "I derailed the true topic of a discussion thread and I don't care!"

People do that here. I have no problem with it. To get a thread back on topic, just make an on-topic post, but don't be snarky about it.

My only preference about keychains is that the kind with a locking mechanism are better than the kind with just metal loops.

Chancellor Valium 04-17-2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
Sheesh, there should be an avatar for "I derailed the true topic of a discussion thread and I don't care!"

People do that here. I have no problem with it. To get a thread back on topic, just make an on-topic post, but don't be snarky about it.

My only preference about keychains is that the kind with a locking mechanism are better than the kind with just metal loops.

Except when they unlock in your pocket ;)

Lostoyannaya 04-17-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
Sheesh, there should be an avatar for "I derailed the true topic of a discussion thread and I don't care!"

Okay, so are you saying that you don't want any keychains whatsoever? What do you guys put your keys on? Those chains and blocks of wood like the bathroom keys in gas stations? Are they chained to your wrists? Are you all secretly members of the Q Continuum so you can just telekinetially open your doors?

I rope mine to my purse so that if I loose my keys I'm........screwed.

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

PS. But I like the idea of an FMV keychain.

Derek 04-17-2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lostoyannaya
I rope mine to my purse so that if I loose my keys I'm........screwed.

Keys, thou art loosed!

Though I don't quite see why disconnecting your keys from your purse makes you screwed....

e of pi 04-17-2006 09:17 PM

They don't get disconnected: losing one implies losing the other.

Nate the Great 04-18-2006 01:39 AM

Snarky? Guilty as charged, I suppose. I didn't know people still used words like that. Then again, what are geeks for if not to maintain the usage of esotaric words.

To get back on topic: I concede that I have yet to find a red wedge anywhere, so the white wedge wins out by default.

Does anyone know how to make ANY of these kinds of keychains. That might make a difference to what is eventually made, if any.

evay 04-18-2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
Then again, what are geeks for if not to maintain the usage of esotaric words.

Esoteric. Minus one for spelling.

Chancellor Valium 04-18-2006 12:50 PM

II, if we were all secretly members of the Continuum...We wouldn't tell you, would we?

Nate the Great 04-18-2006 01:45 PM

Oh, like I'm seriously the first person to ever rush through typing a post and thereby misspell something. :roll:

I wish I was secretly a member of the Continuum. First thing I'd do is summon a fanfare everytime I enter a room.

Lostoyannaya 04-18-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Originally Posted by Lostoyannaya
I rope mine to my purse so that if I loose my keys I'm........screwed.

Keys, thou art loosed!



Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
To get back on topic: I concede that I have yet to find a red wedge anywhere, so the white wedge wins out by default.

I concur. When was there a red wedge? :oops:

~~Lostoyannaya :wink:

Chancellor Valium 04-18-2006 04:20 PM

Maybe it was part of Zuke's takeover?

Zeke 04-18-2006 07:29 PM

There have been a couple of red-wedge images. They were here at the forums, back when the 5MV skin was really thorough. I'll see if I can dig them up.


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability
Snarky? Guilty as charged, I suppose. I didn't know people still used words like that.

The word is used a lot online right now -- I'm surprised you haven't run into it. Television Without Pity is probably the main reason, as they use the term extensively, even in their slogan. (Knowing TWoP, they probably also think they invented it.) uses it too, but a bit differently.

So it's not old-fashioned anymore... which is not to say I don't like being sesquipedalian (and other such folderol).

When used to describe someone else's posts, as I did here, "snarky" just means sarcastic or sharp. When embraced in describing one's own commentary, as TWoPpers do, it loosely translates to "I am an enormous prick."

Nate the Great 04-18-2006 10:17 PM

Thanks for confirming my sanity. I KNEW I'd seen red wedges out there. It'd be nice to see them side-by-side for an objective comparison.

My definition of snarky is a bit different. For me, "being snarky" is basically the same as "acting superior with no regard for the feelings or opinions of others" or "being obsessive and condescending." Now you can call me a pedantic drone. :wink:

Chancellor Valium 04-18-2006 10:25 PM

Personally I think DNA was teh master of inventing words.

richardson 04-25-2006 01:59 AM


Hard plastic all the way! (Unless you engrave the metal ones...)

PointyHairedJedi 05-02-2006 10:46 PM

Enameled metal would be nice, but hard rubber would be good too. I'm still holding out for leather bookmarks though.

Nate the Great 11-23-2009 04:29 AM

Thread, arise!

Wowbagger 12-04-2009 12:58 PM

Well, that was underwhelming.

I expected some shambling, at least.

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