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KillerGodMan 11-25-2004 04:38 AM

Links of DOOM, nah just kidding!
Anybody have places they want people to know about? If so, just post 'em up here. Got it? Cool!

Here's what I post first: <-- Pork Factor 9, Pigs in space type thing, curently it's in a crossover with Star Trek (Updated Monday, Wednesday, Friday) <-- Boy on a stick and Slither, forget the art, focus on the HUMOUR! (I have no idea if it's been linked)

Have fun, and remember, NO PORN OR OTHER ADULT STUFF!

AKAArzosah 11-25-2004 09:00 AM and many other toons on the site. I know this has been linked to before, but it is worth repeating.

PointyHairedJedi 11-25-2004 05:53 PM

Just a few useful/funny/odd links for your delectation -

Ever wanted a hexadecimal clock? Well, look no further! Unless you like Cher though, you might want to turn off your speakers.

Bubblewrap. - for all your strange news needs.

Home of the Underdogs, where you can download "abandonware" games for free, and read reviews and such of games old and new.

The NASA JPL site, with many fantastic astronomical photos, and other things too.

The World Flag Database, which is pretty much what it sounds like.

Charles Daniels' Alternative Guide to Doctor Who - written in the style of an episode guide, this is quite possibly the funniest parody site I know of barring 5MV itself. (Part of the Unruly Webpage.)

KillerGodMan 11-25-2004 10:11 PM

VGDC A site full of videogame parodies

My teeny weeny website which is also really empty -_-

richardson 11-25-2004 11:20 PM

Flashtrek, the KING of addiction!

stripysox 11-26-2004 02:03 AM

Oh! Oh! Me me meeee!

1) You may know this one: - the Useless section has loads of fun things to do.

2) - This has lots of fun games, including classics like Tetris. This leads me on to:

3) - Liisten to The Tetris Song and The Star Trek song! Very funny! Does anyone remember Adam and Joe? They used to have a show on channel 4, it had 'fiver' style movie bits done using toys as puppets. Stuffed Trek: The Toy Generation is my favourite TV Trek parody ever! Anyway.

4) - This has lots of cool stuff.

mudshark 11-26-2004 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
The NASA JPL site, with many fantastic astronomical photos, and other things too.

More fantastic astronomical photos at Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Like this one, for example.

PointyHairedJedi 11-26-2004 04:48 PM

^ Very interesting indeed.

richardson 11-26-2004 10:01 PM

Which one?

PointyHairedJedi 11-26-2004 11:01 PM

It's the second one to the left.

Oh, and straight on till morning.

richardson 11-26-2004 11:44 PM

I so had that coming. :roll:

ijdgaf 12-02-2004 07:49 AM

One of my favorite sites is

It's been posted in the links section, but check it out if you haven't. Funniest thing on the web.

MaverickZer0 12-03-2004 06:47 AM Shameless plug, I know. It's my site. The definite source (or at least my source) for all things Rockman anime and manga reated Subbed anime including Sonic X and Mega Man. And other stuff too, I've just never bothered with it. Learn the meaning of your name, just type and click. Hours of fun, if you know enough names... The twelve pains of Christmas. Music included for the first five verses. I know Zeke's posted this one, but I definitely have to recommend some of the subcomics, as well as the very dramatic Cataclysm Movies. It's not like I've posted any quizzes there, yet, but it's a great personality test site if you're into that stuff. E-mail funny jokes page, with a lot of British humor. Foamy the squirrel. You'd have to see it to get it. The HTML Hell page. I'm not sure whether this has been linked before, but it's pretty fun. The only non-sprite comic I read, and it's a good one. Coke fans, beware! Last one I'll put up...stupid calls tech support people get. And other hilarious things people ask about computers.

You should see my bookmarks list. It's about two pages long. Seriously.
And most of it's on one thing. No prizes for guessing what.

PointyHairedJedi 12-03-2004 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0 Foamy the squirrel. You'd have to see it to get it.

"And so I'm, a squrrel/And you're not/How pathetic, you are...

Hotaru 12-06-2004 02:50 AM Muffin Films! 12 flash films featuring muffins. I like bluebirds in spring. Although I actually did run into someone who lost their pants and was posting fliers about it. So that makes it funnier for me. Monkeys live in trees! Monkeys have hairy knees! Monkeys don't wear pants! Monkeys never lose their wallets... because they don't have any! Who doesn't like homicidal giant rabbits? I know I do!

PointyHairedJedi 12-06-2004 10:39 PM

One I forgot about -

Reddy Teddy Death. Because sometimes bad things happen to cuddly teddy bears. :twisted:

Opium 12-07-2004 07:29 AM

Here's one my friend showed me. And you know it has to be good...because I don't usually post links!

Chancellor Valium 12-08-2004 03:14 PM

I know I wasn't going to carry on posting, but.....
this website is hilarious, if a little harsh maybe. a must see website. Thats all from me, and so I'm back off to my cave....[/url]

PointyHairedJedi 12-08-2004 10:43 PM

I've been there before - it's really very funny. :D - It's the one-man band of the future!

... I really, really hope not though.

Xeroc 12-09-2004 04:41 AM

I'll add a few links here... - Star Trek message boards (better than on the Official Site) - An excellent open-source online encyclopedia - A movie review site with hundreds of professional critics' reviews on nearly all movies - Daryl Cagle's professional political cartoonists site - A great site with IRC Logs, and all sorts of other great information!

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