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g-blatt 12-28-2003 04:18 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I vote for myself  :)

[quote:post_uid0]Neo: What did the Oracle tell you?
Morpheus: She told me that I shall stop slapping people with fish. And that I would find THE FIVE.
Neo: you mean THE ONE.
Morpheus: UmÂ… erÂ… umÂ… oh crap...
*waves hand*
Morpheus: You diden't hear that! btw have you met Spoon boy?

Neo: So Spoon boy can I have a spoon?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon. ItÂ’s simply an unconfused astroprojection of underling metaphors representing the power of will and Dillbert.
Neo: I like shiny thingsÂ…
Spoon Boy: Just bend the stupid spoon already, Kid!
Neo: How?
Spoon Boy: Use the forks, dummy!

Standback 12-28-2003 10:17 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]g-blatt! Glad to see we didn't lose you in the down-time. Also, good job condensing your block - much more managable this way. :)[/color:post_uid0]

Pteryx 12-28-2003 10:53 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Eh, I'm still not really behind having Spoon Boy in the first block, but it isn't quite bad the way Standback's proposed having the second one go, and nobody's really come up with a good second answer to replace the line in question.

Incidentally, the "noodle house" interruption I proposed came from Neo's remark that they were passing someplace where he ate often which had "really good noodles", in case that confused anyone. -- Pteryx[/color:post_uid0]

Standback 12-29-2003 04:19 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Awright! Pteryx joined! :D

The noodle-house reference, I can assure you, was understood and well-received (certainly judging by the number of forumgoers who seemed to prefer it over my own line...)[/color:post_uid0]

JobeGDG 12-30-2003 04:04 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]While I like the noodle-house bit, I vote for Standback's version (I can't deny that expediency had a small hand in my vote, but do I think we finally have a solid block.)[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 12-30-2003 04:49 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Just an advance warning: don't pester me about this block. I have a lot to deal with right now and I won't react well.[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 12-30-2003 07:54 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I like Standback's version, but I propose to clean it up a the noodle house bit. It fits in better with the actual events of the movie, and I think the other way mights make the Spoon Boy's appearance too redundant:

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] What did the Oracle tell you?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] She told me I'm the Super Ohm. See why I like anagrams?
[b:post_uid0]Trinity:[/b:post_uid0] She said that I--
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Hey, my favorite noodle house!

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] So, what's the deal with the spoon?
[b:post_uid0]Boy:[/b:post_uid0] There is no spoon.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Are there forks?
[b:post_uid0]Boy:[/b:post_uid0] Yes, Neo. The forks will be with you... always.[/color:post_uid0]

Pteryx 12-30-2003 08:30 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I still agree with Standback that we need a replacement for Spoon Boy's line if we're going to use the noodle house variation in order to properly give the sense of many answers. Â Problem is, we're having trouble coming up with something funny. Â The best I managed was:

[quote:post_uid0][b:post_uid0]Cypher[/b:post_uid0]: She told me my role in this movie got downgraded. Â I'll show [i:post_uid0]her.[/i:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]

...which has the advantage of alluding to the plot changes without making a whole block out of a scene that didn't make it into the movie.

On Standback's original version of Morpheus's line versus the short "See why I like anagrams?" version, I'm pretty much neutral. Â -- Pteryx[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 01-03-2004 04:29 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Saxamaphone"][color=#000000:post_uid0][b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] What did the Oracle tell you?
[b:post_uid0]Morpheus:[/b:post_uid0] She told me I'm the Super Ohm. Â See why I like anagrams?
[b:post_uid0]Cypher:[/b:post_uid0] She told me my role in this movie got downgraded. I'll show [i:post_uid0]her[/i:post_uid0].
[b:post_uid0]Trinity:[/b:post_uid0] She said that I--
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Hey, my favorite noodle house!

[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] What's the deal with the spoon?
[b:post_uid0]Boy:[/b:post_uid0] There is no spoon.
[b:post_uid0]Neo:[/b:post_uid0] Are there forks?
[b:post_uid0]Boy:[/b:post_uid0] Yes, Neo. Â The forks will be with you... always.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]I think this is the best compromise. I agree with Pteryx that a Cypher line in the first scene is better than sticking Spoon Boy there. (Much better, since we'd have Trin and Spoon Boy in a scene together that way, and they never were in the movie.) Aside from that line and a tiny edit, this is Sax's streamlined version. Everyone okay with it?[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 01-03-2004 06:03 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yes. Absolutely. :bigsmile:[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 01-03-2004 10:00 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Sounds good to me.[/color:post_uid0]

Standback 01-03-2004 04:06 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Sounds just fine by me.

[quote:post_uid0](Much better, since we'd have Trin and Spoon Boy in a scene together that way, and they never were in the movie.)[/quote:post_uid0]

And we wouldn't want a glaring inaccuracy like that in one of our high-standard fivers, would we? Fans go over these things frame by frame, you know. This one, for example, would be an excellent base for a new theory that the [i:post_uid0]real[/i:post_uid0] One is actually Gimli. :D[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 01-03-2004 11:07 PM

Very good. Block closed; I'll start 19 as soon as I can.

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