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Ginga 03-31-2005 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Alexia
And no, Ginga, it's just you :wink: That crying emote has always been there! :mrgreen:

No way, really? But it looks different somehow. ...speaking of which, so does the lol icon. o_O Um.


Originally Posted by Scooter
I preferred Kirstie Alley to Robin Curtis.

Hey, so did I! I thought Robin Curtis was painfully robotic, but Kirstie Alley at least brought a little charm into the character.

Chancellor Valium 07-21-2005 07:57 PM

Hmm....I have a couple of confessions to make....

I've changed my mind on SG: Atlantis

I don't like BSG03

Alexia 07-21-2005 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
I've changed my mind on SG: Atlantis

It's awesome! :D

Nan 07-21-2005 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia
My opinion of DS9 greatly improved when they did that Jadzia/random woman kiss.

That was pretty hot. ;)

Star Trek: Space Lesbians!

Chancellor Valium 07-21-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
I've changed my mind on SG: Atlantis

It's awesome! :D

Indeed it is. And shiny, too!
(but not as much as a spoon...)

KillerGodMan 07-24-2005 12:25 PM

Actually, I changed my mind about DS9, but after re-watching season 2 of TOS, I say that a didn't fully enjoy it, I liked it, but not compared to the other two seasons...

Ginga 07-25-2005 03:43 AM

I changed my mind about DS9. I think I'm almost at the point where I'll go out of my way to remember to turn Spike on in the morning to watch it.

Good stuff, that.

MaverickZer0 07-25-2005 09:53 PM

Lucky. We don't get any stations that show DS9 here. Space ahs stopped playing it.

*thinks a little bit* Before I got here my only exposure to Mega Man was the Battle Network 3 commercial. I grew up in an Atari home, so I'd never heard of it before and thought it was a Pokemon ripoff.

Unbelievable but true.

PointyHairedJedi 07-25-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
I grew up in an Atari home, so I'd never heard of it before and thought it was a Pokemon ripoff.

You mean it's not? :shock:

Chancellor Valium 07-25-2005 10:56 PM

I am probably one of a very select few who has disliked almost all Nintendo games. The exception, is, of course, Tetris.

Ginga 07-26-2005 03:16 AM

Video games now?

Well, okay.

I hate Xbox! It's a silly man's system! *kicks it* I suppose it's just a coincidence that the stupid thing has the same colors as oh, say, a Borg cube! Boo on Xbox. *sits in the Nintendo/Playstation corner*

KillerGodMan 07-26-2005 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga
Video games now?

Well, okay.

I hate Xbox! It's a silly man's system! *kicks it* I suppose it's just a coincidence that the stupid thing has the same colors as oh, say, a Borg cube! Boo on Xbox. *sits in the Nintendo/Playstation corner*

*readys super-hyper-mega-hellava strong blast shield*

We're gonna need this... *hides* (I agree with you about X-Box, EXCEPT for KOTOR, which is awesome, and that's the truth)

MaverickZer0 07-26-2005 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
I grew up in an Atari home, so I'd never heard of it before and thought it was a Pokemon ripoff.

You mean it's not? :shock:

Mmm...original game came out in 1987, so I would guess not. But Capcom is very good at predicting the future, as seen here. I know, I was shocked, too. I realize the pictures don't show up well, but...the text. Interesting, I think.

Don't worry about it, I hate X-Box too. Aside from Fable and the upcoming Mega Man Anniversary Collection for it, it's not a very good system. Because it's Microsoft. And also very heavy. Oh, and I mean Halo, too. That's right. A video game nut who doesn't like Halo.

And I hate Final Fantasy, too. And I'm an RPG gamer. I also have no great love for the plumber, either! I think Duck Hunt was better than SMB!

...I believe that was the sound of the space-time continuum snapping. Excuse me.

Vedra 07-26-2005 05:36 AM

Hey everybody. I know I've been away for a while, and to be honest, my posting will probably still be patchy after this. I got a new job and I'm having to work out how to balance my time between working and lying in bed trying to not think about working.

Ahem. I suppose it's open season now, so I'll confess anything I can come up with.

First off, I hate Enterprise with a fiery passion, but I'm still curious about it. I may watch it some day.

I adored Voyager through and through, and it's still very dear to me. But I do see some people's points about it.

All of the other series are great, but I dislike the Original Series. I consider it more of a forerunner to what I know to be Trek-like.

I wanted Seven to either end up with Harry or for them to admit the strange mother/daughter/lesbian undertones between her and Janeway and for her to start refering to the captain as "Mumsy".

I always liked Kira more than Sisko. I wish they had made her commander of the station a long time before the show ended. And they shouldn't have gotten rid of Jadzia, it was a bad move. But I think even they realized it.

I enjoyed Nemesis for what it was. I don't know why they did some of the weird CG stuff they did, like the weird shields and other things, but whatever.

Even though they were like PalmPilots, the Nemesis tricorders were really cool and much more futuristic than the older ones.

And I think Picard crying in Generations impacted me, emotionally, more than some people. They had built him up as this stoic leader for so long and kept it consistent, it was nice that they let him get out of his shell a little. Plus I think Patrick Stewart can act better than they let him.

That might be all the Trek-related stuff, so I'll move on.

Um...I have an addiction to snow cones, but I can control it.

I thought Harry Potter was a total ass in the fifth book. I can understand his feelings, but he should've been a little more composed or something. He seemed out of character a little.

I don't like to write or read fanfiction because it seems like total wankery on the authors' parts.

I never manage to complete books these days. I have so many sitting around my room with bookmarks halfway through, it's sad.

I loved the book Memoirs of a Geisha, but I'm so scared that they're going to just murder the film version of it.

I have unpaid library fines. I'm such a rebel!

I have an unhealthy fear of tapioca.

I think that's it, really.

Chancellor Valium 07-26-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by KillerGodMan
We're gonna need this... *hides* (I agree with you about X-Box, EXCEPT for KOTOR, which is awesome, and that's the truth)

KotOR is, but you can get it on PC, as well :wink:

Also, Vedra, I'm pretty sure that "Mumsy" and "Dadsy" are reserved for
Upper-Middle Class English twits :P :P :P :P

Zeke 07-26-2005 07:00 PM

Welcome back, Ved! Always good to see a forum regular return.

Hmm... confessions... I genuinely like The OC.

Chancellor Valium 07-26-2005 10:01 PM

^ :shock: ^42

Vedra 07-27-2005 06:09 AM

You like the OC?! Gaspness!

Actually, I've never seen it. It looks sufficiently vapid to qualify as never-see-tv for me, though.

For some reason, I like Nip/Tuck, though.

danieldoof 07-27-2005 10:07 AM

I also like Nip/Tuck

thought about buying season one on dvd....

maybe should do it

Chancellor Valium 07-27-2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
You like the OC?! Gaspness!

Actually, I've never seen it. It looks sufficiently vapid to qualify as never-see-tv for me, though.

Gotta agree with you on the vapidity. I've never actually seen a whole episode. I'm not sure I'd want to....

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