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mark726 05-06-2006 05:31 AM

Oh pokemon. I was definitely obsessed with it back with blue and red. I kept up with them through Silver/Gold, but then I kind of stopped playing game boy in general. They do still have a soft spot in my heart, I admit. When I'm playing Smash Bros, my personal favorite is still pikachu...

I haven't had a chance to really play around with Colosseum, unfortunately. It's something I'll need to look into, I think.

Which one was the first one, anyway? Was that the Mewtwo one?

MaverickZer0 05-06-2006 06:20 AM

It was one of the two Mewtwo ones. There was another, unnumbered one featuring Mewtwo later on as well.
Personally, my favorite movie was the second one...I still watch the show occasionally, too.
...Which Voyagers joke? I don't see anything in part 7.

Marill 05-06-2006 04:10 PM


Hey, it's Marill! Glad you're still out there.
Woohoo, I'm remembered.. wait that's a bad thing, scrap that :D

Speaking of, I can't remember if it's possible on phpbb as my forum's set so anybody can change their own username, but can I have my username as Marill? MarilLena, it feels like I've grown out of it.. plus everyone kept spelling it wrong. People still call me Marril :(


The show was lame but harmless.
Eh so it is lmao.. I dont think I'll be watching anymore *continues writing death threat to new James VA*


Really? Which one? Because I didn't have Colosseum till last week.
Both. I got XD first, bought my own Game Cube weeks later (I only played it at my mam's at the weekends) and played it for 2 days straight :shock: Once I was nearly done with it I got Colosseum. What did you name your hero and his stalker, I stupidly named them James and Jessie ha.


I haven't had a chance to really play around with Colosseum, unfortunately. It's something I'll need to look into, I think.
My advice is don't if you have any kind of life (unlike me), it's really addictive :)


It was one of the two Mewtwo ones. There was another, unnumbered one featuring Mewtwo later on as well.
Personally, my favorite movie was the second one...I still watch the show occasionally, too.
...Which Voyagers joke? I don't see anything in part 7.
The second one's easily the best, but I do want to get my hands on the eighth one when it's released, it looks bloody brilliant compared to movies 3 - 7 ha.

Voyagers? I think it was part 5, I was in it.. my last line was something like "who wants to play Colosseum?' At the time I didn't have it, and I sighed thinking 'you should of said Emerald' ^_^

Zeke 05-06-2006 05:04 PM

Of course! You said "last" so I looked in Part 7, and didn't think to check the one you were actually in. As for my characters, I always name myself Zeke or (for variation) Zero, and this time I picked Zero... so naturally I had to name my "stalker" Ciel. (That's a Mega Man Zero reference if you haven't played it.) It beats my years-old Gold game, where I'm Zeke and my female-looking but actually male rival is Kira....

By the way, in the rare games (so far just one) where I play as a girl, I go with Zelda. She never gets to be the star.

Oh, and I will change your name. It's actually quite easy.

Marill 05-06-2006 05:25 PM

Lol poor Kira. In my later restarts I called my Gold/Crystal/Silver (and Leaf Green) rival rude words so people would say stuff like "that Crap guy beat me at a match" or something. Too bad you can't name your rival in Ruby/Sapphire. I think my catridge version of Silver was the B/female dog word - until the save got erased.

Has anyone tried Pokemon Channel on the Game Cube. The European version is supposed to contain Jirachi but the game looks terrible, Jirachi itself is not work £10


Oh, and I will change your name. It's actually quite easy.
Thanks muchly :lol:

PointyHairedJedi 05-08-2006 02:43 PM

I always used Dexter/Madark myself, but that was back when Dexter's Lab was still, y'know, good.

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