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Zeke 07-05-2010 04:43 AM

Most Wanted (survey)
I've been meaning to conduct this little survey for ages. The tenth anniversary seems like a good time for it.

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do? (Etc. meaning not just shows; this is where you can suggest other stuff like books and videogames.)

I've separated 2 and 3 because current shows have an obvious advantage for drawing fans in. You can give multiple answers to each question, but put the most important one first.

Anyone is welcome to respond except me (and Zuke). Even guests can respond -- log in as user GuestAccount with the password "soon".

Nate the Great 07-05-2010 04:59 AM

1. ANY.

2. Smallville, actually. It's one of the few shows I try to watch new anymore.

3. Doing proper episodic anime fivers would be interesting. Not the series that have the same plot over and over, of course. I'd still like to take a stab at Trigun, but Haruhi or Love Hina might be fun, too.

Derek 07-05-2010 01:41 PM

1. Any subsite for a show I've seen, which I think is any other than the OC.

2. Hm. My "current" watching of shows mainly involves watching them weeks or months later online or on DVD. Probably Doctor Who though.

3. A lot of the books I'd like to see fived are already made / being made into movies. Narnia, Harry Potter, LotR, etc. I'd be interested in seeing / writing more VG fivers, especially the popular Nintendo franchises.

A lot of the other new content I consume is little kid's videos and unless people really want to see a 5MWiggles or 5MSesameStreet, I'm not going to have much to contribute.

Oh, and Nate, if you're interested in fiving Smallville yourself, have at. Anything from Season 8 is fair game.

Nate the Great 07-05-2010 07:05 PM

Derek, who is there to edit these hypothetical fivers, anyway? You tell me. The number of editors we have seems to be somewhere south of three. Why bother writing any fivers at all, that's what I'd like to know.

evay 07-05-2010 08:27 PM

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?
ENT and Classic BSG.

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at
How about Merlin? S1 is already on DVD, S2 just finished in the U.S., and S3 is being filmed (or might have just finished) in Wales and France. I understand it's meant to be similar to Smallville, the show itself has plenty of comedy, and there's lots of room for Monty Python jokes. Lots and lots.

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do?
I actually thought about this a while ago, but I figured nobody would go for it (and that's still probably true): what about fiving some history? Examples: American presidents, Canadian presidents, painters, writers, styles of architecture... I know it's more "Cliff's Notes" than "fivers" but I think it could be funny.

George Washington: the first. Did the thing with the cherry tree. Wooden false teeth. Decent general. Rushmore 1.

Abraham Lincoln: Gave good speech. Civil war. Freed the slaves. Good sense of humor. Rushmore 2. Pay no attention to the JFK conspiracists.

Franklin Roosevelt: The one with polio who had four terms. Rushmore 3.
Theodore Roosevelt: Not the one with polio.

John Adams: Not his son.
John Quincy Adams: Not his father.

Benjamin Harrison: The filling in the Grover Cleveland sandwich.

John F. Kennedy: Sent us to the moon. Gave good speech. Pay no attention to the Lincoln conspiratists.

and Derek, I wouldn't mind a 5MSesame Street...

Sa'ar Chasm 07-05-2010 09:13 PM


Canadian presidents
Prime Ministers.

Sir John A. Macdonald: Drunk. Built railroad. Still drunk. Unelected. Re-elected. Still drunk.

Sir Wilfred Laurier: Very important to high school history classes. Did many things, none of them memorable.

Mackenzie King: Prime Minister. Still Prime Minister. Still Prime Minister. Still Prime Minister. Not Prime Minister.

Trudeau: Roses. Pirouettes. Fuddle-duddle. Cuckolded by Mick Jagger. Way more interesting than any other PM.

Diefenbaker: Had a bunker. That is all.

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?
NexGen, DS9.

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at
I don't actually watch any current shows. I got into Stargate about a month before it ended, and by the time I got caught up with ten seasons plus five of spinoff, Atlantis was over. Plus I don't get cable.

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do?
I'll let you know if I think of one.

PointyHairedJedi 07-05-2010 09:50 PM

1. I'd have to say B5, on balance. I'm not entirely sure why (aside from that I like it, obviously).

2. I'm watching incredibly little TV at the moment. I don't even own one, what I do watch is online and mostly comedy. No ready answers there I'm afraid.

3. There's plenty of pompous drama out there, in terms of TV (The West Wing comes to mind, and I'm saying that as someone who likes it). Books are more problematic I think, so I guess my vague preference is for a bit more non-SF&F film/TV.

Chancellor Valium 07-05-2010 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77758)
I've been meaning to conduct this little survey for ages. The tenth anniversary seems like a good time for it.

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?

Doctor Who (I'm working on my contribution toward that, but it's coming slowly), DS9, videogames if I've played them, BSG and B5.


2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)
To be honest, I watch very little TV at the moment beyond Doctor Who, let alone sci-fi. SG:U has turned out to be a rather disappointing pseudoclone of BSG. Some more 5 Minute Shakespeare would be good. Any interest in Five-Minute The Castle of Otranto?


3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do? (Etc. meaning not just shows; this is where you can suggest other stuff like books and videogames.)
Faction Paradox, but I'm probably one of about two people in this thread who knows what that is. And I have almost know idea how to parody it.

evay 07-06-2010 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 77764)
Prime Ministers..

There ya go. That's why I would need that kind of fiving. I went to high school in two different states and I literally don't even know how many, uh, governmental sub-sections there are in Canada. (several provinces and some territories?) Hell, I learned more about Canada from watching Due South than I did in school. So a five-minute Canadian history would be both useful and interesting.

NAHTMMM 07-06-2010 01:37 AM

0. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve this survey?

Yes. Absolutely. Make a news post about it for the front page. :) Or maybe add a line about it to the 10th anniversary blurb. Something like that.

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?

Any of them, whether I follow / care about the original material or not, because I am hopeless like that. But particularly the Treks and, ummm . . . any fivers that are especially funny.

ALSO: I'm still hoping for the last parts for the previous "panel discussion" thing. Not to get you down or anything.

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)

Doctor Who's about the only sci-fi one that I pay any attention to. Not that there are a lot of them going on right now, but . . . yeah. Don't worry about it though, I'm not fussy.

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do? (Etc. meaning not just shows; this is where you can suggest other stuff like books and videogames.)

Nothing comes to mind. I'm quite happy puttering around in Miscellaneous. Speaking of which, I should add a survey to my sig. (he said quite meaningfully)

I had a fiver for a computer game going for a while, just for my own amusement, but I think I misplaced most of it.

Katy Jane 07-06-2010 02:01 AM

1) Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who!

Well that and the Treks

2) Bones, Doctor Who and Futurama are the only current shows I follow and Bones and Futurama don't necessarily lend themselves to the format.

3) Wouldn't mind seeing some Quantum Leap.

MmeBlueberry 07-06-2010 02:23 AM

1. Any that are for shows I have seen. Or that Derek can give me recaps of so I can appreciate the jokes.

2. Eureka might be good.

3. Umm...I don't know. The history idea sounds fun. And we already have 5MShakespeare, so maybe some other well-known plays or novels.

(Side note: The links Derek's about to post are hilarious.)

Derek 07-06-2010 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77763)
and Derek, I wouldn't mind a 5MSesame Street...

What amazes me about Sesame Street is how much of a sketch show it is. I mean, it's like SNL for 3-year-olds. Cookie Monster especially is hilarious with his inability to resist eating cookies and his rather clever, twisted, and scheming ways of getting them. This all applies to old SS, at least. We got the early years DVDs of SS and I'm rather amused at some of the sketches. We don't currently watch the new stuff, so I have no idea if this is still true. (though clearly the Matt Lauer bit leaves hope that things aren't terrible)

Sa'ar Chasm 07-06-2010 03:01 AM

I don't remember Cookie being that snarky. Or maybe I just didn't notice as a toddler.

I think that's Frank Oz getting fed up with doing a kid's show. Patience, Frank. The Muppet Show will be your outlet.

evay 07-06-2010 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Derek (Post 77774)
We got the early years DVDs of SS and I'm rather amused at some of the sketches.

They are riveting! I'm hoping to get all the early stuff on DVD, along with Electric Company, and the hell with anything post-Elmo. Oh, and Schoolhouse Rock has to be in there too. How else are my kids going to learn grammar, history, math, and science? I can still sing the preamble to the Constitution.

MmeBlueberry 07-07-2010 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77784)
I can still sing the preamble to the Constitution.

Schoolhouse Rock leaves out four words from the Preamble, so I never show that one to my kids when they're learning it. "I'm Just a Bill," though, we watch a few times. :)

Wait - change all but the first verb I used in that paragraph to past tense. I'm teaching math starting in the fall. No more civics. Gotta figure out new excuses for showing Trek clips in class.

Zeke 07-07-2010 05:19 AM

Hmm, these are some fairly unexpected responses. Very interesting.


Originally Posted by NAHTMMM (Post 77770)
0. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve this survey?

Yes. Absolutely. Make a news post about it for the front page. :)

An excellent point, and one you shouldn't have had to make -- my plan was to link to it in an update later that day, but I was delayed. When that update's finished, it'll include the link.


Originally Posted by Valium
Any interest in Five-Minute The Castle of Otranto?

Heh, I read that in high school. I don't remember it well enough to do a fiver, but I'd certainly <i>take</i> one.

Nate: Have you ever heard of negative reinforcement? I've got the site back on its feet for the first time in years. Complaining now just sends the message that I'm wasting my time.

Nate the Great 07-07-2010 06:03 AM

PM me if you really want a reply. Somehow I think you won't like it. [EDIT: I'm gonna do this, so nobody else answer. I don't want another thread hijacked. - Z]

evay 07-07-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by MmeBlueberry (Post 77791)
I'm teaching math starting in the fall. ...Gotta figure out new excuses for showing Trek clips in class.

Warp speed is calculated in logarithms.

Tribbles should be good for exponents.

The late Star Trek: The Magazine actually used to do filler articles on the percentage of episodes where various stereotypical events happened, like Kirk getting his shirt ripped, Voyager losing a shuttlecraft, Kirk getting the girl, etc. That's charts/statistics.

Bajor used a 26-hour clock, IIRC; that's a basis for teaching "clock math," or introducing the concept of base-something-other-than-10.

Instead of the usual "A train leaves Chicago at 3pm..." try "Enterprise leaves Vulcan on stardate 47523.1 traveling at warp 3..."

NAHTMMM 07-07-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77792)
When that update's finished, it'll include the link.

And a link to 5BC, too, I expect. All the more reason to get it completed. :)

Chancellor Valium 07-07-2010 04:41 PM

Actually, I do have a more viable idea: any interest in 5-Minute versions of Gerry Anderson programmes? I was thinking specifically about the original run of Captain Scarlet, but there's no reason not to do, say, Thunderbirds or Stingray too. I fear Space: 1999 may, however, be slightly beyond parody.

Andy Taylor 07-07-2010 10:34 PM

I like reading all of the subsites, especially the Treks, B5 and BSG.

Also, I think Lost would make good parodies.

MmeBlueberry 07-08-2010 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77794)
Warp speed is calculated in logarithms.

Tribbles should be good for exponents.

The late Star Trek: The Magazine actually used to do filler articles on the percentage of episodes where various stereotypical events happened, like Kirk getting his shirt ripped, Voyager losing a shuttlecraft, Kirk getting the girl, etc. That's charts/statistics.

Bajor used a 26-hour clock, IIRC; that's a basis for teaching "clock math," or introducing the concept of base-something-other-than-10.

Instead of the usual "A train leaves Chicago at 3pm..." try "Enterprise leaves Vulcan on stardate 47523.1 traveling at warp 3..."

Good ideas! I also think I can probably find a host of scenes discussing logic for use with my geometry students. And I made a presentation for the stats class today in which I defined data...that one was almost painfully obvious.


evay 07-08-2010 01:27 AM

^^ I'm the daughter of two teachers. They'd be ashamed if I couldn't come up with something to use for a lesson plan off the top of my head.

Back on topic: how about 5M Fawlty Towers?

MaverickZer0 07-08-2010 09:17 AM

I don't have anything to add, really, since the consensus seems to be 'more Doctor Who, please,' which I am definitely cool with.

I'd recommend Stargate Atlantis, since frankly, I have no idea where the Stargate exosite went, but I'm not sure if there's some strange story about that involving radishes, so I won't ask.

Wowbagger 07-09-2010 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77794)
The late Star Trek: The Magazine actually used to do filler articles on the percentage of episodes where various stereotypical events happened, like Kirk getting his shirt ripped, Voyager losing a shuttlecraft, Kirk getting the girl, etc. That's charts/statistics.

I bought that magazine every month for that feature alone. Two pages. It cost, like, $8.00. And I was in middle school, and it was in 2002 dollars, so that was real money back then.

Anyhow, for the questions:

(1) I was drawn to this site by 5M Enterprise. I have always maintained that 5ME is the funniest feature here -- possibly because it has benefited from being written by only one person through all its iterations -- and I long to see it ended.

Also, I suddenly recall purchasing a hard copy of 5M "Zero Hour" years ago (it cost $5.00), but never receiving a copy. The details are sketchy, though. Did we for some reason run a "buy a fiver" promotion? Or was that a dream? I'm leaning toward dream, because that's a very weird memory.


More Who is good, though Who is a harder series to parody than Trek, I think, because nuWho, at least, already takes itself so unseriously. I think I would prefer to see more nuBSG, which, while a very entertaining show, was so amazingly full of itself that you could make an entire nuBSG fiver based on booger jokes and it's still be hilarious satire.

(2) New shows? Oi... now I have to admit to how little stuff I'm watching these days.

Remember those VVS8 parodies? Those were a lot of fun, and they also got me reading VVS8, which I never would have done in a million years otherwise. I would like to see a rebirth of the "fanfic" parodies. Lord knows there's a lot of pretty decent fan Trek out there to mock -- Phase II has done some really good work, Intrepid is fun. The audio series produce a lot more material, which makes them eminently parodyable. I'm thinking mainly of Outpost ( here, but I'd be greatly honored if someone fived my show, Excelsior (

Fringe looked fiveable, but I didn't have the time to keep up with it.

I suspect that the most important thing, Zeke, is that you find something you really, really love watching, and then five that. This website's a hobby for you, after all, and we're not your customers and we're not paying you (except in my $5 "Zero Hour" dream). If fiving is something you do to unwind, not an onerous responsibility, that means you'll have more fun and we'll get more and better fivers as a result.

Of course, you've probably already thought about that, so I'll stop preaching now.

(3) I would love to see Stargate: Atlantis thoroughly fived, but by someone much funnier than I. My SG:A fivers suck. But it's a great show, very fun, but filled with ridiculous events, characters who struggle with dimension, and convoluted turns of plot. The perfect fiver storm.

Death Note could make great fiving. Azumanga Daioh, however, would not. Indeed, AD quite literally fives itself, doesn't it?

My other favorite show right now is Life on Mars (UK), which I'm watching on DVD. If you know it, you see the potential. If you dont know it, go do yourself a favor and watch it. It's time well-spent. (Disclaimer: people complain about the ending, but I'm at the end of season one and spoiler-free, so I don't know yet what they're all on about.)

(Conclusion) ...but, if all that comes of this survey is thirty or forty DW fivers in the next couple of years, I will be a very happy young man.

Zeke 07-09-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Wowbagger (Post 77830)
Also, I suddenly recall purchasing a hard copy of 5M "Zero Hour" years ago (it cost $5.00), but never receiving a copy.



...Um. You can probably tell I've been dreading this question.

They really are coming. I swear. Sorry.

PointyHairedJedi 07-09-2010 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium (Post 77798)
Actually, I do have a more viable idea: any interest in 5-Minute versions of Gerry Anderson programmes? I was thinking specifically about the original run of Captain Scarlet, but there's no reason not to do, say, Thunderbirds or Stingray too. I fear Space: 1999 may, however, be slightly beyond parody.

Not actually a bad idea. And the first series was okay, I thought! UFO has always been my favourite of the bunch though.

Five-Minute Thunderbirds could be amusing. Plenty of rich pickings there for the dedicated fivist.


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77831)


...Um. You can probably tell I've been dreading this question.

They really are coming. I swear. Sorry.

I'd settle at this point for a pound of flesh as an alternative. Or maybe the right to call you "Zekey-buns" for the rest of eternity.

Quinalla 07-14-2010 02:34 PM

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?
DS9, Farscape, BSG (new)

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)
Futurama, Eureka, Chuck

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do? (Etc. meaning not just shows; this is where you can suggest other stuff like books and videogames.)
The 4400, any videogame (I always find these amusing)

Wowbagger 07-19-2010 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77831)


...Um. You can probably tell I've been dreading this question.

They really are coming. I swear. Sorry.

Oh my word... this really happened? I paid for a fiver?

Not that I regret the purchase! I just... I was pretty sure that I'd imagined the whole thing.

Cool. Something to look forward to in the mail sometime soon.

evay 08-31-2010 01:58 AM

Back on topic: <b>What current show would you like to see covered?</b>

hubby and I just started watching "Eureka." Surprisingly enjoyable (at least, up to the beginning of S2 so far) with relatively complex characters and relationships plus some decent laughs. And it's geek heaven. So add my vote for that.

NAHTMMM 09-01-2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Katy Jane (Post 77771)

2) Bones, Doctor Who and Futurama are the only current shows I follow and Bones and Futurama don't necessarily lend themselves to the format.

Yeah, a significant percentage of humor in the average Futurama episode is pretty much what you'd write in the fiver. I dunno how you'd work around that and still be funny.

Bones's only failing that I see is that it's not sci-fi/fantasy.


3) Wouldn't mind seeing some Quantum Leap.
The advantage there, from what I understand, would be that each episode would have an entirely new setting, which relieves the problem of having to make the same joke over and over again.


Originally Posted by evay (Post 77769)
I learned more about Canada from watching Due South than I did in school.

Yay, another fan. :)


Originally Posted by Derek (Post 77774)
What amazes me about Sesame Street is how much of a sketch show it is.

Heh, never thought about it like that before.


Originally Posted by Quinalla (Post 77873)
1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)
Futurama, Eureka, Chuck

Chuck could work, although again I don't know that it's very sci-fi.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-01-2010 05:53 PM


The advantage there, from what I understand, would be that each episode would have an entirely new setting, which relieves the problem of having to make the same joke over and over again.
Oh boy.

GuestAccount 10-15-2010 09:01 PM

1. Which subsite(s) do you most look forward to new material from?
I'd say Enterprise and, after the "recent" "relaunch," Battlestar Galactica.

2. Which current show(s) would you most like to see covered at (Current means either running right now or renewed for next season.)
Caprica. But then, I'm not watching a lot of current shows.

3. What other show(s), etc., would you like to see us do? (Etc. meaning not just shows; this is where you can suggest other stuff like books and videogames.)
I think Dollhouse would be perfect for fiving; imagine all the possible fun and confusion with changing speaker credits! Plus, at this point it's not an open-ended project...

FatMatDuhRat 10-17-2010 03:18 PM

1. It would be great to see some more episodic 5ers in the 5-min-Farscape subsite or to see a 5er of "The Peacekeeper Wars" movie. I'm just saying that because I'm a Farscape junkie & I need my fix. Also, in the 5-min-Anime subsite, it would be incredible if you did a parody of "Akira," "Ghost in the Shell" or some episodic 5ers of "Cowboy Bebop."

2. Regarding a current sci-fi TV show that you could make a parody of, I'm very sorry but I have to leave this one "blank" since I don't watch TV anymore.

3. In the 5-min-Video Games section you could do some 5ers on the "Halo" video game series or maybe "God of War" and I wouldn't complain if you made fun of the two "Kane & Lynch" video games.

evay 03-26-2011 08:02 PM

New shows: Besides Merlin (three seasons, renewed for a fourth) and Eureka (season 4.5 is due to start, uh, I don't know, this summer?), I also volunteer Warehouse 13 (two seasons, renewed for a third) and Leverage (three seasons, renewed for a fourth).

Warehouse 13 is on Skiffy, with four engaging leads providing various levels of intelligence, amusement, geekery, and downright snark. Plus they chase historical and sci-fi artifacts, so the opportunities for in-jokes are legion. Leverage, while not sci-fi/fantasy, has an ensemble cast, recurring guest characters, plenty of tech geek stuff and fisticuffs, and can be quite funny.

And Mark Sheppard has guested on BSG, Leverage, Warehouse 13, Dollhouse, the Bionic Woman remake, firefly, Voyager, and the X-Files, so he's part of the Jossverse, the Trekiverse, and the Ron Moore Players. You could do a series of fivers just following that guy around TV.

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