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Nate the Great 04-04-2021 07:38 PM

Certifiably Ingame tackles the different Starfleet divisions and their uniform colors.

The amount of overlap between yellow, red, and blue and the number of times people change their colors is always interesting.

Side note: I hated Thomas Riker being in yellow. Yeah, I know that they put him in yellow to make it easier for the viewer to distinguish between Tom and Will, but I still hate it. The different rank insignia and beard styles was enough for me. Or maybe you put Tom in one of the early season jumpsuits with the division braid on the yoke to distinguish them.

Something that I wonder about is what Kirk's green uniform was supposed to represent. Was that uniform for missions under UESPA control? One site indicates that the green was for special occasions, a sort of functional dress uniform. The same site indicates that the color change was because Stewart and Frakes didn't look good in the yellow uniform and the Data makeup didn't look good with a red uniform.

Nate the Great 04-06-2021 02:50 AM

Den of Geek tackles the question of the 10 Essential TOS Episodes

Man Trap, Let That Be Your Last Battlefield, Arena, Balance of Terror, Space Seed, A Piece of the Action, Devil in the Dark, The Corbomite Maneuver, The City on the Edge of Forever, A Taste of Armageddon

I'm not so sure about this list. A Piece of the Action is fun, but I'm not sure about essential. I'm not sure if Tribbles belongs in this list, but it's a consideration. I have no clue why Journey to Babel isn't in this list. I'd also put Conscience of the King above some of the episodes on this list.

DrWho42 04-06-2021 05:12 AM

scream of the shalka (2003) fan art by elizabeth fijalkowski!


Nate the Great 04-08-2021 03:31 AM

Defunctland presents the history of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego

Stay tuned for the Mayim Bialik and Jeremy Miller cameos. I didn't watch Blossom, but I did watch Growing Pains, so that was surreal.

Original WITWICS Theme
Where in Time Theme
Where on Earth Theme
Netflix Carmen Theme

I confess that I've never given Where on Earth a fair shake, I need to revisit it one of these days. I've only seen Season One of the Netflix series, and it's okay, but it's not "Carmen Sandiego". It takes more then a red trenchcoat and hat to be Carmen Sandiego.

The original Apple IIe game

The DOS game

Like so many games of the '80s, it was Apple IIe at school, DOS at home.

PushingUpRoses covers the Windows version

There's oftentimes a problem when you update DOS/Apple IIe games to Windows, and it's usually the unneeded fluff. Programmers showing off graphics and sound card capabilities without realizing how much it slows down the gameplay. I definitely ran into this problem with the Windows version of Oregon Trail: too slow!

I remember when Jennifer Lopez was going to play her in a movie. I'm not sure how that would've worked out.

Nate the Great 04-08-2021 06:02 PM

What if Disney made Star Wars in the '20s?

I get what they were going for, and I appreciate the namedrops of the pre-Mickey Disney characters, but it still falls flat.

Nate the Great 04-08-2021 06:12 PM

Can you beat Mario 64 on a keychain-sized GBA SP?

Yes, but the lack of an analog stick is a real hassle. The mere thought of playing OOT on this thing gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Nate the Great 04-08-2021 08:29 PM

Tomosteen makes stop-motion videos where he turns food into LEGO.

No, I have no idea why, either. I still have a fondness for stop-motion, probably springing from Rankin-Bass and Sesame Street.

DrWho42 04-10-2021 07:09 AM

michael okuda posted about it. krad did a piece commemorating her:

margaret wander bonanno, RIP

Nate the Great 04-11-2021 10:19 PM

Does canon matter in Star Trek?

Once again I had a whole essay that I had to delete. Let's sum up the video with "there were always changes between Trek incarnations, why should Discovery be any different?" And let's sum up my whole speech with "there's a difference between changes made to facilitate a story and changes made because the creators are lazy and don't care about continuity." And while I dislike Enterprise greatly (although I will have to start their Retrospective in 2031), most of their changes seem to be in the first camp and most of Discovery's changes seem to be in the second camp.

DrWho42 04-18-2021 10:27 PM

tessa violet did a music video inspired by the baseball scene from the 2008 movie twilight:

Tessa Violet & lovelytheband - Games (Official Music Video)

Nate the Great 04-19-2021 03:31 PM

Not really a link, but I had to share this. On Amazon Prime TV episodes have a short summary on the season page. Some are more accurate than others. The one that caught my eye was the one for "The Dauphin"...

Wesley finds romance with the beautiful young ruler of Daled Four whose secret power could destroy the Enterprise and her crew.

What? Her "secret power" is that she's a shapeshifter. Sure, she could probably kill some crewmen, but that wouldn't destroy the Enterprise. Besides, Salia doesn't threaten the crew, only Anya!

I took a quick glance through the other Trek season pages for other hilariously inaccurate summaries...

Q-Who: The crew is hurled into the future by the malevolent Q, who sets them up for destruction by a race of half-human, half robot aliens known as the Borgs.

"The Borgs?" And that should be "humanoid", not "human". The Hansens aside, we're supposed to think that the Borg have never encountered a human before this episode.

Deja Q: The crew is surprised by the appearance of their mischievous nemesis, Q.

Not inaccurate, but amazingly broad and generic. Couldn't this summary equally apply to any Q appearance post-"Encounter at Farpoint"?

Holow Pursuits: The crew struggles to help a young engineer whose obsession with the fantasy world Holodeck is endangering the ship.

Young? Okay, this one is a bit complicated. If we go by the age of the actor, Dwight Shultz was 43 at this point. By our standards this is only "young" in a relative sense. However, Memory Alpha claims that Barclay was 26 at this point. Don't ask me where they got a birth year for him, maybe it was on an Okudagram somewhere.

Of course, given the extended lifespans of humans in the 24th century, perhaps 43 is still considered young.

Force of Nature: An alien brother and sister resort to desperate measures to prove their theory that warp drive is destroying the universe.

Wow. That's overblown. That sounds more like a soundbyte for a televised teaser than a summary for a streaming site. Of course, you could claim that without warp drive the universe may as well be destroyed.

Maybe I'll return to the other series later. This stuff is funny.

Nate the Great 04-21-2021 01:06 AM

Stop Skeletons From Fighting (I miss when he was the Happy Video Game Nerd...) presents Playstation games that you can play with the PS2 DVD remote.

Seeing the remote was nostalgic for me, my brother had a PS2 back in the day. Of course I was a Nintendo kid.

DrWho42 04-22-2021 04:31 AM

shalka doctor print on etsy!

doctor who shalka tardis a4 print

Nate the Great 04-29-2021 02:15 AM

Well, it's official, NintendoCollecting has gone insane. He's set up Zelda Four Swords Adventures to be played on TVs instead of Gameboy Advances. All you need is five Gamecubes, four Gameboy Players, four Gameboy Link Cables, five TVs, and one copy of the game.

Nate the Great 05-01-2021 02:36 AM

Why is the planet Vulcan called Vulcan?

So apparently there's this whole thing in Discovery where the planet is now called Ni'Var, but shockingly I don't care in the slightest.

Today I learned that during production of TOS they were considering "Vulcanis." I did know about the sporadic use of "Vulcanian" to reference a resident of the planet.

I've known about the star being called 40 Eridani A for a long time.

Granted, it does seem silly to use a name from Earth mythology for such a prominent planet. And why Vulcan, a god of war?

NAHTMMM 05-01-2021 07:03 PM

MST3K is coming back again!

Nate the Great 05-02-2021 02:13 PM

Adam Savage hates duct tape

As a duct tape devotee, I call sacrilege.

On the other hand, I think Adam is taking things too literally. The point of duct tape is not to be the perfect solution for anything that needs tape, because no such tape exists. The point is that duct tape is an adequate solution for everything. Versatility, not specialization.

Nate the Great 05-04-2021 01:11 AM

Lofty Pursuits makes Star Wars candy for Star Wars Day tomorrow.

As an attempt to replicate Boba Fett's helmet I guess it's okay, but personally I would never attempt a design that intricate on this scale.

DrWho42 05-04-2021 03:55 PM

a digital collage by los angeles-based artist midi_wizard:


Nate the Great 05-04-2021 05:57 PM

Tom Lehrer 93rd Birthday Tribute

Yes, Tom is still with us.

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