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Burt 10-12-2006 12:57 AM

Torchwood discussion (spoilers)
It seems a date has been set.
October 22, 2006.
To be honest, thats all I've really got to say....But I'll pad it out some more.

Did you know that Torchwood WAS infact the codename for Doctor Who while it was filming?

Oh! And it's gonna be on BBC3 by the way. If it does well, expect it to be moved to BBC1 and all the violence and good stuff removed.
But this:
-Seems to be the best place to find the information out.


PointyHairedJedi 10-12-2006 05:35 AM

I'm very much going to wait and see. The Beeb have done similar sort of things before (most recently Strange and Sea of Souls) which have been of distinctly variable quality, but I remain vaguely hopeful all the same, if not just to annoy Valium some more.

Chancellor Valium 10-14-2006 08:59 PM

Well, at least we know why there's "no money for alien planets". I hope it fails, TBH.

PointyHairedJedi 11-06-2006 10:11 AM

Well. It's been sort of variable so far - the first two episodes were pretty good, three was okay, and this most recent one (otherwise known as episode four) had a very good idea but fell down in the execution. I'm liking the characters though, even though it turns out that Captain Jack is in fact Captain Scarlet (I was tickled, I can tell you). I'd hardly list it among my favourite shows at the moment, but it's entertaining and it has the promise of getting much much better.

Chancellor Valium 11-18-2006 06:41 PM

From what I've heard, it sounds dreadful, and I'm quite glad I have repeatedly forgotten it was on.

Frankly, I prefer an adult show to be, Rather than just being labelled 'adult' for the sexual content, which sounds ridiculously overegged.

Burt 11-19-2006 04:29 AM

I did like 'The cyberwoman' Episode. Not too sure about the rest. I did think I would like it more than I do...I mean I was a fan of Buffy and then liked Angel...
I'm not sure, but the show seems abit up itself...
However the later episodes seem quite exciting. I'm looking forward to the final one...
I do like the fact that the characters didn't just pop up in this show. They have links. Ianto Jones/Torchwood One and Toshiko Sato was in 'Aliens of London'.
I really would like the doctor to pop up there one day though. Show them that even though they are this crack team (Or think they are), they're still only amateurs compared to him!

Chancellor Valium 11-19-2006 12:53 PM

I saw a picture of the cyberwoman...Thought she looked like an obsessive/compulsive fan with more cardboard than sense with that daft helmet-thing. The links are a good thing, I agree, although from what I've heard the characters are all stuck in a '70's sex-obsession.

Scooter 11-21-2006 06:57 AM

I still haven't seen it (or anything but Lost, to be honest), so I reserve the right to get passionate about it. The who let's-be-sexy-because-it's-not-teatime thing kind of dulled my initial enthusiasm. But as said, might be wrong.

Lostoyannaya 12-08-2006 06:25 PM

I don't mean to be mean to the producers or anything, but...

...Torchwood's just a bit s**t.

ijdgaf 12-12-2006 07:53 AM


When did Brendan Fraser get white hair?

Zeke 12-12-2006 08:25 AM

With my incredible skills, I have determined that the avatar depicts not Brendan Fraser but Ed Bishop of the short-lived British sf series UFO. If it helps, he dyed his hair (to blonde, not white).

Apparently the term "UFO" was pronounced "you-fo" on the show... which I just this minute realized is also the joke in the name of a Marvel supervillain team, the U-Foes.

Burt 12-12-2006 12:17 PM

Yeah, it is a bit crap, Torchwood, but I did rather like the 'They keep killing Susie.' Episode. First real good episode I think. Funny bits, scary bits, some backstory. I think we have the makings of a super villian. Yeah, I know she's dead now, but that never seemed to stop her before.

PointyHairedJedi 12-21-2006 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 71554)
With my incredible skills, I have determined that the avatar depicts not Brendan Fraser but Ed Bishop of the short-lived British sf series UFO. If it helps, he dyed his hair (to blonde, not white).

Apparently the term "UFO" was pronounced "you-fo" on the show... which I just this minute realized is also the joke in the name of a Marvel supervillain team, the U-Foes.

Another series that is definitely worth watching. It's certainly the most adult-oriented of all the series Gerry Anderson produced - Captain Scarlet was similarly intended, but it never quite got over the puppet thing, and Space: 1999 was basically silly adventures in space (though the first series was quite good, really).

Chancellor Valium 01-05-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Burt (Post 71555)
Yeah, it is a bit crap, Torchwood, but I did rather like the 'They keep killing Susie.' Episode. First real good episode I think. Funny bits, scary bits, some backstory. I think we have the makings of a super villian. Yeah, I know she's dead now, but that never seemed to stop her before.

a bit crap?! a BIT crap?!

I finally saw episode 6/7/8 or somesuch...The one with 'Torchwood' scrawled in blood on the wall and the dead people and the ressurrection glove ressurected...

After twenty minutes I wanted to gouge my own eyes out with a blunt scythe.

I did the one thing I never do - I switched off. I have never done that. I didn't do it to Destiny of the Daleks even. I didn't even do it to Love and Faeces.

Torchwood? Turdwood more like.

mudshark 01-08-2007 02:19 AM

Valium, you wouldn't be acquainted with a gentleman from Edinborough who goes by the name Jim Steele, would you? He seems to hold an opinion of Torchwood similar to yours.

Chancellor Valium 01-08-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by mudshark (Post 71836)
Valium, you wouldn't be acquainted with a gentleman from Edinborough who goes by the name Jim Steele, would you? He seems to hold an opinion of Torchwood similar to yours.


It's a popular opinion, however...

Zeke 01-21-2007 06:15 AM

I've now seen the first four episodes of Torchwood and, despite what everyone else seems to think, I love it. (This really is a pattern with me, isn't it?) Jack and Gwen are capable leads, and the stories have been interesting if not hugely original. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest.

Zeke 01-28-2007 05:30 AM

Having now seen the whole season, I can say for certain that you're all nuts. Torchwood is by no means a perfect show, but it's a great one. So much of what I loved about early Angel is reincarnated in this show. (It was no surprise when I read that RTD is a big Joss Whedon fan.)

I hope you'll give it another try, Valium. But if it's not for you, it's not for you.

Katy Jane 01-28-2007 05:46 PM

I like Torchwood too... the only episode i didn't like was Countrycide I shut that one off because it was starting to feel like a slasher movie :s

PointyHairedJedi 01-29-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 72035)
...I can say for certain that you're all nuts.

For stating the obvious, I award you one apple pie.

Chancellor Valium 02-11-2007 12:14 AM

@Zeke: *I*'m nuts?!

A 2-dimensional, ridiculous, unreal camp-fest with stupid characters who are also seemingly utter nymphomaniacs, pathetic dialogue, outrageously stupid plots and a total lack of thinking in general like that is *not* good TV.

Evidence: The final two-parter kiss: That would not have been reacted to in such a manner as portrayed even *remotely* in the '40's. In fact, that's less historically accurate than Clarke's fictional film Napoleon in 2061.

I've written better while dead drunk.

It doesn't take much for me to find a redeeming feature in a programme, and I searched, but after twenty minutes of a single episode, the urge to gouge my own eyes out was overpowering, the dialogue vomit-worthy, the plot horrendously stupid, the characters less realistic and more two-dimensional than the Mr. Men.

As I said, it made me break my one cardinal rule of TV-watching - switch off.

And as I said, I didn't even do that to Love and Monsters.

The only other thing I've done it to was The Horns of Nimon, and then only out of sheer boredom with the story - with this, it was too awful to watch.

Zeke 01-17-2008 04:42 AM

Torchwood is back! I couldn't watch the Season 2 pilot tonight, but I'll be doing so as soon as possible in entirely legitimate and legal fashion with no laws being broken. (Legally.)

This season we've got a new character played by James Marsters -- always fun to watch, and hopefully the solution to this show's shortage of recurring villains. There'll also be a guest spot later by Martha from last season of Doctor Who. Jack spent some time with her and the Doctor at the end of that season; the impression we got was that he'll now be returning to Torchwood with a renewed enthusiasm. But can he (and should he) just forget about the team's betrayal? And now that he's accomplished his most cherished goal of the last hundred years -- seeing the Doctor again -- how will things change for him? I for one look forward to finding out.

(Like a couple of others, I've renamed this thread to make it more "official".)

PointyHairedJedi 01-17-2008 08:35 PM

I guess I'll have to watch it on the BBC's iPlayer thingy - I'm normally on my way back from table tennis on Wednesday nights at that time. Not that I have any great expectations, of course, but it's worth a go.

catalina_marina 02-08-2008 07:30 PM

Legally? Oh yes. Yes yes. Legally. Of course. :innocent:

PointyHairedJedi 02-09-2008 01:17 PM

Given that I live in the middle of nowhere, pretty much, I'm thankful I've got a connection that can handle at least that much. I hear tell that there are some places in the world where people still use 56k dial-up.


mudshark 02-09-2008 03:54 PM

Or dial-up which never quite manages to reach 56K, even on a good day, and usually schlumps about, down in the neighborhood of 33... or 26.

PointyHairedJedi 02-09-2008 09:02 PM

Well... gives you time to catch up on your reading between page loads, I suppose.

Burt 03-04-2008 04:55 PM

I've kinda drifted away from Torchwood... I loved a few in the last series, 'They keep killing Susie' being one of them, but I feel it's all a bit... meh, now..
Maybe it's just me.
Doctor Who is something totally different altogether. Almost wet myself when I saw a trailer before Cloverfield for the the new series - has anyone else seen that trailer yet? The one where it flashes a picture of Donna, Martha... then Rose(!) at the end.
I still think that having Donna (aka Ms Tate) in the show will be bloody brilliant!
On a side note - the old Doctor Who is on Uk Drama at the mo around 5pm. 1 episode each day. They're on Tom Baker at the mo, and showing 'The seeds of doom'. Amazingly, my 10 and 11 year old brother and sister, who totally love the Tennent stuff, have really gotten into the old stuff too. Good old Tom Baker.

PointyHairedJedi 03-04-2008 11:29 PM

I'm sorta liking S2 better than S1 so far, actually, but it still lapses into annoyingness far too frequently.

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