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PointyHairedJedi 05-11-2003 09:56 PM


Is it just my browser playing up, or is the header actually completely wonky?

Edit: I've just remembered that the forums link on the 5MS sub-site doesn't work either.[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 05-11-2003 10:55 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]It wasn't just your browser. I've fixed it; thanks for the heads-up. I also got the Forums link, and I'm impressed you noticed -- 5MS isn't exactly a frequent updater.[/color:post_uid0]

FatMatDuhRat 05-12-2003 10:03 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][b:post_uid0]PHJ[/b:post_uid0] used his third eye. He must be related to [b:post_uid0]Noranti.[/b:post_uid0]

Speaking of [b:post_uid0]Farscape,[/b:post_uid0] the last issue of [b:post_uid0]Farscape
[/b:post_uid0] was published recently.[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 05-12-2003 11:00 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Incidently, so was the latest Doctor Who Magazine.

It's just one shameless plug after another on this site. In between the food anyway.[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 05-14-2003 03:54 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Mmm, pie. *Zap* Mmm, pie. *Zap* Mmmm, pie...

Anyway, just noticed today that apparently the April Fools' Day triple-? in the title for "Q Who?" hasn't been cleaned up. Presumably this isn't a cache problem, as "Who Watches the Watchers?" has a single '?' in its title.

(Hmm, interestingly enough, that only holds true for the "all seasons" display.)[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 05-15-2003 03:15 PM


NeoMatrix 05-15-2003 03:28 PM


Zeke 05-15-2003 04:17 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]It worries me that you answer to "Kira."[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-15-2003 04:59 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]This doesn't bear thinking about.

Is there something someone isn't telling us?[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-15-2003 05:13 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Funny. You know I haven't seen Kira post much on the boards lately. She busy? :)[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 05-15-2003 06:11 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Is she busy? [i:post_uid0]Is she busy?[/i:post_uid0]

::: laughs insanely :::[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-15-2003 06:32 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]8| hmm, well... okay.[/color:post_uid0]

NeoMatrix 05-16-2003 04:16 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I only answered cause I am taking all her calls for her. Her mind has been freed and now lives in Zion.[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-16-2003 04:35 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Her mind has been freed and now lives in Zion.[/quote:post_uid0]

Zion's in Saskatchewan?

Now wonder the machines couldn't find it.[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 05-16-2003 05:18 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, of course. So many non-existent lake dams to build secret fortresses in. ;)

And the continual snow hides things nicely. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-16-2003 06:37 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Well, of course. So many non-existent lake dams to build secret fortresses in. [/quote:post_uid0]

Right. It's cunningly disguised as a wheat field.[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-16-2003 12:42 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hey, don't be dissing Saskatchuwatsitsname, I did a project on that provice once. :D[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-16-2003 05:33 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I live in BC. It's my duty and my right to mock flatlanders.

Especially when they aren't here to defend themselves. It's much safer that way.[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 05-16-2003 07:51 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]British Columbia. That's almost as much of a rip-off as New England.

I live in Brintain. It's my duty and my right to mock anyone who doesn't live on my side of the Atlantic.

Hehe. That was fun.[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 05-16-2003 08:07 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"]British Columbia. That's almost as much of a rip-off as New England.[/quote:post_uid0]
Well, the Queen seems to like us. ;)

[quote:post_uid0]I live in Brintain. It's my duty and my right to mock anyone who doesn't live on my side of the Atlantic.[/quote:post_uid0]

Break out the Pommy jokes, Sa'ar. :)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-16-2003 08:17 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]British Columbia. That's almost as much of a rip-off as New England.

Well, the Queen seems to like us. [/quote:post_uid0]

I've met the Queen.

Well, OK, I've been near the Queen.

He car drove right past me at the Commonwealth Games in 1994. She looked vaguely like my Grandma.

[quote:post_uid0]Break out the Pommy jokes, Sa'ar. [/quote:post_uid0]

You don't just break out Pommy jokes. You have to wait for an opening and then let loose a torrent of scathing disdain.

(Translation: I can't think of any right now)[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 05-16-2003 08:19 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]It's a pity we don't have any Aussies handy.[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 05-16-2003 09:35 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"]I live in Britain. It's my duty and my right to mock anyone who doesn't live on my side of the Atlantic.[/quote:post_uid0]
Then I'll cover your side ;)

[quote:post_uid0]First, there were the Welsh, who prayed on their knees, and on their neighbours. Then there were the Scots, who kept the Sabbath, and anything else they could get their hands on. Then there were the Irish, who were never quite sure what it was they were fighting for, but were always ready to fight for it anyway. And finally, there were the English, who considered themselves a self-made nation, thus relieving the Almighty of a terrible responsibility. -- Peter Bleackley, in[/quote:post_uid0]

Kinda ironic, isn't it? ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-16-2003 10:05 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]It's a pity we don't have any Aussies handy.[/quote:post_uid0]

Oi! What d'you think I am? Stone the crows! Bloomin' Pom wouldn't know an Aussie if one whacked him with a cricket bat.

How's that, then? Truthfully, I'm only half Australian. Dad's Aussie, Mum's Canadian.

At least you didn't spell it 'Ozzie.'[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 05-16-2003 10:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]At least you didn't spell it 'Ozzie.'[/quote:post_uid0]

I don't think I'd ever make that mistake - I absolutely hate that show. Really, mocking Aussies is second only to mocking the Sassenach (though it's not a good idea at the moment, as they somewhat outnumber me right now).[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-17-2003 12:10 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Really, mocking Aussies is second only to mocking the Sassenach (though it's not a good idea at the moment, as they somewhat outnumber me right now).

I guess I can't call you a Pommy, then. We'll mock the bluidy Sassenach together (even if most of my ancestry is English).[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-17-2003 12:19 AM

[quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"][color=#000000:post_uid0]British Columbia. That's almost as much of a rip-off as New England.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hey! I resent that. :P I wouldn't want to live anywhere else :D We got the best seafood anywhere so hah! :P Why do you think they call it *New England* clam chowder? :D[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 05-17-2003 05:16 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Clam chowder isn't seafood, it's soup.

Now SUSHI.... *yumyumyum* ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-17-2003 06:13 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Sushi isn't seafood, it's bait.[/color:post_uid0]

Kristina 05-17-2003 03:27 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Somewhere along the lines of pickled herring? :p[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-17-2003 04:53 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Fish is disgusting, tastes like fish.[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 05-17-2003 05:34 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Chawdah! Say Chawdah!

Yes, fish is far too fishy.

[quote:post_uid0]Oi! What d'you think I am? Stone the crows! Bloomin' Pom wouldn't know an Aussie if one whacked him with a cricket bat.[/quote:post_uid0]

Wow, we really are countries separated by a common language...[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 05-17-2003 06:45 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Wow, we really are countries separated by a common language...[/quote:post_uid0]

You live in America. 'Nuff said.[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 05-17-2003 07:32 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Pickled herring? Gleah!

Sa'ar, your reaction tells me you have never savoured "the epicurian delight" of sushi.

You godless HEATHEN. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 05-17-2003 07:43 PM

[quote:post_uid0="Saxamaphone"][color=#000000:post_uid0]Chawdah! Say Chawdah![/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]I don't say Chawdah! Oh wait, yes I do. :suspicious:

No actualy I say it more like Chowduh. :p[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 05-17-2003 07:51 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Sa'ar, your reaction tells me you have never savoured "the epicurian delight" of sushi.

My Biology 11 teacher made 'sushi' in class one day. She used imitation crab meat, day-old congealed rice, the cheapest form of kelp wrapping she could find and a paper towel instead of a bamboo mat.

The Korean student wouldn't touch it. I followed her lead.

[quote:post_uid0]You godless HEATHEN. [/quote:post_uid0]

Correct on both counts, although 'heretic' might be a bit more accurate.[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 05-19-2003 04:54 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hm. Two more triple-? sightings, in the descriptions for "Tapestry" and "A Matter of Time" on the all-seasons display.

Maybe they're conspiring to multiply and conquer the site, or even the world... :suspicious: :O[/color:post_uid0]

Kristina 05-19-2003 06:53 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0]Pickled herring? Gleah![/quote:post_uid0]
Not when you have it with 80 proof "hic" (in the Klingon sense) ... cheers! :)[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 05-20-2003 02:21 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Sushi must be made properly.

Your teacher, like.... DEFILED it.

Sorry, sorry, godless HERETIC. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 05-20-2003 08:09 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Haha, sushi. Love it.

Although anyone who's watched "Sex and the City" would know the alternate meaning of "eating sushi". :D[/color:post_uid0]

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