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Zeke 02-23-2005 12:50 PM

Block 27 - Knowing the path and walking the path
On the roof, Neo tries to break it to Morpheus that the Oracle told him he's not the One, but Morpheus corrects him -- she told Neo "exactly what you needed to hear." (In other words, she totally and completely lied to him. Geez. I hope her pants are on fire.) The team calls Tank for an exit, and he's got one ready, a payphone in the subway.

The Agents are pissed, especially Smith. But there's a silver lining: they did at least manage to trace Morpheus back to his ship. They send Sentinels to destroy it. Smith, however, still hopes to catch the pesky humans, sensing somehow that "They're not out yet."

Two scenes here, three at most. You don't necessarily have to cover everything in this block; each bit is pretty short. Synopsis here.

NeoMatrix 02-24-2005 12:51 AM

Neo: Have you ever seen a helicopter blow up in slow motion?
Morpheus: Yes, but you might want to hold on to that rope.
Neo: Why? *Neo gets pulled away by the rope*

Morpheus: Tank, we need an exit.
Tank: Got one, it's at Subway.
Neo: Good, im hungry.

Agent Brown: The trace was completed.
Agent Smith: Good, now order the strike.
Agent Brown: Um, Sentinals don't arrive until...
Agent Smith: Tuesday...

Derek 02-24-2005 02:15 AM

Inspired by

Originally Posted by NeoMatrix
Neo: Have you ever seen a helicopter blow up in slow motion?

Morpheus: Have you ever seen a helicopter blow up in slow motion?
Neo: Why? Will the building it crashes into blow up in concentric circles?
Morpheus: Don't be silly. How is that even --
Morpheus: Never mind.

Rayinne 02-24-2005 10:09 AM

A couple rough ideas...

Neo/Morpheus conversation -

Neo: Morpheus...I'm not...
Morpheus: The One? Of course you are, Alice.
Neo: Not Alice! Quit calling me that!
Morpheus: Fine by me... Julie.
Neo: Goddammit!

Evil conversation -

Smith: So...who wants to go kill the humans?
Sentinel: Me! Ooh, ooh, pick me!
Smith: But you suck!
Sentinel: And I suppose you could do better, Mr. Give Morpheus A Spectacular View Of His Escape Route?
Smith: Tell you what, first one to kill a human gets a recurring villain role.
Sentinel: You're on.

Karen's Ziti 03-07-2005 03:06 AM

MORPHEUS: You are the One, Neo. There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
NEO: Uh-huh. And which fortune cookie did you rip that bit of wisdom out of?
MORPHEUS: How abusrd! I've never --
DELIVERY GUY: Excuse me, which one of youse guys ordered a crate of fortune cookies?

Standback 03-12-2005 09:06 PM

Rayinne's "recurring villian role" block is great. :)

Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?

Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?

richardson 03-12-2005 11:33 PM

Yeah, I like standback's villan convo. Adequetly conveys the overkill used.

NAHTMMM 03-13-2005 02:03 AM


Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?

*smacks own head*

Oh, something like that's gotta be in the final draft. :)

NeoMatrix 03-13-2005 06:39 AM

Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?
Neo: No, but she did mention meeting an old buddy near a special phone booth. I thought she was nuts, but then she said, "Simon Says."

Gatac 04-28-2005 05:48 AM

Neo: Observe! I shall rescue my beloved by generating a movie physics field around us!
Morpheus: Not the One, eh? If the glove does fit, you must be it...
Neo: Look, how can I be the One if I doubt myself and keep getting people killed who try to help me?
Frodo: Well...
Trinity: Little help here?

Brown: Well, they're gone. Outta here. They fled. Escaped. Did the Elvis.
Smith: Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Jones: We have located their ship. Surely it would brighten your mood to blow it up?
Smith: Yes. But don't call me Shirley.


Standback 04-28-2005 10:03 PM

Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus.
Morpheus: Yes you are.
Neo: No I'm not.
Morpheus: Tag. You're the One.

Zeke's description inspired the following:

Agent Smith: They got AWAY?!
Agent Brown: Well, umm, you see...
Sentinal: And us, too.
Agent Smith: Yeah, OK.

Pteryx 05-03-2005 08:56 AM

First block proposal:

Neo: I hate to break it to you but the Oracle said I'm not --
Morpheus: La la la, I'm not listening!
Tank (over the phone): I said the exit's at the subway!
Morpheus: I wasn't talking to you, Tank; geez.

As for the second block, I like this one:


Originally Posted by Standback
Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?

Anonymous 05-13-2005 12:11 AM

^ I agree with the second block

Neo: Neo Says: The Orical said I'm not the one
Morpheus: We're not playing Simon Says
Neo: But
Morpheus: No

KillerGodMan 05-13-2005 12:16 AM

^ that was me

Standback 05-25-2005 11:19 PM

Heya guys, what with Zeke in a flurry of productivity and all, whaddya say we call it a day and take a vote on all these floating blocks?

And then it'll be, like, done.


Standback 05-29-2005 11:23 AM that a no?

Or does it mean that I can sweep the vote because no one else reads these threads?

Zeke 05-29-2005 09:18 PM

You can't sweep the vote. In tonight's update I'll remind people about FBC; hopefully that'll help.

Standback 05-30-2005 08:55 AM

Spoilsport. ;)

Standback 05-31-2005 12:23 PM

In this block I'm going to unabashedly vote for myself... because not only are they my favorites, but others seemed to like them too.

Standback's Simon-Says Block:

Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?
Standback's Let's-Do-Both Block:

Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?

Gatac 05-31-2005 03:17 PM

I'm down with the "Do both" block.


Xeroc 06-01-2005 04:25 AM

Me too. The "Do Both" one is great. :)

Pteryx 06-01-2005 05:23 AM

I agree concerning the second block, but I can't say any of the first blocks grab me, though I am biased in favor of the first block I proposed. -- Pteryx

NAHTMMM 06-05-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Standback
In this block I'm going to unabashedly vote for myself... because not only are they my favorites, but others seemed to like them too.

Standback's Simon-Says Block:

Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?
Standback's Let's-Do-Both Block:

Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?

I'm voting the straight Standback ticket as well. ;)

KillerGodMan 06-05-2005 01:14 AM

First part


Originally Posted by I

Neo: Neo Says: The Oracle said I'm not the one
Morpheus: We're not playing Simon Says
Neo: But
Morpheus: No


Originally Posted by Standback

Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?

I vote for this!

PointyHairedJedi 06-07-2005 08:41 PM

First block, this one:


eo: Morpheus...I'm not...
Morpheus: The One? Of course you are, Alice.
Neo: Not Alice! Quit calling me that!
Morpheus: Fine by me... Julie.
Neo: Goddammit!
Almost a Dr. Cox moment there. :D

For the second block I vote for "Do both" as well.

KillerGodMan 06-08-2005 02:59 AM

Okay, I guess the 'Do both' block is decided, but I still like my 'we're not playing simon says' one for the first part

Standback 06-08-2005 09:47 AM

to recap first block votes, then:


Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?
2 votes: myself and NAHT


Neo: Neo Says: The Oracle said I'm not the one
Morpheus: We're not playing Simon Says
Neo: But
Morpheus: No
1 vote: KillerGodMan


Neo: Morpheus...I'm not...
Morpheus: The One? Of course you are, Alice.
Neo: Not Alice! Quit calling me that!
Morpheus: Fine by me... Julie.
Neo: Goddammit!
1 vote: PHJ

...and Xeroc, Gatac, and Pteryx undecided.

Gatac 06-08-2005 01:39 PM

Hm...while I'm not above Scrubs jokes, I'll go with the majority. Simon Says Nr. 1 it is.


Xeroc 06-08-2005 11:05 PM

Yes, Simon Says #1 is my favorite!

KillerGodMan 06-09-2005 04:20 AM

I believe it's decided:

Part 1


Originally Posted by Standback
Neo: I'm not the One, Morpheus. The Oracle said.
Morpheus: Ahh... But she didn't say "Simon Says," did she?

and part 2

Agent Jones: Let's kill them in their ship.
Agent Smith: No, let's kill them in the Matrix!
Agent Brown: Guys, guys, calm down. Why don't we just go ahead and do both?[/quote]

Couldn't be better.

Pteryx 06-16-2005 07:03 AM

Shouldn't it be "Oracle says" instead of "Simon says" to fit with the earlier instances of the gag? -- Pteryx

NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 07:55 PM

Hmmm, probably. That might blur in with Neo's "The Oracle said" though and cause confusion. Might tweak Neo's line.

NeoMatrix 11-07-2005 06:46 AM

I vote for "Simon Says" and "Do Both"

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