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Zeke 09-02-2007 04:38 AM

I had to move from one part of my residence to another (much better) part a couple of days ago. This is the main reason I've been so quiet the last couple of weeks (though it doesn't go back farther than that... there are other excuses I could go through, of course).

As a result, I have no net access at the moment. It should be back in a couple of days, at which point I'll hopefully have finished the long-overdue update I've been working on.

Nate the Great 09-03-2007 12:18 AM

You must have a fun desk. The IN box, the OUT box, and the EXCUSE box. :)

mudshark 09-04-2007 08:02 PM

I thought it was IN, OUT and SOON.

I've been wrong before, though. I can deal.

Nate the Great 09-04-2007 09:16 PM

If it was that way, he'd be confused all the time, because the Glossary clearly states that "soon" means "not soon" and hence, vice versa, "not soon" means "not 'not soon'" and the nots cancel out. :)

Celeste 09-05-2007 01:16 AM

You're making my head hurt again...

Nate the Great 09-05-2007 01:22 AM

(Starts to rub hands together gleefully in the manner of Jim Carrey in Batman Forever) Then my eeeeeeeeevil plan is working. Mwahahahahaha! There really are times when there is nothing more therapeutic than a good bout of maniacal laughter. :cool:

mudshark 09-05-2007 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 74625)
If it was that way, he'd be confused all the time, because the Glossary clearly states that "soon" means "not soon" and hence, vice versa, "not soon" means "not 'not soon'" and the nots cancel out. :)

Yes, sir. Will that be Blithering or Non-... never mind -- come right this way, sir!

Nate the Great 09-05-2007 06:03 PM

Wait a second, this straightjacket clashes with the decor! Waiter, waiter!

catalina_marina 09-09-2007 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by mudshark (Post 74624)
I thought it was IN, OUT and SOON.

SOON being a linear superposition of IN and OUT?

mudshark 09-09-2007 03:20 AM

You know, I think that might be it.

Nate the Great 09-09-2007 07:49 PM

Was that a Golgafrincham Captain quote?

mudshark 09-10-2007 02:26 PM

Was what a Golgafrinchan Captain quote?

Nate the Great 09-10-2007 05:41 PM

mudshark: You know, I think that might be it.

Brings to mind:

Golgafrincham Captain (upon realizing that the B Ark of useless middlemen was sent off into space first): I'm sure that there was a reason.
Ford: You're all a load of useless bloody loonies!
Captain: Yes! That was the reason!

Okay, so it's not an EXACT reference, but that's what was brought to mind. Let me compare it to a quote I once wrote for a fiver-like MST of a Yu-gi-oh episode:

Yugi: Why do I think that this isn't gonna end well?
Yami: You're smarter than the average lima bean?
Yugi: That might be it.

As If! (basically Five-Minute Yu-gi-oh)

Chancellor Valium 09-11-2007 07:58 PM

So, to conclude...Zeke swiped Schrodinger's In-Tray?

Zeke 09-12-2007 07:29 PM

Possibly. Nobody saw me, so I may or may not have actually done it.

Nate the Great 09-12-2007 08:09 PM

Vroomfondel: I demand that demarkation MAY or MAY NOT be the problem.

Chancellor Valium 09-12-2007 09:44 PM

So...You demand clearly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty?

@Z: You did and you didn't in simultaneous superposition, surely? In which case, you're nicked. :D

Gatac 09-13-2007 07:53 AM

Werner Heisenberg is stopped after speeding. The cop walks up to his car and says "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg smiles and says "No, but I know exactly where I am."

In the same vein:

Dresden Codak!


catalina_marina 09-13-2007 03:09 PM

Quantum stuff is fun, as long as you don't need to do anything formally.


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 74667)
mudshark: You know, I think that might be it.

Brings to mind:

Golgafrincham Captain (upon realizing that the B Ark of useless middlemen was sent off into space first): I'm sure that there was a reason.
Ford: You're all a load of useless bloody loonies!
Captain: Yes! That was the reason!

Okay, so it's not an EXACT reference, but that's what was brought to mind.
As If! (basically Five-Minute Yu-gi-oh)

Maybe it's from a different version? I'm not sure that part of the story was in any other versions, but DA has been known to change the story ever so slightly for every version, so that quotes aren't quite correct anymore.

mudshark 09-13-2007 05:40 PM

^ In fact, I knew what Nate was talking about, but I wasn't actually quoting anything or anyone. That was just me replying (as me) to your question above, and was not intended as a reference to anything else.

My "Was what a Golgafrinchan Captain quote?" was merely a response to Nate's habitual (compulsive?) practice of trying to twist even the most simple and direct utterances into something entirely other than what was intended by the utterer.


Originally Posted by Gatac (Post 74695)
In the same vein:

Dresden Codak!

I like it.

catalina_marina 09-13-2007 09:12 PM

Oh, I never thought you were quoting anything, really. It's just that it might still be that someone said it somewhere. I was just trying to figure out what Nate was thinking about. :p

Chancellor Valium 09-13-2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by catalina_marina (Post 74708)
Oh, I never thought you were quoting anything, really. It's just that it might still be that someone said it somewhere. I was just trying to figure out what Nate was thinking about. :p

Sound and fury.

Nate the Great 09-14-2007 02:17 AM

Signifying nothing.

The scene is from the TV version. Of course all of the versions are slightly tweaked one from the other.

As a sidestory of this phenomenon, I have to express my regret that one altered line that Douglas Adams approved of never made it to the big screen. In the original Hitchhiker's, way back in the late 70s/early 80s, humans were so amazingly primitive that they still thought digital watches were a pretty neat idea. For the movie he indicated that it should be modernized so we were so amazingly primitive that we still thought cellular telephones were a pretty neat idea. It would've tied in very well with the movie storyline, but too bad, so sad.

So I have a habit of trying to sound clever. How else are you going to know that I am? ;)

Chancellor Valium 09-14-2007 10:49 AM

Please don't mention the film.

Nate the Great 09-14-2007 03:39 PM

Why? It's not THAT bad...

Chancellor Valium 09-14-2007 05:17 PM

Yes, yes it is.

Nate the Great 09-14-2007 07:46 PM

You talk as though it's negative six on a scale of ten. I'd argue that it's I paid five bucks for my DVD and never regretted it for a second. Of COURSE I'd never pay the full price of twentysomething, but it' I get back to you? :)

Chancellor Valium 09-14-2007 10:22 PM

Seven? That's minus-seven, right?

Nate the Great 09-15-2007 01:22 AM

Okay, anyone who disses Hitchhiker's in ANY incarnation is pressing my rage button. Please don't make me Hulk out on you:

Nate: You're making me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.

Besides, I just got these purple pants pressed last week. I'd hate to send your widow/widower the laundry bill.

Chancellor Valium 09-15-2007 01:11 PM

The film is shit.

Deal with it.

Nate the Great 09-15-2007 01:26 PM

So you argue that there is not one single bit of redeeming value? Funny, because I count the following jokes not present in any other form of Hitchhiker's:

The worshippers of the Great Green Arkleseizure sneezing in praise of their creator, and Humma Kavula says, "Bless you."

Arthur: Do you have any ideas, Marv?
Marvin: I have millions of ideas. They all end in certain death.

Arthur: Marvin, can you lend me a hand?

The ENTIRE paddle sequence on Vogsphere.

And as a side benefit, anytime you get to listen to Journey of the Sorcerer is worth something in my book.

Chancellor Valium 09-15-2007 04:50 PM

It's writers deserve death. They ripped out everything that made the Guide unique, and made it into 'yet another *wacky* British movie!!!!!'.

Nate the Great 09-16-2007 12:28 AM

So, to return to a lighter topic, anyone else like unicorn steaks?

Chancellor Valium 09-16-2007 06:44 PM

Too reminiscent of centaur for my tastes.

Nate the Great 09-16-2007 07:10 PM

Tuvix: I love you.
Kes: Isn't that semiadultery or something?
Tuvix: Meh.

CV: I eat centaur steaks.
NTG: Isn't that semicannibalism or something?
CV: Meh.

Chancellor Valium 09-16-2007 07:23 PM

It rather depends whether you prefer leg or breat, I suppose...

Nate the Great 09-17-2007 07:55 AM

Erm, okay...

Chancellor Valium 09-21-2007 02:08 PM

Should have read 'leg or breast'. Apologies for the mistake.

Nate the Great 09-21-2007 09:44 PM

You could've just edited your entry and no one would've been the wiser, you know...

catalina_marina 09-22-2007 08:46 PM

The film is kind of bad though, isn't it? Compared to the books and the BBC audio series anyway... Still, it is tHHGttG... I seem to remember I hated how they portrayed Marvin, but the rest was okay. Oh right, and it was also over too soon. :P

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