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Nic Corelli 07-24-2004 12:44 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, to bring the Science Fiction subforum back to life, I`m starting The DS9 thread. I`ve been watching the show on TV every day (except Sundays) since January, so I have lots on my mind. Mostly high praise. :D So, from now on, this is 5MV`s official topic for DS9 fans to debate, discuss, comment, observe, praise, glorify, moan, whine, complain, nitpick etc. etc. about every conceivable thing related to the one and only [i:post_uid0]Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)[/i:post_uid0].


DS9 @
DS9 Episode Guide

Well, for start, you could say how (and why) you started watching DS9, and what are your favourite episodes. :D[/color:post_uid0]

admiral sab 07-24-2004 02:27 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]ok well I started watching it in the middle of the third season (?) I'm not sure but it was before Worf around the first part of the Maquis. Anyways I watched it because it was Trek. But I didn't have cable at the time and the only channel it came on was channel 3 and it was really fuzzy and came on at like 11: 30 at night on a back then I was in Jr. High/High School, so I had to be up early on Monday. (Aren't you glad you asked!) anyways, so I always tried to set my vcr but it was always too fuzzy to watch. Anyways, so I've watched off and on for awhile. I always wanted Odo and Kira together... (well duh, I'm a shipper) ok so I'm actually watching the way of the warrior part 2 on Spike tv right now! YAY for Spike TV and their love of Trek! I have now seen most of DS9 without having to buy/download the episodes! woohoo! Ok enough about me...what about you?

Post Edit: ooopsie! Favorite Episodes you say? erm...
"Necessary Evil", "In the Pale Moonlight" (Avery Brooks really shines in this one), "In the Cards" (just love it), "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" (I laugh every time about Sisko's desk and poor O'Brien), "Doctor Bashir, I presume" (Just because of the whole shock value of it), "The Baseball one", the Finale, "His Way" give me time I'll think of more!

Sab, DS9 fan[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 07-24-2004 03:00 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]All right, I'll bite.

I started watching DS9 back when it first came out. I was an avid TNG fan by that time and DS9 had a lot of hype behind it. So I watched "Emissary" and was blown away. That's still far and away one of my favorite episodes, I continued watching DS9 through high school and my first year of college, but DS9 came on late at night and I had a flaky VCR that wouldn't tape correctly and I had a life so I wasn't always at home to catch it. So I missed parts of Season 5, almost all of Season 6, and all of Season 7. I was not able to catch up on those seasons until recently when I bought the seasons on DVD.

My favorite episodes are always changing, it seems. Actually, what's really interesting to me is that any episode I five improves my opinion of the episode. I guess in the end it's the episode that gets the last laugh... or something.

My least favorite thing about DS9 is a certain type of fan I run into from time to time. This fan thinks that DS9 is the only good Trek and all the others are worthless (with the possible exception of TOS), yet at the same time feels that DS9 is the most neglected Trek and is constantly being snubbed in favor of the other Treks. It's not those views that bother me, but it's this certain attitude that comes with it, a certain feeling of victimization that really bugs the crap out of me.

For an example of this type of attitude, make sure to read Zeke's Thoughts on the Death of DS9 Horizons.[/color:post_uid0]

Opium 07-24-2004 07:44 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules
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DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules DS9 rules[/color:post_uid0]

Ginga 07-24-2004 07:58 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Derek"][color=#000000:post_uid0]My least favorite thing about DS9 is a certain type of fan I run into from time to time. This fan thinks that DS9 is the only good Trek and all the others are worthless (with the possible exception of TOS), yet at the same time feels that DS9 is the most neglected Trek and is constantly being snubbed in favor of the other Treks. It's not those views that bother me, but it's this certain attitude that comes with it, a certain feeling of victimization that really bugs the crap out of me.

For an example of this type of attitude, make sure to read Zeke's Thoughts on the Death of DS9 Horizons.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]YES! Oh my dear LORD, that's all they do over at "Meh, DS9 rules! Give it a chance even though we don't give any of YOUR Treks half of what we're asking! Give it a chance or DIE! Because Worf will come and kill you where you stand!"

:madder: <--That's for all 'o them.

And a "BITE ME, FREAKS!"[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-24-2004 10:10 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I'll just post here after I've got a computer, preferable with sound, and time to watch an episode or six. :p[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 07-24-2004 12:37 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]DS9 came on after voyager at 11pm ever weeknight. But I could never really get into it because the nights that I managed to be able to stay up for it were few and far between, so I never had any idea what was going on. When I was finaly not exausted every night anymore, they'd cancled both my Voyager and DS9. I never saw it again for two years. During that time I got deeper and deeper into the Star Trek world. 5MV took over, and my role playing took off. I missed DS9 because it was the only series i'd never seen. So for Christmas last year, I forced my parents to buy me the DVD sets. I started watching with seasons 5 6 and 7. Downloading 3 and 4 off of Then, when Spike tv started their run of DS9, I watched the whole week long marathon without blinking and caught up on the episodes i'd missed.

Yeah, that's my DS9 story. :) Now TNG is another story....[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-24-2004 04:33 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I'm not quite sure what to say. I watched it on it's original (and only) run on the BBC, and I certainly enjoyed it, but for me it didn't really come into it's own until around season five. Before that it was like much of TNG - I could take it or leave it. I remember liking "Emissary" the first time round I saw it (I think it had to be taped - I was in the Cub Scouts at this stage), but for some reason I didn't like the ending of it very much, though I can't remember for the life of me why.

I guess I regard it as I do all the other Trek series really - it was Trek in its own right, inhabiting its own universe that happened to have some similarities with TNG, and by proxy TOS before that.[/color:post_uid0]

Ginga 07-24-2004 05:39 PM

[quote:post_uid0="Celeste"][color=#000000:post_uid0] Downloading 3 and 4 off of[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hmm... know anyplace we can get Voyager or something? XD[/color:post_uid0]

Gatac 07-24-2004 06:11 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, DS9 was always "The Trek that was just there" for me. It's not that I don't like it, but I could never be bothered to track down episodes I missed. (Whereas I've seen everything from TNG and Voyager - well, except for 11:59 which had gotten such a bad rep before I got my hands on it that I never dared watch it.) It's got scores of good episodes, but it doesn't come together for me...I don't care about the main cast. Yeah, that's it. Man, I love Garak as much as the next guy, and DS9 did some good stuff with Worf and O'Brien, but they were kinda recycled, you know? I grew up with TNG. I *care* about these characters. Picard gets borgified, and I suffer with him. (Besides, Steward is a hell of an actor.) On Voyager, it was the Doctor, but I always liked Tom and Harry, too.

So, I stand here before you and say, "You know, DS9 *was* a 90s sci-fi series." Probably not a very popular opinion, but that's how I feel about that.

(Perplexingly, the only Trek video I own is DS9's Past Tense. Kinda Morissette-ly ironic, hm?)


Standback 07-24-2004 08:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]When I first heard of and watched DS9, I was kinda disappointed. This was, I think, mainly because I was so used to TNG, and watched so few episodes, that I never really gave the series a fair chance. To this day I still retain the vague opinion that the first few seasons of DS9 were weaker than the later ones. This opinion may be true, but the fact is that I've never watched more than a few episodes from the first three seasons; this opinion is based entirely on the fact that during the first few seasons I wasn't watching because I thought it was boring, and then I started watching and got completely drawn in.

What I really really loved about DS9 was the great ongoing story arcs (again - the Dominion War, 4th season onwards) that let it achieve a complexity lacking in other Trek series. I got to know and love the characters, and the conflict and plotlines seemed to me so real and alive. I love the sense that this episode may have repurcussions that only turn up five months from now, or that this episode makes perfect sense to me [i:post_uid0]because[/i:post_uid0] I know the events preceeding it. The characters were likewise complex and evolving; Garak, Dukat, and Weyoun are all fascinating, and the main cast was full of characters with their own little storyline and points of interest.

A lot of these reasons are why I'm very very very eager to get my hands on B5 - it seems to be all this, only more so.[/color:post_uid0]

Ginga 07-24-2004 09:20 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I know when I first saw DS9, I really hated it. I didn't like the characters and found it incredibly boring. But then I was able to give it a second chance when it came to Spike, and found that it... wasn't so bad. And then... it was... good. I mean, I saw one episode where I had no idea what was going on, but it was the end of the episode and somebody was dying/dead (I can't remember) and Kira was talking to him. I found the whole scene INCREDIBLY moving and was near tears. So, I'm not a faithful watcher of DS9, but I can safely say that I like it. :D[/color:post_uid0]

Nic Corelli 07-25-2004 12:02 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, I first saw DS9 back in 1997 on a German satellite channel. Since it was dubbed in German, I barely understood anything and since it was season 1, all I saw was a bunch of humans, Bajorans and Cardassians standing around and arguing. Also, the cast looked kinda... silly to me, :D Especially Sisko and Kira, with their horrible first season hairdos. So, without understanding any dialogue, I wasn`t particularly impressed with what I saw.

Thankfully, several years later I managed to get some episodes on CDs. The first episode I saw was The Changing Face of Evil. Heh. My friend had CDs with only season 7. So I got myself this episode, to see if the series is any good. And of course it was good. It was [i:post_uid0]brilliant[/i:post_uid0]. I mean, episode 20 of season 7... all the fascinating storylines and wonderfully developed characters in it... I was blown away. So I naturally got myself the entire season 7 (minus The Dogs of War and What You Leave Behind 1 & 2, unfortunately), watched it and absolutely loved it.

Then I saw season 1 and 2, and I also loved it. Season 3 didn`t impress me very much the first time... The second time I saw it, however, I loved it. Weird.

And of course, since the beginning of this year, I`ve been watching the entire series, almost every day... and I`m really enjoying almost ALL of the episodes. It really is THE best Trek series. The evidence is quite simple - the biggest number of great, interesting, compelling characters. And the fact it never ran out of steam, it was strong in season 7 just like in seasons 4, 5 and 6 (whereas TNG declined in quality quite noticeably in its own season 7...). Now, I love TNG, it`s fantastic, and TOS is adorable, and Voyager is the first Trek series I saw and I also love it and it will always be the "special" series for me, because thanks to Voyager I made a gruelling effort to obtain episodes of all the other series and copies of the movies...

...but DS9 is, in my opinion, definitely the deepest, most complex and simply the best Trek series. All of the main characters got an equal share of episodes to grow, and all of them used that opportunity excellently, plus the enormous number of marvelous supporting characters - Dukat, Weyoun, Garak, Martok, Kai Winn, Nog, Rom, Damar, Ziyal, Vic Fontaine, Eddington... and of course, the relationship between Odo and Quark, which is the most bizarre and fascinating "friendship" between two characters I have ever seen. Nothing beats Odo and Quark antics, ;)

The best episodes... hmm... there are plenty, but offhand... there are, of course, the all-time classics - Duet, Emissary, The Search, Trials and Tribble-ations, In Purgatory`s Shadow/By Inferno`s Light, Call to Arms, Favor the Bold/The Sacrifice of Angels, Far Beyond the Stars, In the Pale Moonlight (definitely the best episode of the series), Tears of the Prophets, Shadows and Symbols... and presumably the finale is also great (I just haven`t seen it yet).

Along with them, I was quite impressed by Dax, Paradise, The Maquis, Tribunal, The Jem`Hadar, Life Support, Improbable Cause/The Die is Cast two-parter, To the Death, Body Parts, Little Green Men, Apocalypse Rising, Looking for the par`Mach in All the Wrong Places, Rapture, For the Uniform, In the Cards, Waltz, Statistical Probabilities, The Magnificent Ferengi, His Way, Chimera, Badda-bing Badda-bang, Treachery, Faith and The Great River, Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges... and of course The Changing Face of Evil, my first one...

There are two things, however, that I cannot forgive DS9. First is a certain episode called Ferengi Love Songs, which is simply the most boring and pointless episode of all Trek, and second is the terrible underuse of the Romulans. Was it really necessary to make three or so Ferengi episodes and not a single Romulan one in seasons 1, 2, 4 and 5? Okay, In the Pale Moonlight, Shadows and Symbols and Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges were great, but still... definitely not enough Romulans.

Okay, I`m done. :D[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 07-25-2004 01:34 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Fuyu Ginga"][color=#000000:post_uid0]Hmm... know anyplace we can get Voyager or something? XD[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Same place. suprnova You'll need the program Bittorrent. Just google it and download the program. It's not spyware or anything, I promise. Bittorrent is like, 10 times better than Kazaa or anything else.[/color:post_uid0]

Ginga 07-25-2004 02:13 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Celeste"][color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="Fuyu Ginga"]Hmm... know anyplace we can get Voyager or something? XD[/quote:post_uid0]
Same place. suprnova You'll need the program Bittorrent. Just google it and download the program. It's not spyware or anything, I promise. Bittorrent is like, 10 times better than Kazaa or anything else.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]I've heard of BitTorrent before... saw it while I was looking for some anime episodes. I'm highly considering DLing it now...[/color:post_uid0]

Gatac 07-25-2004 06:14 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I only got Enterprise's third season by BitTorrent, pretty much downloading as soon as someone had encoded the episodes and made them available. I can't live without BitTorrent...mainly because it enables such big downloads, so people can offer entire runs of comics or DVDs. I can safely say that there's 5 DVDs lying around here I wouldn't have bought if I hadn't seen some episodes on BitTorrent and decided to give them a chance.

The main advantage of BitTorrent is that the incredible range of things you can find there. Trek's among this range, but there's so much to see and find - well, suffice to say, it's the chief reason why I have a 250 gig harddrive. :)


admiral sab 07-25-2004 06:05 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]any idea why it takes so long to download? I've never done this kind of thing before and I want to see Real Life (from Voyager) again... I had it on tape and for some reason it got lost...(this is such a tragedy for a P/Ter). Believe me I will buy season 3 DVD's but I just want to see Real Life again like now! ;) anyways, I tried downloading it last night but it was taking a long time and I had to go to I am going to try again today. I have a cable modem so normally it doesn't take that long to download.

Thanks to anyone who can help. PM me if you think it's too complicated to describe here...or email me...whatever.

Admiral_sab at yahoo dot com


Um DS9 is awesome! (I wanted to stay somewhat on topic! )[/color:post_uid0]

Gatac 07-25-2004 06:51 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, BitTorrent is more of a trickle. The trick is to pick out what you want and just leave it running. The software automatically resumes, so if you need to switch off, just pause and start again when you power up again. But it works best on a computer that's always running - mine goes 24/7, and I've got about a dozen things downloading at the same time, and although it's pretty slow, it's quite reliable. Most of the time, those Torrents *will* finish, even if it takes some time.

Er, on topic...Past Tense is good, because it's the only Trek episode where a Starfleet captain gets to rack the pump on the quite cool Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. And because it leads up to what is possibly the best inside joke in all of Trek in Little Green Men.


admiral sab 07-25-2004 07:08 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]oh ok Thanks, Gatac! I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me! lol ok so I can download a few at a time...good.

Also, it did pick up where I left off last night. I do like to shut my computer down at night because of hackers and stuff... but I leave it on all day. Plus I think it's good to shut a computer down and let it rest... am I the only one?

On Topic: I also liked the episode Past Tense because of Kira's bandaid on her nose. :)[/color:post_uid0]

Nic Corelli 07-27-2004 06:21 AM

AAAAAAAAAH! You`ve all gone completely off-topic!

I am going to kill you all! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The topic is: Deep Space Nine - Favourite Episodes. And why.


Ginga 07-27-2004 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
AAAAAAAAAH! You`ve all gone completely off-topic!

I am going to kill you all! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The topic is: Deep Space Nine - Favourite Episodes. And why.


Man, first we can't be funny, now we can't venture a little off-topic!? That smiley's totally corrupted you. XP

taya17 07-27-2004 07:47 AM

Nits, hello? This is *FMV* you're talking about! I would be disappointed if it didn't veer off-topic within the first 15 posts!

*blinks in wonder at Celeste's giant avatar*

Ginga 07-27-2004 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by taya17
*blinks in wonder at Celeste's giant avatar*[/i]

I was thinking the same thing... :shock:

Opium 07-27-2004 08:52 AM

I love the last 13 eps of DS9! They were all well-crafted, in a good story arc. I also liked the Tribble ep, and the AU eps. Season 5 was pretty good, too.

PointyHairedJedi 07-27-2004 02:02 PM

I've heard of BitTorrent myself. Is it better than eMule? That's what I've been using all this time.

Gatac 07-27-2004 03:19 PM

Depends. There's no search function, and you're pretty much dependant on what certain websites list as active trackers. It doesn't replace eMule or Kazaa for the "I'm looking for *this*" factor, but it's fun if you browse Suprnova and think to yourself "This looks interesting, let's download." It's gold for games, TV episodes and movies. Music is mostly seen as entire albums, and it's mostly fresh stuff, i.e. just released and ripped.


Katy Jane 07-28-2004 11:38 PM

Lets see, I watched my first couple of DS9 episodes going on three years ago, i watched it just becasue it was Trek, but the episodes i wached were in the middle of a story arc and i didn't get it. It lost my intrest. When I started using netflix i rented the disk with the epidode "Rules of Accusition" because it had a direct tiein with a fan fic i was working on. I loved it, and the other episodes on the disk, so i decided to start at the begining. I'm almost through the first season now. So far my favoits are "Rules of Accusition" "Move along home" (strange but humorous) and "Progress"

admiral sab 07-29-2004 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
AAAAAAAAAH! You`ve all gone completely off-topic!

I am going to kill you all! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The topic is: Deep Space Nine - Favourite Episodes. And why.


um I did attempt to keep in on topic at the end of my off topic post... ;)

POST EDIT: Wow, my avvy's big! :) Look at P/C how sweet!!!

oh wait, quick question, are multiples allowed here in the new forum? :lol:


I didn't think so. Sorry! ;) :roll:

Ginga 07-29-2004 02:48 AM

*looks at the avy*

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... P/C would've been SUCH a great thing. :(

Ah, BitTorrent, how I love thee... *hugs both parts of Year of Hell*

And on-topic..



taya17 07-29-2004 02:49 AM

DS9 is available from the National Library in Singapore! OMG! All loaned out and reserved though!

Nic Corelli 07-29-2004 04:30 AM

Well, MY favourite episodes, at this moment, are:

Season 1 - Duet
Season 2 - Tribunal
Season 3 - The Die is Cast
Season 4 - To the Death
Season 5 - In Purgatory`s Shadow
Season 6 - In the Pale Moonlight
Season 7 - The Changing Face of Evil

And the FAVOURITE one of the entire series, definitely - In the Pale Moonlight. Fantastic, smashing episode.

Which reminds me - what do the rest of you think about the terrible underuse of Romulans in DS9? Do you also believe they were underused? Why wasn`t there more of them? Huh, huh?

mudshark 07-29-2004 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
Which reminds me - what do the rest of you think about the terrible underuse of Romulans in DS9? Do you also believe they were underused? Why wasn`t there more of them? Huh, huh?

I don't know if I'd say they were underused. No, we didn't see them a lot, but they did tend to put in appearances at critical points. Looking at the map found on this page, you see that the events revolving around DS9 and Bajor are taking place on the side of the Federation most distant from the Romulan Empire. It seems reasonable to assume that the Romulans, who had only relatively recently resumed taking an interest in affairs outside their own borders (so far as we can see), would be less interested in becoming directly involved until such time as a threat to their own security is perceived, as in Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast and In the Pale Moonlight.

Nic Corelli 07-31-2004 07:34 PM

But the Romulans are so COOL! You`d think the writers could have made some effort to squeeze them in, at least once or twice every season. Yes, their Empire is far away from Bajor, but they are a galactic power, one of the three strongest states in the Alpha Quadrant, surely they have their evil cloaked Warbirds everywhere... :twisted:

There were no Romulans AT ALL in seasons 1, 2 and 4. They barely appeared in season 5, only one little scene. Season 6 - one episode. The only exceptions are season 3 (three episodes with Romulans) and season 7 (three episodes with lots of Romulans, and about three or four more with only some Warbirds in the joint Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet).

Is it too much to ask for AT LEAST two Romulan episodes per season? Every DS9 season had many Bajoran and many Ferengi episodes. Lots of them dumb. Wouldn`t you rather have Romulans instead of Ferengi Love Songs and Profit and Lace? :shock:

Wowbagger 08-18-2004 04:47 PM

What is this subject line for, anyway? Bring me pie, wench!
I just purchased DS9 on eBay and received what I am told is the complete Asian Collectors Edition. Basically, the sound is crud. The visuals keep chopping and skipping. Two DVD's in the 47 disc set don't work.

But the episodes are awesome. Since I only saw four episodes of first-run Nine, I've just been watching them straight through, skipping only the ones I saw on SpikeTV, which, evilly [sic?], has completely refused to run anything but TNG in prime time. Yesterday was "The Visitor" and "Hippocratic Oath."

So, through episode 4x3, my favorite three eps were...hooo. That's pretty hard. "The Wire" is right in there. Same to "Destiny," "Duet," and "The Die is Cast/Improbable Cause." That's four, but oh well.

Today, however, I'm online because of an urgent problem (kind of) that only YOU can solve. *hijacks thread*

My mom hasn't watched an episode of Star Trek in ten years, since the end of TNG (except for "Silent Enemy," but that really doesn't count). Once she heard that DS9 was a "dark" series, she decided not to watch it either. So now, after years of pressure, I've convinced her to watch three episodes.

Other than the first three eps, which won't work in the DVD player, what are the best three entry-level DS9 episodes?

Derek 08-18-2004 05:36 PM

Emissary is such a great episode that I'm not sure I can think of another good one to start someone else on. Your favorites are probably as good as any.

NAHTMMM 08-19-2004 12:22 AM

What does she like to watch? Romance? Comedy? Drama?

Ariela 08-19-2004 01:25 AM

YOu know which one I really like? The Wire. The one where Garak has that device in his head that dilutes pain and it malfunctions? Don't really know why I like it, guess cause I just love Garak so much.

PointyHairedJedi 08-19-2004 04:56 PM

"In the Pale Moonlight"!

Oh wait, that is all dark and gloomy. :D

Nic Corelli 08-22-2004 05:41 AM


In the Pale Moonlight, definitely. The Ship. In Purgatory`s Shadow/By Inferno`s Light. In the Cards. Shadows and Symbols. Treachery, Faith and the Great River (that`s one episode, not three :P)

If I continue, I`ll finish sometime Tuesday afternoon, :mrgreen:

Nic Corelli 08-22-2004 05:43 AM

Oh, and "Chimera". :D

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